Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 379 Retreat?

Chapter 379 Retreat?

"Okay, I'll give you a face. Now that I'm here, I'll go in with you to meet the Taoist priest and see what skills he has."

In fact, at this time, Lin Yan didn't believe it at all, but because of Zhu Donghan's face, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and follow him to meet the so-called Taoist leader. After all, he had arrived at the door of his house, so he just left It's really not good.

Hearing that Lin Yan agreed to go in with him to meet the Taoist priest, Zhu Donghan finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good, then let's go in now."

Zhu Donghan knew that Lin Yan was extremely disappointed, because the little Taoist priests at the door were too low-level, and Zhu Donghan himself knew that those little Taoist priests were not good enough, so Lin Yan was disappointed.

But the Daoist is different. He is a person who really needs real skills, so Zhu Donghan doesn't want Lin Yan to miss it. After all, only the Daoist can help them find Yuwenjia's body as soon as possible. If he misses this time, Lin Yan Yan will definitely regret it if he finds out in the future, and he doesn't want Lin Yan to regret it.

But just when the two of them were about to go in, the little Taoist priests at the door also found them, and seeing that they wanted to enter the gymnasium, they quickly stopped the two of them.

"Who are you? What are you doing in our gym?"

While talking, these little Taoist priests walked over and looked at Lin Yan's clothes up and down, and then saw that Lin Yan's clothes were very cheap. Those little Taoist priests immediately showed disdainful eyes.

After all, if some dignitaries really want to find them, they must be picked up by a luxury car. How can they come here on foot like Lin Yan and the others, and the clothes they wear are so cheap, so these two guys must not come to them Daoist, then it is time to offer incense.

But even if they came to offer incense, ordinary people like them certainly couldn't afford expensive incense, so those little Taoist priests looked at Lin Yan and the others with disdain.

After all, over the years, the people who have been in their gymnasium are basically either rich or noble, and it is difficult to meet ordinary people like Xiang Lin Yan and the others, so those little Taoist priests will naturally not give Lin Yan and them any good looks.

Because they think that you may also come here to try your luck, because there are too many dignitaries and dignitaries here, maybe these ordinary people may know this, so they come here specifically to touch porcelain. Thinking of this, those little The Taoist priest looked at Lin Yan and the others with even more unkind eyes.

Seeing the eyes of a little Taoist priest, Lin Yan felt a little baffled. He just went into the gymnasium to meet the Taoist priest. Why do these little Taoist priests look at them like this, just like looking at prostitutes? of.

However, since Zhu Donghan had promised to go in and meet the Taoist priest, Lin Yan still decided to endure the tone, so Lin Yan thought for a while and said, "We are here..."

But before he finished speaking, those little Taoist priests interrupted him first: "Okay, we know you are here to offer incense, come in with us."

Those little Taoist priests were naturally impatient to hear what Lin Yan said, so they interrupted him directly, and before Lin Yan waited, they walked in first, motioning for Lin Yan to follow.

Seeing these little Taoist priests so arrogant, Lin Yan was a little speechless, but after thinking about it, he decided to follow them in. After all, he had already promised Zhu Donghan, so naturally he couldn't break his promise and get fat.

What's more, these little Taoist priests behaved so arrogantly. Maybe the Taoist leader really has some abilities that he doesn't know. Of course, if the other party is just a false name, then Lin Yan will not let the other party go today. He must teach them a lesson. See Will they dare to fool people in the future!
However, after following those little Taoist priests in, those little Taoist priests did not take them to introduce any Taoist priests, but brought them a bunch of very cheap incense.

"These are the incenses you want, and they are not expensive, only 1 yuan."

Looking at the cheap incense in the hands of those little Taoist priests, Lin Yan frowned. It wasn't that he was short of money, but the incense was so cheap, not worth 1 yuan at all. Didn't these little Taoist priests think he was being taken advantage of? So feel free to trick him?

"Little Taoist priest, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for these incenses to cost 1 yuan. Could it be that you deceived us that we don't understand the market?"

Although Lin Yan didn't know much about this aspect, he still had a good eye. Even if he didn't know very well, he could be sure that these cheap incenses couldn't be worth 1 yuan, so this little Taoist priest must be deceiving them.

Thinking of this, Lin Yan's heart was completely cold. These little Taoist priests are so deceitful, which makes him even less fond of this gymnasium, and if he can teach such a person, the so-called Taoist leader must not have a good character So, does he really have that ability?
Lin Yan remained skeptical, because a person with such a low character does not look like a person with special abilities.

Zhu Donghan knew that Lin Yan didn't believe it at all, and even had the idea of ​​turning around and leaving again, so he was a little anxious, and quickly revealed Lin Yan's identity: "Do you little Taoist boys know who he is? He is Lin Yan. Miracle doctor, why don't you take him to see the Taoist priest?"

Hearing what Zhu Donghan said, those little Taoist priests hesitated. After all, the two of them could not deceive them in this regard, because such things are easy to expose, so those little Taoist priests hesitated for a while, and decided to report to the report .

Seeing that these little Taoist priests wanted to report, Zhu Donghan breathed a sigh of relief. What he didn't know was that Lin Yan really guessed right this time. After hearing those little Taoist priests under his command explain Lin Yan's identity, they immediately became malicious and wanted to make a big deal of Hei Linyan.

After all, it is very profitable to be a doctor these days, especially Lin Yan still bears the name of a genius doctor, it must be very interesting, so the Taoist priest is eager to see him, and naturally wants Hei Linyan a sum of money, so that they can be cruel Big bucks.

So the Taoist priest thought for a while and said: "Since it's that divine doctor who came here, he must be very rich. You can tell him later that I'm in retreat now, and I need a lot of money for perfume to make me better." Exit."

Hearing what the Taoist said, the little Taoist boys immediately understood what he meant, so they immediately nodded and said, "Okay, we understand."

After answering, those little Taoist priests hurriedly conveyed the Taoist priest's words to Lin Yan and the others. Of course they said it very euphemistically, but Lin Yan did understand.

"You said that your Taoist priest is in retreat?"

"It's really ridiculous. Since he is retreating, why can we let him go out by adding sesame oil money? Could it be that his cultivation is based on money?"

(End of this chapter)

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