Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 332 Placement of Yang Zhenhua

Chapter 332 Placement of Yang Zhenhua

When he knew that the person in front of him had tuberculosis, Wang Youming was frightened. Seeing the other party spitting blood directly on Lin Yan's face, Wang Youming's expression became terribly frightening.

He thought about a lot of things. What if Lin Yan was infected?
As soon as he thought of this possibility, Wang Youming looked at Lin Yan with a very delicate expression, a little afraid of being infected.He looked at Lin Yan cautiously, afraid of seeing despair on his face.

It is said that a doctor cannot heal himself, if Lin Yan dies because of this, what should he do?

"Lin Yan, are you okay? Should I take you to the hospital immediately?"

Yang Zhenhua did not expect such a thing to happen. He was also afraid that Lin Yan would be infected with tuberculosis just like Wang Youming.

Looking at the two worried eyes, Lin Yan smiled indifferently and wiped the blood from his face indifferently.

"You don't have to worry. It's not like you don't know my medical skills. How can such a small tuberculosis be difficult for me?"

Lin Yan's words are well-founded. There are medical books in his body.The medical book is invulnerable to all poisons. As a contract of the medical book, Lin Yan's body has long been invulnerable to all poisons.

"But it's only because of my physique. You are different, Wang Youming. Your body doesn't have any resistance to these things, so you stay away from the two of us."

Tuberculosis is spread in a unique way, being able to spread to other people through the air.The blood that Yang Zhenhua vomited just now contained his saliva, and the tuberculosis factor was hidden in it. With the action of his spitting out, the tuberculosis factor has now spread in the air.

Need to wait for a while, because there is no carrier, the pathogenic factor may die.

"Wang Youming, cover your nose, and then go to a nearby store to buy some disinfection and protection items." After Lin Yan explained some things that must be bought, he stayed with Yang Zhenhua.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Wang Youming didn't dare to delay and went to buy masks and disinfection protection immediately, and came back an hour later.

There are many things hanging on the head, and there are many bottles and cans in the arms.Lin Yan held some large bottles of spray to disinfect the air.

Because of his clairvoyance, he quickly sterilized the tuberculosis factor in the air, and then he and Wang Youming wrapped Yang Zhenhua tightly.

Especially for his mouth, under Lin Yan's mandatory requirement, he wore five masks.

Lin Yan found a hotel to put Yang Zhenhua in and asked him to wait for them to come back here.

Yang Zhenhua felt that this was like a scene, everything happened so suddenly, seeing the two people in front of him planning to leave, Yang Zhenhua didn't allow it.

"What if the two of you lied to me, what if you don't come to me later? Where can I find you?" Moreover, after what happened this day, Lin Yan will be vigilant in his heart. It may be very difficult to find trouble for Lin Yan.

If the two of them go to the police after they leave, his life will be over.

"If we want to leave, you can't stop us. If we announce that you have tuberculosis, who else do you think will associate with you, and your sister's condition."

These words are completely piercing Yang Zhenhua's heart. Every word is so painful. He can disregard himself even if he offends Lin Yan, but his sister is the person he loves the most. If Lin Yan doesn't help No one can save her.

Yang Zhenhua gave up, he should trust Lin Yan once.According to his observations these days, he knew that Lin Yan was a person who followed his word, and he had nothing to say about his character.

"If you come back early, I will cover my nose and pick my nose. But if you don't come back for too long, I may order food, and the waiter may come into contact with me. I can't guarantee that I won't transmit the disease to him."

This was a threat and a prayer. He only hoped that Lin Yan could come back to help him soon.

Having been in the abyss for so long, it's hard for them to trust others.

When the two people came out of the hotel, they looked fully armed.When the two of them came to the hospital and appeared in front of Mo Yuxuan, Mo Yuxuan was shocked.

If Lin Yan hadn't spoken, Mo Yuxuan wouldn't have been able to recognize these two people.

"What are you two doing? Could it be that you are too poor recently, so you want to come to the hospital to steal blood and sell it? But no, the clothes of the two of you are too revealing, and the police can tell the difference when they look at the surveillance."

When Mo Yuxuan spoke to them in a teasing tone, the faces of the two big men couldn't help but turn a little red. Fortunately, there were masks covering their faces, otherwise they would be ashamed.

Lin Yan didn't tell anything about his encounter with Yang Zhenhua. Seeing that Lin Yan had no intention of saying anything, Wang Youming also concealed the matter very well, and this was not a good thing. If Mo Yuxuan was afraid that Lin Yan would be infected by Yang Zhenhua, he would not let him To save someone, the two of them got into a fight and it was Mo Yuxuan who was most unlucky.

"Yu Wenjia is inside, right? I'll go in and have a look." When Lin Yan walked in, a nurse just changed Yu Wenjia's medicine, and suddenly saw two men appearing at the door, dressed so strangely.With only a pair of piercing eyes exposed, the nurse was startled.

Thinking it was robbery, the nurse subconsciously yelled.

Mo Yuxuan went to comfort the nurse and explained some things.The nurse knew that she was seeing the patient, so she left without saying anything, but her eyes were wrong when she left.

Mo Yuxuan scolded the two of them: "What the hell are you dressing up like? It scares everyone else. I don't know how the security of the hospital let the two of you in, but didn't chase you away."

Lin Yan's face was filled with embarrassment again. He couldn't tell Mo Yuxuan that when they came over, it happened to be the time when the security guards were changing. Did they run in while the security guards were not paying attention?Naturally, such a shameful thing cannot be said.

Seeing Yu Wenjia's condition with his own eyes, he found that there was no big problem with her. Mo Yuxuan was relieved after knowing this.Lin Yan said there was nothing, that means there was nothing.

Seeing that Yuwenjia had nothing to do, Lin Yanxin was worried about Yang Zhenhua, so he explained some things to Mo Yuxuan, and then left.

"What's wrong with Lin Yan today, why does he feel so anxious?" But Lin Yan had already left, and no one answered her.

Wang Youming was still in the ward. He knew what Lin Yan was going to do. Lin Yan should be going to the hotel to deal with Yang Zhenhua's affairs.

Wang Youming should be relieved to come here, he only cares about Yu Wenjia's affairs, but as the only person who can heal Yu Wenjia, if Lin Yan has something to do with Yang Zhenhua's affairs, Yu Wenjia will not be healed.

Therefore, Lin Yan can't have an accident.

"You take a good look at her in the hospital, and I'll go find Lin Yan." Wang Youming followed and left.

(End of this chapter)

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