Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 289 Poisoning

Chapter 289 Poisoning
Lin Yan's face was expressionless, and he glanced at the other people present.

The big guys stared at the meal in front of them and looked at each other, and no one had the intention of taking the lead.

"This meal is poisonous, I advise you not to eat it."

Lin Yan also discovered that there was something wrong with the food. He did not dare to move. Instead, he watched several other people tell them vigilantly.

The members of the Su family looked at him and said nothing, "Are you really saying that the food was really poisoned?"

One of the Su family asked him, and then looked at the food in a very complicated way.

When he said this, some people present believed that some people were careless.

"That's right, so I advise you not to eat it. I won't be responsible if something goes wrong."

Lin Yan was studying medicine after all, so he immediately saw that there was something wrong with this meal.

However, not many people present were very disdainful of him.

"Come on, I see that you are obviously suspicious, how could there be a problem with this?" Another person present said that he couldn't believe what he said.

Anyway, they are still at the Liu family's place now, so how could they prescribe medicine at will.

If this matter gets out, it will have something to do with the Liu family.

So many people suspect that he is saying these words deliberately to gain everyone's attention.

"That's not true. No matter how you say it, the Liu family is a big family. It's not that small families won't attack us."

Even if the Liu family was sitting there, they couldn't sit still.

"Forget it, everyone will care what he does, we all should eat and drink."

In fact, people were very dissatisfied, so they didn't plan to take this matter to heart and planned to continue eating there.

Anyway, it was the people of the Su family who were sitting there, motionless. After all, there were some things that they would rather believe than not, and they had to be suspicious of even simple things.

So among the many people present, except for the people from the Su family, everyone else moved their chopsticks one after another.

The Su family sat there and looked at the people around them, and found that something was wrong when they ate.

Lin Yan shook his head speechlessly. These people didn't believe him, but one day they would pay for their stupid behavior.

Just when they thought the food was not poisonous, something unusual happened to the people present.

Those who had eaten the food soon had some strange expressions.

So some people vomited blood on the spot, and the blood flowed directly from his mouth, making the whole table covered with blood, which looked very shocking.

Not only that, some people fainted directly after eating it, and the whole person fell to the ground.

The people present were not fools. After seeing this scene, they all opened their eyes wide and dropped the food in front of them on the ground.

Then those who ate their meals and had no reaction started throwing up there.

When this happened, everyone fell into a panic.

However, Shuzai Ren breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Fortunately, they listened to Lin Yan's words on this matter, otherwise they would also be finished after eating this thing.

Patriarch Liu sat there, looking at the atmosphere in front of him, he was not in a good mood either.

He didn't really believe what Lin Yan said at first, but he thought he was just afraid of 1 yuan, so he didn't eat there.

But now after seeing everyone's reaction, he also understood that the whole person's face was very ugly.

"Don't go, quickly take these things away for me." Patriarch Liu's face darkened a lot, and he asked the servant to take these things away.

He naturally understands the seriousness of this matter. If something happens to these people here, it must be related to the Liu family. When word spreads about it, it will not be good for the reputation of the Liu family.

Ever since, the people at the scene were in a hurry.

But those who fainted after eating gradually increased.

"Let me investigate what is going on with this matter."

Master Liu stood on the sidelines and watched their every move. He wanted to see who dared to mess with this matter.

After the housekeeper found out about this matter, he quickly went to investigate, but he still didn't have any clues after searching for a long time.

"The Patriarch can't find out what's going on with this matter."

The housekeeper shook his head. He had no choice for the moment.

Now they have investigated the entire Liu family, but they still haven't found any clues.

The head of the Liu family became even more unhappy when he heard this, and he was very angry.

Now is not the time for him to think about it. Now that so many people have fainted, he must quickly find a way.

"Lin Yan, look at this kind of thing happening here, and I hope you can help, everyone has passed out now." Patriarch Liu looked at it, and he was the only one who could treat so many people here.

If you go outside to ask a doctor, you probably won't be able to treat it for a while.

Lin Yan had already expected this scene, and he calmly looked at the people present.

At the beginning, he had already told those people about the seriousness of this matter, but they refused to listen to it and continued to eat, so it was not his fault.

"There are so many people here who have already eaten, and I can't do anything by myself." Lin Yan looked at the people here, at least half of them had eaten, and even if he was there alone, he couldn't save them so quickly. .

"Besides, I only have one pair of silver needles. It is impossible for me to treat so many people at once. I need help." Lin Yan spoke there, and he looked at the conditions of those present. All bad.

After all, one more person means more strength, and then they can be treated as soon as possible.

After he said this sentence, the taller people looked unmoved.

Seeing such a scene, he was inevitably a little angry.

"If the big guy brings a doctor, hurry up and help. Do you want to watch the big guy get poisoned here? It must be that it is not difficult to call out everyone's entourage!"

The people Lin Yan looked at were very angry. At this moment, they still looked like they were watching a good show.

When they came to Liu's house today, many of them had backgrounds, and when something like this happened, Ren just stood there unmoved.

Patriarch Liu's complexion was naturally not much better.

Lin Yan knew that there was no way to tell them about this matter, so he could only look at Patriarch Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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