Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 323 The Disruptor

Chapter 323 The Disruptor
Seeing that everyone was crowded together and no one lined up in an orderly manner, Lin Yan said: "Everyone, don't be crowded, line up and come one by one."

It's just that when he finished speaking, no one listened.It's not easy for everyone to come here, and there are many people who come to let Lin Yan see a doctor. They think that if they take pictures of the team but other people don't line up, then other people will come in front of them?
No one wants to do such a disadvantageous thing, so although Lin Yan's words were released, no one moved.

Not only did they not move, but because the person next to them squeezed them, they bumped back with their bodies.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yan felt a vein in his head beating all the time.

"You don't line up well, and you are crowded here one by one, how can I see a doctor for you?"

What Lin Yan said made them come to their senses. One of them looked at the person next to him and said, "I am the closest to Lin Yan. I am in the right team now. You are out of order. Go to the back, otherwise Lin Yan I won’t see a doctor for you later.”

Hearing this, the man immediately became angry. Instead of backing down, he stood in his own place and pushed the others away, "I'm right here. You all blocked the way of passers-by. You should behind us."

Everyone was dissatisfied with each other's proposal, and as they talked, several people fought, and the scene was very chaotic.

Seeing a few people fighting suddenly, Lin Yan went up to stop him, naturally he didn't go up alone.

He made several tall men look more powerful, and the strong men stopped them.

"What are you fighting here? Go back if you don't want to see a doctor."

Lin Yan feels that these people don't need to see a doctor anymore. With their IQ, after seeing a doctor, it feels like there is no cure.

Because he was very angry in his heart, they disturbed his order and affected his time schedule. Lin Yan didn't take action to teach him a lesson.

"If you want to see a doctor, line up for me!" Lin Yan spoke this time, and some people listened, but there were still many people who didn't listen.

"Lin Yan, anyway, we are treating people, so you can let us have a look at it first." An old lady said in a pretentious manner.

Lin Yan didn't give a chance at all, with a serious face, he didn't give anyone a chance to get close at all.

The aunt looked at Lin Yan's current state and felt a little scared in her heart. She cursed in a low voice, and obediently went to the back to line up.

It's just that the aunt is afraid of Lin Yan's angry appearance, but some tall men are not afraid, they are still standing where they were, and when some people come to line up, they drive them away domineeringly.

Wang Youming, who had just rushed over, saw this scene, and he was annoyed. Lin Yan has a good temper, but he has a bad temper.

Because Wang Youming was taller and taller than those men, and he was originally a bastard second-generation ancestor, so some of the aura on his body scared those people so much that they didn't dare to say anything.

" do you want to do?" A man looked at Wang Youming with some fear in his heart. The man in front of him didn't look like he was easy to mess with.

"What do you want to do? You are here, hindering others from seeing a doctor, and you can't understand people's words, right? Is it necessary for me to throw you out with one hand so that your ears can be healed?"

Hearing Wang Youming's words, how could those people dare to speak? They immediately hid behind the crowd in fright.

"We... we're going to line up right now."

Wouldn't it be better if it was earlier?Looking at the obedient people who were threatened by him, Wang Youming felt very fulfilled, and turned to look at Lin Yan as if asking for credit, "Lin Yan, keep busy with your business, they dare not make trouble."

Lin Yan felt that Wang Youming did everything, although he could do it himself.

If Wang Youming hadn't come out to control them, Lin Yan should have done it himself by now, and he didn't just do it simply.

If people who study medicine are angered, they can teach each other a lesson unconsciously.For these people, as long as Lin Yan took out a small silver needle and stabbed them casually while they were not paying attention, it would be enough for them to suffer for a day.

"Thank you."

Lin Yan asked them to line up and come one by one in order.

He sat in a position, and everyone who came over looked at Lin Yan expectantly.

Sitting in front of him was a middle-aged man in his thirties. He said: "I feel that my chest has been feeling tight recently. Sometimes my heart beats fast and sometimes it beats very slowly. Doctor Lin , Am I suffering from some strange disease?"

This situation...

Lin Yan saw that person, and after seeing it, his expression was a little helpless, "It's because you slept under a quilt this year, which caused insufficient oxygen atoms in your head, which affected blood vessel circulation and caused this situation. You just need to put The windows in the house are more ventilated, so don't always shrink your head when you sleep."

As soon as the man heard what he said, he immediately looked at him in surprise, "Doctor Lin, you are so amazing, you can see that I cover my head when I'm sleeping. All right, all right, I'll listen to you, and I will sleep with the door open in the future."

That person stood up laughing, and then left, leaving people who didn't know the situation seeing that person so happy, thinking that Lin Yan should have cured his illness, and looked at Lin Yan with a wave of admiration.

"Doctor Lin, show me. I feel my legs cramp from time to time. Is it because I am old and my bones can't keep up?" The uncle in his 60s squeezed in front of Lin Yan, looking expectantly. he.

Lin Yan showed the old man a look and came to the conclusion, "It's because you were injured when you were young and didn't heal, and the root cause of the disease has fallen. In addition, the calcium can't keep up. You need to supplement more calcium, and your body will get better after exposure to the sun. .”

The uncle looked at Lin Yan with the same admiration as the previous people, and Lin Yan looked at them with a smile, but felt a little helpless in his heart.

The doctors outside these diseases did not know the cause because they could not see their essence. He cured them. They worshiped themselves, but this kind of worship of Lin Yan did not feel enough, and some minor diseases were not enough to earn his name. It's not enough to slap Gusu Bei in the face.

Gusu Bei watched the live broadcast before and saw Lin Yan treating people. He was furious on the spot.I wanted to smash the phone inside.

One patient is cured and another is replaced.

"Go back and make the medicine. For a week in a row, your illness will be cured." Lin Yan packed a few doses of medicine for the other party to take home. The man stood aside happily holding the medicine, but he was reluctant to go home.

He wanted to stand here and watch Lin Yan treat other people. It was the first time he had seen such a miraculous doctor.

Lin Yan found that the people who came back to see the doctor were all suffering from strange diseases. There were no serious illnesses or intractable diseases. They were just ordinary illnesses.

(End of this chapter)

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