Chapter 302 Only One Can Be Saved Tomorrow

Anyway, Lin Yan was cured.

The man moved his eyelashes a few times, and then opened his eyes. His eyes were blurry, and he couldn't see clearly. He closed his eyes again, and when he opened them again, he could see the person in front of him clearly.

In the clear, countless people were engraved shaking in front of his eyes, so many pairs of eyes were looking at him, the man only took a few glances, and found Lin Yan's figure from the crowd.

It should be Lin Yan who saved him from waking up. If it wasn’t for him, this little life would have been lost. The man had tears in his eyes, stretched out his hand to hold Lin Yan’s hand, and said in a low voice, “Doctor Lin, really! I really want to thank you, without you, I don’t know if I can live.”

Seeing the person who woke up, Lin Yan was filled with joy, he waved his hand and said, "You're welcome."

Then he said to everyone: "But tomorrow we can only save one."

Everyone knew that Lin Yan was not lying. Judging from the situation just now, Lin Yan almost fell down. If he fell down, no one could be saved.

They also resented the person who woke up. If it wasn't for him, how could Lin Yan be so tired?If he hadn't worked hard today, he might have saved one or two more tomorrow.

"It's him who makes Dr. Lin weak."

"That is, how much effort it took to save him."

"Doctor Lin, should we save him today?"

"It's really hard work, Dr. Lin."

Amidst the noise of the crowd, Lin Yan walked out of the gate. He glanced back and felt that the air was suffocating, and it was always difficult to breathe when he stayed there. Take a deep breath.

Then he walked out of more places. The noise here has nothing to do with him, and he is also annoyed by the noise here. At this moment, he just wants to go far away and not take half a step closer to this place.

He raised his legs and walked to the river in one breath without even taking a breath. The moment he stopped, all he heard were birds chirping on the branches. He looked up and saw a small bird fluttering. The wings fly into the distance.

Only when he came here could he feel refreshed in his heart, his breathing became much easier, and the dull atmosphere just now was swept away. There was only the occasional wind blowing past here, and a few willows fluttered gently in the wind.

It's better here, he took a few deep breaths, planning to stay by the river and go back.

The voice of accusation has not stopped yet, after they grasped a little bit, they continued to speak with all their strength.

The man already felt guilty, but because people's accusations were getting worse, he felt sorry for Dr. Lin. He raised his eyes and wanted to say a lot of words of apology, so that he could feel more at ease.

But when he looked up, he could only see the scolding from the crowd, but he didn't see Dr. Lin. After searching for a long time, he still couldn't find him. He wondered, where did Dr. Lin go?Now he doesn't care about everyone's abuse, but is more concerned about Lin Yan's whereabouts.

Seeing that he didn't listen at all, everyone followed his gaze, wondering what he was looking at, and suddenly a person shouted: "Where did Doctor Lin go?"

They talked about the person in front of them caringly, and they didn't notice Lin Yan's disappearance at all. Now that they knew it, they all started to look for it with their eyes.

After searching around, I found that the person was definitely no longer here, and then I exclaimed, what are they doing here?
Did Lin Yan leave because of the noise? After seeing Dr. Lin leaving, they were all discouraged. They felt that they would come tomorrow, so they didn't want to talk to that person anymore. Hastily left the store.

After staying by the river for a long time, he felt that he was no longer bored and flustered, and he was not so dizzy, but he still leaned his hand on the stone pillar for a while.

Looking at the river flowing in front of him, he closed his eyes and listened to the sound from his ears. He could hear the sound of the river flowing gently, and the sound of the wind blowing through the treetops to move the branches and leaves. Everything seemed to be quiet.

The sound of nature is the most beautiful.

It's good to go early for today's matter. It seems that so many people have been poisoned. They should be poisoned by people, and they want to kill these people, but I saved them.

It must have offended people to see one after another being rescued.

He became a little panicked, but he also felt that human life was at stake, how could he not save him?
The person I saw before was dead, he was a member of this family, I only saw him vomiting blood, but when I wanted to see it, I couldn't get in.

After just a few glances, the symptoms are somewhat similar to those of the poisoned person today.

Do you think it might be poisoned?But I missed it when I didn't have a chance to see it. Now I feel it's a pity, but it doesn't help.

If he wants to know the cause of this person's death now, he must have a relationship with these families so that he can get in and understand more deeply.

Only then can we find out who did it and whether it will be the same as today.

If yes, will there be an antidote?Can more people be treated at once?Only relying on one's own strength, the number of people saved will not be many.

How many people can be saved in one day?But it took him a lot of energy to save one, and there was nothing he could do.

But he didn't know who poisoned him today, and he couldn't guess it, let alone think about it.

"Would you rather hurry up?" a woman urged a man.

"Come, come." The man ran a few steps.

Seeing someone passing by the river, Lin Yan didn't want to stay any longer, and he had been staying by the river for half an hour, and now his complexion was ugly and his whole body was weak, and he was about to collapse when he stood down.

He walked forward slowly.

He returned to the room in the car, threw the bag away, and lay down on the bed. He glanced at the big tree outside the house, and the sunlight shone through the narrow gaps in the tree.

This filter is enough, the sunlight appears very small, a very thin ray of sunlight shines on his hand, Lin Yan slowly lifts his hand up, the sunlight shines on the palm of his hand, and bends the curve into the corner of the wall.

There was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth, and this ray of sunshine could bring him a little sense of comfort, and he also felt that the tiredness of the day disappeared in an instant.

Here you can feel that time is passing slowly, and the room is very quiet, which is very suitable for rest.

The wind gently blows a bunch of leaves hanging by the window. These are bought leaves, not grown on the branches. The color of the leaves is not green, but dark. Looking at the leaves gently Drifting, time slowed down even more.

Before he knew it, he fell into a deep sleep in his sleep.

The wind moved the window, but the window did not move. The wind stopped after a few blows, but the leaves on the tree could still be seen fluttering, and a few leaves fell off during the fluttering.

The sunshine came from the corner of the wall to the corner of the wall, and the clock also went from three o'clock to five o'clock.

The person on the bed woke up in a daze.

He half stood up and looked outside.

He found that his inner strength had improved a step.

(End of this chapter)

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