Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 351 The Charm of Money

Chapter 351 The Charm of Money

The man behind him took two steps forward.Hand over a small card.

Lin Yan took the card in confusion and found that it was a bank card.

"Brother Lin Yan, calling you a miracle doctor is a big deal. If you don't mind, I'll call you brother. Don't be afraid. We still understand the rules of the Lan family. This card has a medical fee of [-] million. , I also hope that Brother Lin can do his best to take care of my son's illness."

After Lan Zhengwei found out that he had leaked his words, he immediately put on a kind face and said, Lin Yan turned his face away, trying not to look at that kind of face that makes people have nightmares, when he heard that there were actually [-] million in this card , Immediately, the eyes began to shine, [-] million, [-] million, what is the concept of [-] million?If there are [-] million, his own medical center is estimated to be able to expand several times.

You old blind man, if you were so polite earlier, don’t say your son has such madness, you said that you want Lin Yan to try to cure you, an old blind man with cataracts and white eyeballs gone , Lin Yan even wanted to try it.

"Okay, okay, the senior is so polite because he is eager to save his son. As a junior, of course I understand. Moreover, senior has given such a generous medical fee. I will do my best to treat your son, but , I would like to state first that curing diseases and saving people is not something that can be cured in a short time, so please don’t be anxious, seniors.”

Lin Yan's tone is self-evident, even you old guy, what should you do if you cross the river and tear down the bridge? Even if I can cure this disease, I won't show you all of a sudden.At that time, if I am optimistic, I will not be able to tell if I have the life to take the money or not.

"Of course, of course, Brother Lin, if my son's illness is cured, he will be the great benefactor of our Lan family. In the future, we will end our family friendship, and we will never treat Brother Lin badly."

Lan Zhengwei promised, but he was laughing in his heart. If he didn't look at the guy, he could tell that this was the mad blood after the Lan family went mad, and he would laugh at Lan Zhengwei just because he was a young boy. He is a dead blind man, he has died three hundred times already.

Old turtle bastard, Lin Yan could certainly see that this blind man Lan was fooling him. How could he, a member of the Lan family, know a young boy like him who was a family friend at that time? But in this situation, he could only pretend not to hear the meaning. Besides, the card in his hand was worth [-] million. For the sake of money, he was still willing to take the risk.

At this time, although Lin Yan judged from the symptoms of Lan Daqiang on the opposite side that he was lost for some reason, bloodthirsty and crazy, like the legendary mad blood, he tried it just now, and it really confirmed his guess .

It's just that although he knows about this mad blood, but according to his current ability, there is still no way to treat it.He can find a place where no one is around to study that ancient book, but in the current situation, he must first find a way to get out.

Since there is a picture of Yu Wenjia in the ancient book, he still has to contact Zhu Handong to find out what happened, but judging from the current situation, these things seem to be inextricably linked to the Lan family. What is the relationship, he is still a little confused.

After thinking about the order clearly, Lin Yan stopped talking nonsense, and he had the poisonous snake powder left over from last time in his hand. Although the stuff was extremely poisonous, it had a miraculous effect of calming the mind and calming the mind.Usually, he would use the antidote of snake venom to calm some crazy patients, but seeing Lan Daqiang's mad state in front of him, it was too late to prepare the antidote.

This Lan Daqiang, even if he finds an antidote, will die due to the exhaustion of the sequelae of mad blood. That is to say, his current breath is all supported by this madness. Will hang up at any time.Now he can only take risks, use half of the usual dose of calm to maintain Lan Daqiang's mind, temporarily suppress his madness, and then detoxify in time to find other solutions.

"First of all, it's okay to save people. You can't restrict my freedom. I have sedative medicinal materials with me now, but this can only be stabilized temporarily for two or three days. I still need to find another solution. And the side effects after the meeting, After taking it, the body will be paralyzed and the tongue will be stiff. Consciousness can be restored, but people cannot move freely."

Lin Yan explained what kind of sequelae this was. It was obviously a symptom after the attack of snake venom, but Lan Zhengwei would not have thought that Lin Yan would use snake venom to give Lan Daqiang a sedative.I heard that it can restore sanity, which is much better than the quacks he dealt with.

"Okay, you can treat Daqiang first."

Lan Zhengwei waved his hand as a tacit consent, Lin Yan took out the container containing snake venom from his pocket, Lan Miao questioned behind Lan Zhengwei,
"Can you make sure that your medicine is not poison and will harm the young master?"

This person in the dark is really not an ordinary person, and he can remain vigilant in this situation. It seems that this is the number one threat person that he should pay attention to in the future.

"I can't prove anything to you. Look at your young master's condition. I don't know if I can hold on."

Lin Yan deserves to pretend that you are dying of love, that's how I behave.Sure enough, although Lan Zhengwei paused for a moment, he still stopped that Lan Miao from questioning,

"Go quickly, don't worry, if the treatment is good, our Lan family will make up for your medical expenses."

Lin Yan breathed a sigh of relief. If Lan Miao asked for someone to test the medicine again, the snake venom in his hand would be exposed.

Lin Yan handed over a transparent piece filled with snake venom, and immediately a servant of the Lan family in black took it. Under the gaze of the three people, he opened the mouth of Lan Daqiang who looked like a madman and poured it in.

Lin Yan's heart was extremely nervous. He was also marching in danger. If the dose of snake venom was too much, Lan Daqiang would die from the snake venom even if he did not die of madness. If the dose was not enough, Lan Daqiang would not be able to recover. With his sanity, he would probably have his neck broken by the blind man Lan in front of him and be buried with his crazy son.

Fortunately, even though Lan Daqiang struggled a few times after being injected with snake venom, he still relaxed slowly and sat down softly against the wall.Lan Daqiang hurriedly took a few steps forward, and walked to Lan Daqiang to check his son's condition.

Hearing that Lan Daqiang no longer whimpered like a beast, he was relieved. After a while, he saw that Lan Daqiang's hand holding Lan Zhengwei slowly loosened. Qing muttered something.

"La... Goose is so good..."

After finishing speaking, he fell asleep. Although Lan Daqiang was slurred, Lan Zhengwei still clearly heard what Lan Daqiang said, Dad, I'm so sleepy.

Immediately, he quickly asked his servants to carry Lan Daqiang to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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