Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 388 Bandaging the Wound

Chapter 388 Bandaging the Wound
The night falls, the stars disappear, and the sky becomes bright.

Mo Yuxuan got up on a whim and quietly got up early to make breakfast for the others.

She walked out of the room lightly, went straight into the kitchen, and started to work.

As for the others, it was only after six o'clock, and they were all still asleep.

Lin Yan is different. Although he is also resting, he is now busy in the small world.

Xiaotiandi is a parallel world, which is somewhat different from the real world. There is only day and no night in it.

Lin Yan stretched, not knowing how long he had been in.

However, his attention was quickly drawn elsewhere.

Lin Yan can only enter Xiaotiandi through his consciousness. Every time he enters, his body will go into hibernation, because he is afraid of being worried by others. Before entering, he will take care of the real affairs in advance, so as not to let other people easily disturb him.

At this time, he was refining some essential items needed to find herbs in the small world.

For a doctor, the consumption of such essential items is huge and needs to be replenished frequently, for example, some medicines for external healing of colds and colds.

"The herbs in Xiaotiandi are growing gratifyingly, and they can be picked within two days." Lin Yan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Seeing the vigorous growth of the medicine, Lin Yan was very happy in his heart, and couldn't hide his joy on his face.

When you need medicinal materials in the future, you don't have to worry about it.

Although Xiaotiandi belonged to Lin Yan, he didn't know much about it. Because of the scorpion incident, Lin Yan took it back to his heart and kept exploring Xiaotiandi.

Lin Yan distracted his consciousness to pay attention to the outside world. If someone came to wake him up, he could respond in time.

At this moment, he felt a shout from outside, the voice was very familiar, it seemed to be... Mo Yuxuan!

Thinking of this, Lin Yan became extremely flustered, and hurriedly withdrew his consciousness and woke up from his sleep.

With his feet on the cold floor, he opened the door and went out without even wearing slippers.

"Mo Yuxuan, where are you?"

Lin Yan was anxious, but he didn't know where she was.

He stopped in the living room, but didn't get a reply. When he heard the noise coming from the kitchen, he took three steps at a time, walked over quickly, opened the door and walked in.

Sure enough, Mo Yuxuan was in the kitchen.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yan thought of something and frowned tightly.

In the kitchen, Mo Yuxuan was alone.

Mo Yuxuan's back was facing the door, Lin Yan couldn't see her expression, but his intuition told him something happened.

"What's the matter, what happened?" He stopped when he walked to Mo Yuxuan's side, and his attention was immediately attracted by the wound on her hand.

Knowing that there was someone coming from behind, Mo Yuxuan frantically stretched out his hands and wiped his face twice, pretending not to care and turning around, his eyes were still red.

She just cried.

Seeing that it was Lin Yan who came, she felt a little overwhelmed, and tears welled up in her eyes.

"I just got it." Mo Yuxuan said aggrievedly.

As a delicate young lady, she has never been exposed to such things, and she rarely even touches knives. This can be said to be her first attempt.

Lin Yan suddenly understood what was going on with the irregularly cut tomatoes on the chopping board and the boiling water in the pot.

Mo Yuxuan sobbed, and slowly told Lin Yan the situation.

Lin Yan took her other hand, the two sat on the sofa in the living room, Lin Yan planned to help her treat the wound.

There was a crude medicine box on the coffee table, and he was holding her cut finger, the blood was still gushing out and couldn't be stopped.

"Be patient, wait until the dressing is done."

Lin Yan babbled, and there was concern in his tone that he himself hadn't noticed.

There are very few medicines in the medicine cabinet, only cold medicine, alcohol, cotton swabs and bandages, nothing else.

There was no medicine available for Mo Yuxuan's injury.

The wound was bandaged without anti-inflammation, and it was more likely to be infected. Lin Yan was thinking about what to do.

Mo Yuxuan didn't see his worry, he was still immersed in his emotions and didn't come out.She grabbed the corner of her clothes with her uninjured hand, her eyes were still red, she pursed her lips tightly but didn't speak, like a child who did something wrong.

Lin Yan looked distressed and rubbed her head.

"Yuxuan, it's good to leave things like making breakfast to other people. You stay in peace, and there won't be a next time."

After a pause, Lin Yan seemed to feel that his tone was a little serious. He softened his attitude and added, "I will be worried if you are hurt."

Mo Yuxuan lowered her head and retorted in a low voice, "I just wanted to give you a surprise." She didn't expect such a thing to happen, and she was also very surprised.

"Okay, it's okay, Ang, adjust your mood."

Lin Yan caressed her back, he didn't mean to blame her.

While comforting her, the healing medicine he made not long ago in the small world suddenly appeared in his mind, and he had a flash of inspiration.

Perhaps, his medicine could come in handy.

At that time, Lin Yan was thinking, how can he take out those medicines,

External healing medicine can be very useful at this time, but unfortunately it can only be stored in the small world, Lin Yan sighed, something unexpected happened to him: when he was thinking about this matter, the medicine appeared out of thin air in his hand.

Lin Yan, who had witnessed everything, opened his eyes wide in surprise, confirming that he was not mistaken, the medicine actually appeared in his hand.

At this time, he couldn't care about anything else, so Lin Yan bandaged Mo Yuxuan with the help of medicinal materials.

Medicines are taken from the small world, so there is no need to worry about the quality of medicines.

"Yuxuan, I'll help you apply a bandage." Lin Yan took out a bandage from the medicine box.

"There are no anti-inflammatory drugs at home." Mo Yuxuan said, sniffing, finally calming down.

There was a tingling sensation in the fingertips.

Mo Yuxuan felt the pain, she wanted to pull her hand back, but Lin Yan pressed her hand, and he whispered a threat in her ear.

"Don't move, be obedient, the wound will leave a scar if it gets worse."

After the wound was healed, Mo Yuxuan had time to think about other issues.

"Where did you get the medicine?" She raised her head and asked curiously, clearly remembering that there was no medicine left, she didn't think Lin Yan bought the medicine now, and he didn't go out this morning.

"Not important not important."

Lin Yan waved his hand, intending to casually say a few perfunctory words to get past this topic.

He didn't know how to explain the existence of Xiaotiandi to her.

It was Mo Yuxuan who was obsessed with this question, and asked, "You can't conjure it out of thin air, can you, Lin Yan can do magic?"

Lin Yan was amused by her tilting her head seriously, and only nodded, agreeing with her, "It's like this."

The day passed quickly, and night fell again.

When everyone went back to their rooms to rest, Lin Yan entered Xiaotiandi again.

The scene of applying medicine to Mo Yuxuan in the morning appeared in his mind from time to time, but what kept him wondering was how the medicine appeared.

Holding a huge book in his hand, he flicked through the pages boredly, trying to find out the reason.

(End of this chapter)

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