Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 196 Little Girl's Hot Searches

Chapter 196 Little Girl's Hot Searches
On the Internet, the video of the little girl and Su Haiyang's hands-on was posted on the Internet and became a trending search.

Lin Yan was shocked when he saw the hot search, and scrolled down the comment area, which was full of criticisms against girls.

"This little girl is too uneducated. What's wrong with the current society?"

"Why didn't such a child be arrested and sent to the juvenile detention center? What if he suddenly killed someone?"

"Be careful, don't let me meet you!"

There were even more disgusting remarks than this, and Lin Yan was stunned. He didn't expect that this matter would go directly to the hot search, and all the comments were dissatisfied with the little girl.

Lin Yan was very annoyed that these people who don't know the truth maliciously speculate on others without knowing what happened.As the saying goes, people's words are scary, and if this continues, the little girl's future life will be a shadow.This is not acceptable, Lin Yan can continue to let this matter develop.

It was a wave of ups and downs, and Lin Yan hurried out with his mobile phone to find Su Haiyang.

Su Haiyang also happened to flip through the hot reviews on the Internet.

Lin Yan asked out of breath, "You couldn't be the one who made this video, did you?"

Su Haiyang didn't shy away from it at all, nodded and admitted generously: "Yes, this little girl is too bullying, shouldn't she be taught a lesson?"

Seeing Su Haiyang's upright speech, Lin Yan didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

He patted Su Haiyang on the shoulder and said with a serious face: "I advise you to get rid of this matter quickly, otherwise no one can save you!"

Su Haiyang looked confused: "Why is it that she is just a little girl, and she did something wrong in the first place? Do you still want me to take responsibility for her? Such a little girl should be severely beaten by society!"

Beat?Seeing Su Haiyang's upright expression, Lin Yan couldn't help persuading him: "I'm afraid he won't be beaten by the society, but something will happen to you."

something wrong?Su Haiyang didn't know why: "How is it possible? Can't the little girl say something wrong?"

Lin Yan supported his forehead and said helplessly: "Don't underestimate her, she can do more things. The last time she treated her grandma, she found that her grandma's illness was very strange, and this little girl can directly take out A kitchen knife is placed in front of you, don’t you feel afraid? If one day when you are sleeping, you will be given a knife..."

As soon as the words fell, Su Haiyang hurriedly touched his neck, trembling with fright. To be honest, this little girl is really powerful.

It's not the same as other children of the same age. Maybe there are some mental problems, which will be troublesome.

It is not illegal to kill someone with a mental illness.Su Haiyang was instantly stunned when he thought of this.

"This kid doesn't know how to..."

Su Haiyang looked at Lin Yan in disbelief, Lin Yan looked at him with raised eyebrows, and spread his hands.

Su Haiyang immediately called his buddy who sent the video and arranged to delete the video.

This is a big event, Su Haiyang may not know what will happen if it is later.

Su Haiyang didn't think so much before, he just wanted to let out a sigh of relief.

Now it seems that life-saving is the most important thing, and it doesn't matter if you are angry or not.

After Su Haiyang hastily deleted the video on the website, he even sent out a statement, which can be regarded as an explanation.

After this matter was settled, Su Haiyang lay on the chair like a puddle of mud and breathed out.

Fortunately, he said: "Fortunately, I dealt with it quickly, otherwise it would be finished!"

While talking, he touched his chest and panted.

After finishing the treatment, Lin Yan went to check on Ye Qing's condition. Ye Qing had already improved, and he would fully recover in a few days.

The task of coming here this time is to see a doctor for Ye Qing. Since Ye Qing has gradually improved, Lin Yan should set off to return to China.

In the evening, Lin Yan discussed with Mo Yuxuan: "Since Ye Qing is almost healed here, we are going to go back."

Mo Yuxuan also felt that staying like this was too long, since his illness has improved, of course he can prepare to go back.

After buying the tickets, Lin Yan and Mo Yuxuan packed up their gifts and headed out the next day.

Finally going back home.

Lin Yan was also happy, it would be best to be in a place he is familiar with when he goes back.

Early the next morning, after bidding farewell to the people here, I arrived at the airport.

The nerves that have been tense for so long can finally be relaxed. Lin Yan put on the blindfold and prepared to go back to sleep all the way.

And Mo Yuxuan watched all the scenery along the way.

It's time to relax.

Suddenly there was a mother's cry.

"Son, what's wrong with you, child? Don't scare me!"

As she said that, the mother hurriedly asked for help again, and soon the stewardess came over and took the child out, and she was stunned when she saw the child trembling.

The stewardess hurriedly broadcast on the plane.

"Hi passengers, there is an emergency on the plane, if any of the passengers is a doctor, please go to the service cabin immediately, thank you for your cooperation"

Hearing such a broadcast, Lin Yan pulled off the blindfold.

Getting up and walking to the side of the fainted child, the child was almost unconscious, and the mother even looked at Lin Yan with tears in her eyes.

"Are you a doctor? Hurry up and save my child, my child has a congenital heart disease."

congenital heart disease?

Lin Yan didn't care too much, and quickly checked the child's body. Sure enough, the hypertrophy of the left atrium had completely affected the hematopoietic function and the beating of the heart.

Lin Yan looked at the flight attendant calmly: "Are there any control devices?"

The flight attendant shook her head, "There is no such measure on the plane!"

A clever woman can't make a meal without rice, so this is difficult to deal with. In this case, Lin Yan immediately clenched his fists and pressed the girl's chest, and told the flight attendant: "We must find a control vessel."

Upon hearing the news, everyone on the plane started to get excited. However, no one had any control equipment. If this continued, the girl's heart would stop immediately.
In this way, Lin Yan rescued the girl all the way. Before the plane was about to land, Lin Yan warned: "Has the 120 number from the nearest hospital arrived?"

The flight attendant nodded repeatedly: "We are already waiting below. As soon as we get off the plane, we will take the child directly to the hospital."

In this case, Lin Yan felt relieved.

After the plane landed, 120 carried the child onto a stretcher. The emergency doctor on the stretcher saw the simple tissue on the child and immediately asked, "Who made this? It's so amazing that you can complete such a difficult task with a pen." surgery."

The stewardess hurriedly explained: "He was a passenger on our plane, but he has got off the plane now..."

The emergency doctor had to admire such an operation. If it weren't for this device, the girl would have died on the plane.

Such a powerful operation may require a clinician with 60 to [-] years of experience to complete it.

(End of this chapter)

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