227 - Chapter [-]

Lin Yan smiled, and someone began to accuse him.

"Some people have fainted. Do you think these things are trying to delay the treatment, and whitewashing shouldn't be picked at a time when human life is at stake?"

A stone is thrown into the lake, and ripples spread out in circles.There were many echoes among the crowd.

"Yes, the rumors on the Internet are really true. They are being treated by medical staff, so what are you talking about?"

"Did you never expect that this person has so many dramas?"

Medical staff looked at me and I looked at you, but no one said a word.

They were from the hospital next door. They had heard about Lin Yan's deeds recently and had known about it before, but they were not familiar with him.

By the way, among the crowd, some people asked in a low voice: "Lin Yan, why do you think it's not a heart attack?"

The crowd only cares about excitement, and the incumbents only care about their reputation. Whoever asked this question is not the most important thing.

This sentence seemed like a needle that punctured the balloon of everyone's anger, which was slowly deflated.

The medical staff cheered up one by one. They dare not move the patient rashly now. This is the answer they need.

Lin Yan glanced at everyone and smiled.

"It's true that heart disease has the characteristics of a heart attack. However, the appearance of an attack is not exclusive to a certain disease, so sometimes it can give people a mistaken idea."

The people waiting frowned, and there was a new noise among the crowd.

"If that's the case, it makes sense."

"Yes, I heard that my cousin had a disease that was misdiagnosed by a doctor in the early stages. It seems that this is also the reason..."

"Hey, what's wrong with your cousin? How is it now?"

"What exactly are you trying to say?" Someone in the crowd yelled.The sound silenced the crowd.

Lin Yan glanced at that person, that is to say, the reporter had the same illness as a heart attack.Thinking that he had probably slapped someone else in the face, Lin Yan felt helpless.

"Medicine exists to save people. I can't take everyone into consideration, and I must be full of lies."

Sometimes you have to be a bit prickly in life, Lin Yan glanced at that person, his brows and eyes relaxed a little.

The man seemed to be choking on what Lin Yan said, but he remained silent.

"I know what everyone wants is to save people. I don't want to see a person die in front of me for no reason. I am willing to treat him."

As soon as Lin Yan said this, someone caught what Lin Yan had missed.

"You haven't said what kind of disease it is? You babble so much, are you talking nonsense?"

Lin Yan did not express his judgment. He saw some problems and sometimes doing them was more effective than talking.

"Each doctor has his or her own way of measuring the condition. This is not the hospital where I work. There are no instruments to give accurate answers."

Someone interpreted another meaning from Lin Yan's words, that is, this is not a hospital, and he doesn't get paid to save people, and he only helps out because of the spiritual level.

The discussion suddenly started again, and Lin Yan thought it was a little funny.

"Lin Yan, isn't he beating around the bush to whitewash himself?"

"If you don't say your judgment, you are afraid of being exposed!"

"What this man did has been in the news, why is he still so arrogant? Treat people? I do believe he can cure people to death."

Listening to these gossips, it suddenly seems that women are cheap.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yan looked at the sky and wondered if he was too bored.When the crowd was discussing like this, it seemed like he was free to gossip with them.

"Since everyone doesn't believe me..." As soon as Lin Yan opened his mouth, the crowd fell silent, as if they had discussed it.

"I don't want to force others. After all, fate is sometimes predestined."

"What fate is not fate! Don't make excuses!" One person responded very quickly.

“Sometimes things just can’t be changed, right?”

Lin Yan glanced at that person, and then looked at the changes in the expressions on everyone's faces. He smiled helplessly.

"Let's forget about it. Since I don't have anything to do, I'll leave first."

Everyone listened to Lin Yan's words of fate one by one, feeling as if he had prevented Lin Yan from practicing medicine to save people.

Seeing that Lin Yan was about to leave, they felt a sudden burden in their hearts, as if it was the vocabulary of life.

"Why are you like this?"

There was one person who was so impatient that he couldn't help it. He didn't quite believe Lin Yan, but that didn't stop him from buckling something else on Lin Yan.

"As a doctor, when you see a patient, since you know how to do medicine, then you can save them! You are such a mother-in-law, what fate are you talking about!"

The man seemed to feel uncomfortable all over. He hated Lin Yan, and in order not to make himself feel even more uncomfortable, he made such an attempt to retain her, which made him very uncomfortable.

"Could it be that as long as the patients on your operating bed cannot escape their fate?"

Some other people also reacted: "Yes, it must be so! Where is the doctor who turned his head away when he saw the patient? Could it be that the ghosts who died unjustly saw too much?"

"So there is something wrong with Lin Yan! He must be a big mess in terms of medical ethics!"

Some people saw that Lin Yan was walking away, and said quickly: "Lin Yan, you can't go. As a doctor, you will die, you must stay!"

Lin Yan just listened and thought he was really laughing to death.It is this group of people who say they don't believe him, and it is also this group of people who don't want him to save people.

Man, what a pathetic and ridiculous creature...

The expression in Lin Yan's eyes was somewhat complicated, ranging from funny to speechless.

"Then what do you want from me?"

Lin Yan still opened his mouth. Those people are messing around. Now that he has encountered it, he can solve it if he can.

Still facing away from them, his footsteps stopped.

Some people are still the same: "Lin Yan, you have problems with your character and medical skills, you are not worthy of being a doctor!"

For such scolding, Lin Yan didn't take it seriously, it was enough for him to know what kind of person he was, and he didn't need to feel loose about other people's evaluation.

Lin Yan stood quietly, and for a few seconds, the crowd quieted down with him strangely.

Lin Yan moved his feet. Since they all said the same thing, let's do what he wanted.

He doesn't really care about other things, but now there is still a life that is gradually being lost.

He squinted his eyes, he didn't want to see that he could be pulled back easily, could he still do something because he was not convinced?This is not his style.

The crowd was very quiet. They were more waiting for Lin Yan's reaction or the next round of attack.

(End of this chapter)

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