Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 313 Quick Snake Catch

Chapter 313 Quick Snake Catch

Lin Yan quickly caught the snake, and kept thinking about how it would be better if he had some realgar.

In this way, it can be sprinkled on all corners of the store. If the snake smells it, it will be weak and paralyzed, and it will not run around in the store.

But where will this be found?I watched one snake after another wandering leisurely in the store, and some of them slipped back and forth, as if this was their snake nest.

what to do?what to do?Beads of sweat were coming out on Lin Yan's forehead. He wiped it casually, feeling very worried. What would he do if a snake bit him while he was catching it?

These snakes are all poisonous, and a bite is fatal. When he was catching them, he was still careful and tried not to move around where there were many snakes.

Walk slowly along the corner.

The sweat in the palm of his hand was also rushing out, as if he didn't know how nervous he was now, his heart was beating non-stop.

He muttered in his heart: "Snake, snake, don't run out."

But when I saw a snake poking out its head and looking out, looking at the cement road ahead, I also wanted to slip out and wander casually on the joints.

When Lin Yan saw it, his throat felt dry, but he still whispered, "Don't go out." What does this snake want?

Want to go for a walk?Don't even think about it, it's okay to go out.

The snake didn't hear his cry at all, and was still looking at the scene outside, but it didn't move the snake, maybe the other snakes in the house didn't move.

Seeing that the snake hadn't jumped out yet, Lin Yan was both happy and worried. He just thought about the snake and don't look at it, but he just turned his head slightly, and when he looked back, there were already a few more We watched from the door.

Now Lin Yan was in a hurry, and there were two snakes looking at him viciously not more than a dozen steps in front of him, which made his heart beat again.

What do they want to do?Do you want to bite yourself?But there were only two sticks, so he wasn't too worried. After seeing that he had found a stick, he felt quite relieved.

At least when the snake attacked, he could fight back, but why didn't he prepare more tools to catch the snake?When I looked at it, it was just a stick. There was no hook or anything on the side of the stick, and I felt very sighing.

A snake is moving towards the table next to it, as if it is not very interested in Lin Yan in front of it, which makes Lin Yan angry, seeing that a small snake still despises it, is it too arrogant? .

But he also breathed a sigh of relief, finally these arrogant snakes didn't want to do anything to him for the time being, so is he still safe now?
But safety or security cannot be decided now. What if the snake wants to attack again?Because he had already seen the snake on his left spitting out letters to demonstrate towards him.

Although the two snakes were small and small, the smaller the snake seemed to be the less afraid of him, no matter whether it was a big snake or a small snake, the poison they carried was the same, and the bite would be fatal.

He raised his breath again, took several deep breaths, stared at the two little snakes, and said slightly angrily: "What are you looking at, you must be arrested."

The two snakes didn't hold back in fear, but vomited more arrogantly, provoking him.

"Hey, the two little snakes are really amazing, aren't they?" Lin Yan was furious.

The little snake saw that Lin Yan was not afraid, so he moved towards him.

Dare to come, Lin Yan was a little timid, hurriedly stepped back a few steps, kicked the chair behind him as he walked, and straightened the chair

He took a few steps back again. What should he do now?

Hurry up and think of a way, if these two snakes are real, then he can only shoot, Lin Yan took a stick and knocked in front of the two little snakes.

But when I saw that the little snake didn't flinch at all, it just moved forward step by step.

Is this stick worth it? Isn't it said that snakes will retreat if you have a stick in your hand?But looking at this situation, it was useless. His palms became even more sweaty.

After taking several steps back, he kicked something. He froze and didn't even look. He couldn't have kicked a snake.

He looked back and saw that it was just a chair. He was relieved, but when he saw the little snake approaching slowly, he became nervous again, and felt that his eyebrows were on fire.

Just when Lin Yan was very anxious, he suddenly saw a bag on the ground out of the corner of his eye. He didn't pay attention, and wanted to step over it. What could it be beside the chair, but seeing the two snakes moving quickly, Nervously, he bumped into the chair again, was stirred by the chair, and went to the bag.

After kicking the bag over, he rushed forward to the front of the bag. On the fallen chair, he saw that the little snake did not move forward, but it was still spitting out the message. However, he saw that the little snake disappeared without spitting twice. Ran.

What's the matter?Is this letting the chair hit?Lin Yan was still a little puzzled, so he smelled realgar. He looked down at the side of the bag, and it was realgar that had been kicked over.

He still couldn't believe it. Who would put this here?He looked at it carefully several times and was sure it was realgar. He was extremely happy.

It's all over now, he said loudly, "See where you guys are going."

After the smell of realgar began to spread, you could see snakes scurrying around and hiding near the chairs and tables. Anyway, they went to stay far away from the realgar.

Seeing that the ones watching from the door wanted to run out, Lin Yan quickly ran up to them, and now he was no longer afraid.

He couldn't let the snake run out, he tapped the ground with a stick, and when he saw the snake wanted to run forward, he tapped hard on the ground.

The loud sound seemed to frighten the snake a little, so it backed away.

"Go back, go back." Lin Yan shouted loudly.

Seeing the snake at the door began to crawl towards the middle, Lin Yan felt happy seeing it, that's it, he walked slowly to the door and closed it.

Drive all the snakes by the door inside.

Now all the snakes were in the house, but they couldn't get out. He was very happy.

It's good to have a stick, but it's better to have realgar, at least the snake didn't dare to do anything for a while, and he successfully surrounded the snake in the house.

Lin Yan knew that he had fallen into a trap when he entered the police station, and the other party wanted to trap him in a trap.

But after looking at these poisonous snakes, if they enter the city, there will be endless troubles.

If you go to the city and bite everyone passing by, how many lives will be in danger?This is not okay, we must not let the snake run into the city.

Looking at the house, there are quite a few snakes, which is a bit too much.

If you let the poisonous snake come to the city.

What about the people in the city?

Lin Yan hurriedly called the police.

(End of this chapter)

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