Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 358 Backlash

Chapter 358 Backlash

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Lan Miao's eyes widened and his mouth widened. All this made him unbelievable. He jumped into the basement and roared like a wounded wolf.

"Ah ah ah ah ah."

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you."

Lan Miao stared at Lin Yan with murderous intent and despair in his tiger eyes. It took a lot of time and materials to make this medicine furnace under the eyes of Lan Xiazi's family.

But now, it was destroyed by Lin Yan. If it was just a medicine stove, he wouldn't care so much. Although these things are very valuable, they are not that important to him.

What really made him angry and desperate was that this medicine stove was related to the life and death of his daughter.

The medicine stove is gone, the preconditions cannot be fulfilled, and the time since his daughter died is too long, once he loses the protection of the medicine stove, he will lose the only chance to revive his daughter.

His daughter, his only blood, his only motivation to live in this world is gone?

How can this kid?
How dare this kid?
"Uh, I said that I entered here by accident, and then accidentally touched this fragile medicine stove and it disappeared, do you believe it?"

Lin Yan, who was just about to leave here, looked up at Lan Miao, who was angry like a wounded lone wolf, and said with a sneer, "I said I didn't mean it, do you believe it?"

"I will kill you."

The facts are right in front of our eyes, Lan Miao is neither blind nor an idiot, how could he be fooled by Lin Yan with just a few words?Lan Miao, who had been blinded by anger, didn't listen to Lin Yan's nonsense at all. He stepped on the ground almost without stopping, and pointed towards Lin Yan with a pinch of his left hand.

Dots of green silk thread entwine towards Lin Yan along the track like a spider's thread. Lin Yan couldn't help being vigilant and dodged quickly when he saw it, for fear of being touched by these seemingly fragile silk threads.

After dealing with people from the Lan family for so much time, he still knows the methods of these guys very well. In terms of cultivation, he might not be ranked at all in the cultivation world, and he is not even much better than him.

But in terms of strength, these guys are absolutely unique in terms of difficulty. They belong to the kind of dog skin plaster that once sticks to it, unless one of them dies, it can't be dragged off with life or death.

After all, these bastards are majoring in sorcery that people in the cultivation world hate and hate.

"Kill you, kill you, ah."

"My daughter is gone, you bastard made my daughter completely gone, and my hope of living is gone."

"Die, I don't want to live anymore, you can die with me too. Die."

Lan Miao roared that his shot was a killer move with no room for it, not only for Lin Yan, but also for himself.

These moves turned out to be the kind of tyrannical moves that were issued at the cost of sacrificing part of one's blood, life, and even soul.

"It's fucking crazy."

Lin Yan was scolding while trying to dodge, unwilling to fight the crazy guy. Apparently he also saw why Lan Miao's moves were so tyrannical.

Logically speaking, there is not much difference between Lan Miao's strength and his, and even to a certain extent, he is not as good as him. Relying on the nimble skill to avoid the point.

In order to achieve this, Lin Yan couldn't think of anything other than using himself as nourishment to increase his attack power.

"This guy wants to die with me."

A little green flame in the twine of the silk thread struck Lin Yan's clothes along the thread. Lin Yan quickly reached out and tore off the coat, and the clothes turned into ashes in the blink of an eye.

Seeing this scene, and looking at Lan Miao whose gray face became more and more intense, Lin Yan gave a wry smile, and secretly scolded himself a few words,

"If I knew it earlier, I wouldn't have destroyed this medicine stove. Even if I wanted to, it would not be at this time. Otherwise, this old guy wouldn't be desperate."


While Lin Yan was cursing, ball-shaped flames floated towards him between Lan Miao's left and right fights. Other than that, the gathering of so many flames did not raise the temperature in the narrow space, but gave people a sense of urgency. A bone-chilling chill.

After those spherical flames approached, Lin Yan took a look, and then realized, what kind of flames are these, they are clearly Gu piles formed by densely packed Gu insects.

It's just because these Gu worms are too small, and because the whole body is fiery red, it gives people such a feeling.

There are thousands of Gu worms densely packed in one fireball. These dozen or so fireballs suddenly shattered in front of Lin Yan, submerging the entire basement in an instant.

"Eat him for me."

Lan Miao roared, and an army of hundreds of thousands of Gu worms surged towards Lin Yan like an endless tide. Although the fiery red ocean had no heat from the flames, it was as biting as ice.

Surrounded by groups of people, Lin Yan looked around and was surrounded by Gu worms, only feeling the biting chill hit his heart and heart palpitations.

"Grass, this really wants my life."

"Even if you want my life, you don't have to do it? There are so many Gu worms, are you sure you have the ability to feed this old bone?"

Lin Yan cursed, punched a big hole in the wall made of Gu worms and jumped out, but just after he jumped out, he saw that there were still densely packed Gu worms that seemed to be invisible.

He couldn't help feeling hopeless, feeling his own insignificance.

At the same time, she also looked sideways at Lan Miao's determination.

"This old guy really doesn't want to live anymore, he wants to pull me back."

Although he was already in the ocean formed by Gu insects, and there was almost no space around him to see the outside, but Lin Yan was also recognized as a master in medical skills, relying on his eyesight.

Although it was still far away and was covered by Gu insects, Lin Yan could tell by the faint aura more than ten meters away. Although his current condition was not good, Lan Miao's condition on the opposite side was even worse than him.

"Cough cough."

Outside the Gu sea, Lan Miao, who was casting spells to manipulate the Gu worms, suddenly coughed a few times, and then although he tried hard to not break the spellcasting state, he couldn't help spitting out big mouthfuls of blood from his mouth.

Sure enough, as Lin Yan had guessed, Lan Miao's situation at this moment was not much better than that of Lin Yan who was in the sea of ​​worms. In fact, the situation was even worse than Lin Yan's.

So many Gu worms are not so easy to control. The evil magic will cause a burden on the body and even the soul, and sometimes even cause permanent damage, not to mention forcibly controlling so many Gu worms that are beyond the scope of one's ability. Gu worm?
The backlash began when Lan Miao manipulated so many Gu worms, and his life also disappeared with the passage of time.

(End of this chapter)

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