Chapter 218 Anger
After taking care of those people in Yueyang, Lin Yan will definitely come to find out who sent them here.

After sending the assistant away, Lin Yan began to search the whole house. He had a premonition in his heart that there must be something in this house, so Lin Yan turned the house upside down.

After searching for a long time, Lin Yan actually found something. Lin Yan found some monitors.

Why are there these monitors here?Lin Yan glanced at the place where he had just found the monitor.

Hiding so well, and just enough to monitor every corner of the entire space, the other party obviously came with a plan and preparation.

Lin Yan took the monitor in his hand and looked at it. They were all very small monitors, and he removed all the monitors.

"Which one has brain problems? There are no less than twenty or thirty monitors installed in this room?" Lin Yan reached out and touched his forehead, not to mention that this is really the first time he has encountered such a thing, it is really not I don't know who has the brains to do such a thing.

Let’s not mention what happened on Lin Yan’s side. At the same time, on the other side, there was the Su family’s study room.

Looking at the completely black screen, a man with his back on his back asked softly: "What's going on?"

The man was dressed in black, tall and slender, with his back on his back, his hair was slightly long and blocked his entire face.

I can't see his appearance clearly, but I can hear his voice clearly. His voice is a little gloomy, which makes people feel cold after hearing it.

There were several computers not far from the Su family's study room. There were several people sitting in front of each computer, and the man was standing behind those people.

The yellowish light in the study shone on the bodies of several people. Although it was such a warm color, there was no trace of warmth.

Those people looked at the blacked-out screen, lowered their heads and turned back: "I don't know what happened, after the other two left, he rummaged through the room, and then all our monitors were blocked by him like this." They were found one by one."

"Yeah, it's not too weird. It seems like it knows where we put it."

"There is no evil door. When he started looking for it, he rummaged through the whole room. This is what he found out later."

Everyone responded to the man in black behind them and told him what they last saw on the surveillance camera.

This mysterious man in black doesn't stay here every day, but they are paying close attention to every move in this room.

They all saw Lin Yan's last movements clearly.

"Find out all of them? That means this room is out of our control."

The man in black's tone was so heavy that everyone didn't know what to say.

Lin Yan never knew that he found out the surveillance and had such a big impact on these people.

He knew that finding and monitoring these people would disrupt some of their plans, but he didn't expect that the mysterious man in black would be so furious later.

The air in the entire room of the Su family's study seemed to be still. After a long time, the people below dared to answer.

"The monitoring has been abolished, all of them have been found out, and there is not one left."

The mysterious man in black had known about this for a long time, but he still had a glimmer of hope in his heart.

How could so many monitors be found out, there must be one or two left.

But the words of his subordinates made his last sustenance and hope come to nothing.

The man in black was furious, and slapped the computer table directly. The computer table vibrated for a long time, and the man in black's hands instantly turned blue.

The computer desk is made of wood and won't hurt. The hands of the mysterious man in black must be hurting now.

The subordinates sitting at the computer desk looked at me one after another, and I looked at you, each of them lowered their sense of existence, the atmosphere was dignified, and needles could be heard.

It is the study of the Su family at this moment.

The mysterious man in black suddenly said: "You losers can't even hide a camera, but he can still find it. He doesn't know where the camera is hidden. He found it so easily. It must be you." It’s not going well.”

He gritted his teeth, now he not only hates Du Linyan, but also angry with these unfavorable guys in front of him.

"We don't know how he found him. I can guarantee that there is no traitor among us, but he just found him."

"No one else really knows about our installation of the surveillance system. It must be Lin Yan's luck that the surveillance system was discovered today."

Lin Yan found out about the monitoring by mistake, but no one could give a reasonable explanation. Everything can only be attributed to Lin Yan's good luck.

If Lin Yan were here, he would probably refute it aloud. Luck is indeed very important to a person.

However, if there is luck without the strength to match it, how far can luck go?The thinking of these people is really naive.

It's fun to blame other people's excellence on luck when you're not a kid anymore.

A bad job is a bad job, and he wants to shirk his responsibility. The mysterious man in black, covered in hair, stared at everyone indifferently.

The anger and indifference in his eyes were mixed, surrounded by such a group of trash, how could he beat Lin Yan, who was as fierce as a tiger? Think about what kind of people Lin Yan is surrounded by?

Looking around him, the mysterious man in black felt a sense of despair in his heart for some reason.

After a while, the mysterious person in black suppressed the despair in his heart.

"A bunch of useless trash." The man in black said angrily, "I don't care what methods you use, I will make Lin Yan feel bad no matter what, do you understand?"

This mysterious person in the black bed really has a great enmity with Lin Yan, and now that they have reached this point, they are still thinking about what to do to make Lin Yan feel uncomfortable.

It's true that Lin Yan is holding on to Lin Yan all the time. If there is a selection of who cares about Lin Yan the most, he will definitely be able to rush into the front row.

Don't you just care about Lin Yan most all the time?
He never left him in every word, and all he thought about was how to make him feel bad.

When the people below heard this, everyone nodded unanimously. Everyone now finds it difficult to deal with Lin Yan.

Lin Yan seems to have some kind of magical power, he can save himself from danger every time he encounters any situation, and if he wants to make it difficult for him, this matter really needs to be well planned.

Suddenly a gust of cold wind blew into the study of the Su family, and the wind blew past everyone's ears, making them all sober.

Lin Yan didn't know that there was a bigger trick waiting for him behind this, and even if he knew, he might not take it to heart.

It's just that some things are better to know than not to know.

After everyone retreated, only the mysterious man in black was left in the whole study, and the mysterious man in black looked at the blacked-out computers.

The mysterious man in black touched his chin, and looked at the computer as if he was looking at Lin Yan, his gaze was like a wolf seeing its prey.

He said: "Lin Yan, we have a long time to come, and one day I will step on your feet and teach you how to be a human being."

The wind and rain are about to come and flowers are all over the building, and the weather seems to be getting colder.

(End of this chapter)

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