Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 318 Unexpected

Chapter 318 Unexpected
At this time, the young man was already surrounded by the people next to him, asking about the specific situation.Surrounded by all these people, the three of them didn't look at the same thing, and their illnesses couldn't be explained clearly.

She could only shirk and think of a way to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, because if she continues to be questioned like this, wouldn't the fact that she has an STD be revealed to the world, which makes her mess up, after all, she is only in her 20s.

Lin Yan was not in a hurry. He just looked at the young man's embarrassment and had no intention of explaining it, because he still retained the young man to advertise for himself. How could he easily destroy such a good opportunity?

Just when everyone wanted to know what happened to the young man, someone in the crowd said that the young man had a venereal disease.Hearing about venereal disease, all the people present were in an uproar, after all, this is not a glorious disease.

There was even a little girl present, who covered her flushed pretty face and ran away.

Some middle-aged women and aunts showed disdain in their eyes, and all of them were whispering underground.However, there was a group of people at this time, and the old man looked at the young man with bright eyes, as if he had seen some prey.

After a short period of embarrassment, the crowd became even more heated, and many little girls ran away covering their faces, and even the little girls who didn't quite understand were directly pulled away by their mothers.

Looking at the look of turning back three times at one step, he could only leave here reluctantly under the reprimand of the elders.

However, a group of middle-aged women and aunts looked at him with disdain, and some even spat directly at the young man.

Faced with such a situation, the young man suddenly didn't know what to do, and his face turned green with anxiety.Lin Yan didn't expect this meeting, it was a good opportunity to publicize just now, but this meeting turned out like this.

Just as the young man cast his gaze at Lin Yan asking for help, the middle-aged men standing in the crowd looked at the young man with glowing eyes.The elders thought of their own situation one by one, and looked at the young man now, and they couldn't help but feel a little moved. After all, people are old but their hearts are not.

Several tall old men squeezed through the human walls and came to the young man's side.It is a passion, asking long and short questions, asking about how you feel now, etc.

This made Lin Yan standing on the side not know what to say. On the one hand, there was the absolute contempt of the aunts, and on the other hand, the enthusiastic pursuit of the old men. At this time, there were a few old men who couldn't squeeze around, Bypassing the young man, he even came directly to Lin Yan's side and asked.

Just like that, the whole door was surrounded for a while, and the neighbor who shouted that the guy had a venereal disease just now, did not expect it to become like this, and this club was also shouting loudly, but the more he shouted, the more desperate the crowd was surrounded the boy.

The neighbor also saw that it seemed to be the opposite. He originally wanted to ridicule the young man, but he didn't expect it to turn out like this.So the strategy was changed.

It is said that the sexually transmitted diseases of young guys are very disgusting and easily contagious.This made the lively scene just now suddenly deserted. The uncle who was asking questions just now will push him away from the guy.

And the aunt who was still watching the fun, now cursed loudly, saying "harmful person", "liar", "scum", etc., all kinds of ugly greetings.

The young man, because of the crowd just now, didn't see clearly who was spreading the rumors, but by now, the human rights had dispersed.Amidst the curses, the young man finally discovered the initiator of the whole incident.

Having been exposed again and again, the young man's eyes were red and bloodshot, he didn't care about the cursing around him, and rushed towards him just like the person who shouted.

At this time, Lin Yan was also dumbfounded. When the news was revealed just now, there were already a lot of scornful looks. Fortunately, in a twist of events, now he was scolded like this by everyone again. How could he do business?
There were more and more comments in the crowd, and the voices became louder and louder, and they began to curse more and more, saying that the young man was a pest, and maybe he was the doctor's dragster.

Lin Yan was shot while lying down for no reason. How could he become a bad person in their mouths when he saved someone by himself?
Just when Lin Yan was in a daze, the young guy had already jumped at the person who had just shouted. The person didn't expect the young and strong guy to be so excited, and the two of them changed from scolding each other to tearing each other up.

The people next to him were watching the fun, and they didn't mind it as a big deal, shouting and cursing while watching the fun.

There were people scuffling each other on the street, which made the passers-by who always liked to watch the excitement think that something happened here, so more and more passers-by listened and watched the two people tearing and wrestling with each other.

Lin Yan saw the two people messing around like this at his door, and felt numb for a moment. After all, he was just trying to explain what happened just to save people, but he didn't expect it to turn into this.

Seeing the two people fighting like this at their own door, how could he open the door? There was nothing left, just like this.How to build a reputation and open the door.

It's definitely not going to go on like this, it must be stopped, and this small shop is not allowed to have nothing. If people die at the door, it is not a fun thing.

Just when Lin Yan didn't know whether to go up to stop it, Wang Youming rushed out from inside, and saw that the two were still wrestling.Wang Youming stepped forward directly, pulled the clothes of the other with one hand, and after a hard struggle, slowly separated the two.

Even after they were separated, the two of them still refused to give in. The young man still tried his best to fight each other again.The other party is not a weakling, and he is still swearing.

There seemed to be some kind-hearted people watching the fun nearby, trying to pull them away and comforting them nicely.

Looking at the two people on both sides slowly calming down, everyone also realized that the attitude of the curse just now was not very good, so they simply stopped talking.

At this moment, Lin Yan saw that the two of them had been basically controlled by others, stepped forward, and said: "Everyone be quiet, I just said that starting tomorrow, I will see a doctor here for three days free of charge. You also saw it just now. , this young man has recovered because of my treatment. So please rest assured, we will open the door on time tomorrow morning, and I hope everyone trusts me."

Everyone looked at Lin Yan, and what he said, everyone thought that the "free medical treatment for three days is a lie" just now, but they didn't expect it to be true.

Just after Lin Yan said this...

(End of this chapter)

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