Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 286 Chu Xiong'an's Anger

Chapter 286 Chu Xiong'an's Anger

The turbulent Liu family banquet is still going on.

Chu Xiong'an looked at Zhu Donghan with bright eyes at this moment, expecting his reaction.

But the result is always disappointing, Zhu Donghan shook his head.He thought this way, since even Yue Qingcheng couldn't do anything to Lin Yan, he couldn't beat Lin Yan even more.

Gang Yue Qingcheng's distressed appearance still exists in Zhu Donghan's mind.

Chu Xiong'an looked at Zhu Donghan unhappily. He turned to look at Lin Yan's leisurely and contented posture at the banquet and was displeased.

Lin Yan naturally felt his gaze, but as soon as he thought that Chu Xiong'an dared to moles his woman, he gave him another provocative look.

Chu Xiong'an, who was rejected by Zhu Donghan, was ridiculed by Lin Yan, and his hatred for Lin Yan deepened once again.

He also glared back at Lin Yan, but now, even though Chu Xiong'an hated Lin Yan to the extreme, he still had some sense of reason, and did not attack Lin Yan again.

In desperation, Chu Xiong'an had no choice but to convey the distress signal to Zhu Donghan again.

Zhu Donghan was afraid of rejecting him now, what would happen if there was a gap between Chu Xiong'an and himself, but Zhu Donghan knew that he would definitely not be able to beat Lin Yan, so he couldn't help him blindly.

He was also in a dilemma as to whether he should help Chu Xiong'an or not. After several dilemmas, Zhu Donghan thought of a solution that could be implemented to get the best of both worlds.

"Chu Xiong'an."

After Zhu Donghan finished speaking, he walked towards him.

Lin Yan saw the two of them whispering and was not worried about the two of them teaming up to deal with him.

After all, Lin Yan was fearless in the face of absolute strength.

"Chu Xiong'an, I advise you to give up overpaying Lin Yan." Zhu Donghan said in a low voice.

"Why? Even if I can't defeat Lin Yan on my own, you and I can definitely win together."

Chu Xiongan was determined to teach Lin Yan a lesson and would not give up easily.

"There are not so many reasons." Zhu Donghan worried that Lin Yan had just been recognized by Yuxi. He is a good person. If he killed Lin Yan because of helping Chu Xiong'an, the damage to his cultivation would be nothing. What he was worried about was Will also bear the cause and effect.

Zhu Donghan would not kill Lin Yan because of helping Chu Xiong'an, but he caused that trouble himself.

As a cultivator, he knew that cause and effect would haunt him for the rest of his life.

"No, there is a reason for everything. You and I are both practitioners. Are you still afraid that this trash Lin Yan will fail?"

Zhu Donghan shook his head disapprovingly, he felt that Chu Xiong'an's thoughts were too subjective.

"Do you still think that Lin Yan, who was personally welcomed into the banquet by the butler and who just received the jade seal, is still the same loser as before?"

Chu Xiong'an still looked down on him, and said with a sneer: "Yuxi is just a coincidence, and I don't know what he used to charm the housekeeper."

"..." Zhu Donghan was speechless for a while. He felt that he could no longer communicate normally with Chu Xiongan.He thought Chu Xiongan was quite smart before, but now it seems that he doesn't know him completely.

Zhu Donghan was still shocked, why did Chu Xiongan have such thoughts? He had obviously reached this point.

"I clearly refuse to fight Lin Yan with you."

Chu Xiong'an didn't expect that he would still refuse to cooperate with him, so he said grimly, "Okay, that's fine."

Even Zhu Donghan, who has known him for a long time, has never seen him with such an extremely angry expression.

"It's not that I won't help you, it's just that I really can't help you." Zhu Donghan hurriedly explained. "Lin Yan is a doctor. He saves lives and heals the wounded. He has meritorious deeds. But I am a practitioner. It would be inappropriate to kill him blindly. So I really want to help you, but I really can't do it."

After listening to his explanation, Chu Xiong'an felt that it made sense, so he was not as angry as before.

He had no choice but to think of a way, but Chu Xiongan really had no choice, so he had to look at the bodyguard.

Come to Lin Yan.

Lin Yan, who had been observing them, found that the two stopped whispering, and Chu Xiong'an's expression was more serious than before. He guessed that Zhu Donghan was unwilling to cooperate with Chu Xiong'an to deal with him.

Lin Yan looked at the relaxed Zhu Donghan, and felt more and more that this was the truth.

"Come and clean up Lin Yan for me." Chu Xiong'an pointed to Lin Yan after speaking.

The bodyguards had also seen how Yue Qingcheng was handled by Lin Yan before. They were afraid of Lin Yan and dreaded his incomparably powerful power.

Chu Xiongan never expected that the bodyguards would not listen to his orders.

He shouted again: "If you still want a salary, you go and clean up Lin Yan."

But what surprised him was that even though Chu Xiong'an had spoken out the threats, the bodyguards were still unwilling to do anything.

They worried that even if they attacked Lin Yan together, he would still be intact. On the contrary, they might be attacked by Lin Yan and lead to death.

Bodyguards also have their own scruples, and their own life is more important than their salary.

"The salaries of the main shooters will be tripled this month." Chu Xiongan resolutely lured them by doubling their salaries.

One of the bodyguards made a move, but as expected, Lin Yan didn't even make a move, and the bodyguard had already lost.


Lured by Chu Xiong'an's double salary, the bodyguard first approached Lin Yan slowly, and then attacked.

Lin Yan doesn't even look down on practitioners, so how can he be afraid of such ordinary people? In his opinion, this kind of attack is just overreaching.

He only puts a barrier of protection around himself.

"That's all you have." Lin Yan's words were arrogant, but they were also true.

Chu Xiongan was completely irritated. He said with anger in his voice to the elite bodyguard team among the elites he brought over.

"Last chance, you two go together, if you refuse again..."

Even if Chu Xiong'an didn't finish his sentence, the bodyguard knew that he was serious now, if he didn't do it again, the consequences would be serious.

Normally speaking, as long as Chu Xiong'an issued an order for the bodyguards, they would have to act according to their master's order. This time, the opponent was really too strong, so they violated Chu Xiong'an's words one by one.

This time, it was what Chu Xiongan didn't finish.

If these hard-working people are disobedient, Chu Xiong'an has something they care about in his hands, and if they don't beat Lin Yan again, Chu Xiong'an will definitely destroy what they care about.

Dozens of bodyguards ran towards Lin Yan's direction together. Before they could make a move, they were stopped by Butler Liu.

Steward Liu, who hadn't spoken for a long time, spoke to those behind him.

"Hurry up and drive Chu Xiong'an out of the Liu family compound, as well as those people he brought."

"Housekeeper, you also saw Lin Yan's attitude towards me just now. Why did you just drive me out of the compound? Isn't he the one who should really go?" Of course he was referring to Lin Yan.

Those who were driving Chu Xiong'an out stopped trying to force him out after hearing this.

"Are you listening to me, the housekeeper, or an outsider? Continue."

(End of this chapter)

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