Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 193 The Person Who Came Suddenly

Chapter 193 The Person Who Came Suddenly
Lin Yan was not in Su Haiyang's room at this time, there were only Ye Qing and Su Haiyang here, Su Haiyang said a lot of things in a mess, Ye Qing didn't know which of his words were true and which were false.

But it was obvious that Ye Qing was very interested in what Su Haiyang said about Lin Yan's other eye appearing during treatment. He hoped that Su Haiyang would tell him in detail.

Su Haiyang's eyes rolled slowly, and various thoughts in his mind fought again.

There seemed to be stars in Ye Qing's eyes, "Tell me about it in detail, and if it's true, I'll reward you."

Ye Qing made a gesture of counting money.

Su Haiyang's eyes flickered, this is what he said, does Ye Qing want to give him money?He looked at the door and smiled softly when he saw no one opened the door.

"I was just kidding you. How could a person have an extra eye? He's not Erlangshen."

Ye Qing's eyes turned cold when he heard Su Haiyang's words, he was playing himself like a monkey.

Seeing Ye Qing's cold eyes, Su Haiyang hugged the quilt tightly, sure enough, he will be punished for talking nonsense.

Where is Lin Yan? Why didn't he come in?You were afraid of talking nonsense just now, are you not afraid now?
Su Haiyang had been beaten by Lin Yan before, so no one should know that he has clairvoyant eyes. How could he know that he was bald when he talked in a mess.

Su Haiyang knew that he had been rescued by Lin Yan several times, and he might be rescued again in the future. Ye Qing and Lin Yan seemed to have a close relationship, but they didn't know whether they were friends or foes. What happened because of his irrelevant words? Accident.When he gets injured or sick again in the future, even if Lin Yan can save him, he will treat it as invisible.

Su Haiyang knew what kind of person Lin Yan was. He looked gentle and warm-hearted, but when encountering things that touched the bottom line, he said he would just ignore them.

Lin Yan fixed the little girl's place and came in. Seeing Ye Qing and Su Haiyang's faces were cold, seeing that he still didn't speak, he was a little puzzled about what happened just now.

"What's wrong?" Lin Yan touched his face.

"It's nothing, I'm going back to sleep first." Ye Qing glared at Su Haiyang, then said a few words to Lin Yan and went back.

Ye Qing usually has a good temper. It was rare for Lin Yan to see him so quiet, but he could tell at a glance that he was angry. He turned around and asked Su Haiyang, "Why did you get into trouble with him?"

He clearly remembered that when he left the room, the two of them got along well, and Ye Qing smiled at him.

Why did I cover the little girl with a blanket outside and tidy up the place, and this place has changed.

Su Haiyang touched his nose and dared not look at him, saying that there was nothing wrong, maybe he was not in a good mood today.

How dare Su Haiyang say that he revealed his clairvoyance power with a bald mouth.Ye Qing asked further, but he said that what he just said was nonsense, and he was still not happy.

It's better not to tell the truth.

Lin Yan scratched his head in confusion, but thinking of Su Haiyang's injury today, he looked at his watch and found that it was already nine o'clock, so let him go to bed early, and there may be other things tomorrow.

Lin Yan also went back to his room to sleep.

When Lin Yan opened his eyes the next day, he found that it was already bright outside. He picked up his phone and checked the time. It was already eight o'clock.

As soon as he opened the door, he heard the crackling sound from the kitchen and smelled the aroma, but he wondered, who is cooking?

He walked a few steps closer, and finally saw Ye Qing cooking, he was a little surprised.I didn't expect to see Ye Qing cooking early in the morning.

Ye Qing was silent when he left Su Haiyang's room last night, why was he so virtuous this morning.

Ye Qing looked up at Lin Yan, Lin Yan greeted him, Ye Qing nodded.

Lin Yan touched his nose, it seemed that Ye Qing was not in a good mood yet.

Today's meal is very simple, poached eggs, grilled sausage, sandwiches and lettuce, although very simple, but the combination is very good.

Lin Yan sat with him, Lin Yan tasted the taste, and the taste was not bad, better than the rice cooked by himself.

In the end, Su Haiyang didn't catch anything for breakfast.

Ye Qing made him a white porridge alone. Su Haiyang looked at the white porridge, wanting to cry but not in tears. He ate very lightly last night, so why did he eat lightly this morning.

Su Haiyang looked at the poached eggs and grilled sausages, and thought that he could add an extra lunch for him, but he thought that he was overthinking.

Lin Yan finished his meal, cleared his throat and told Ye Qing that he wanted to go back to the hotel.

Ye Qing nodded, and Lin Yan changed his clothes before going downstairs and driving back to the hotel.

When Lin Yan returned to the hotel, the front desk had already finished shifting.The receptionist also knew Lin Yan.Lin Yan greeted her before taking the elevator to the floor.

He swiped open the door with his room card. The bedroom was rather messy. He tidied up his things and prepared to take them away.

When he was tidying up the house, he heard a knock on the door. He was a little puzzled. He was about to leave. Who else would come to him?He doesn't remember any acquaintances here...

Lin Yan looked carefully at the cat's eyes, and found that it was a person wearing black clothes and a mask, so he couldn't see his face clearly.But it can be seen from his eyes that the man in black is very anxious, did he offend someone and come to arrest him?
The man in black already knew from the front desk that there was someone in the room. He knocked on the door a few times, but no one opened the door.

After a while, the knocking became more rapid.

He already knew that there were people in the room, and this person saw that they did not open the door. The man in black had limited patience. Seeing that the door did not open, he was going to ask someone to go down to the front desk to swipe the room card to open it.

Looking at the fierce knocking on the door, Lin Yan felt that they would not let him go, and then opened the door gently. The man in black didn't care whether Lin Yan wanted to invite him in, so he barged in by himself.

Lin Yan took a few steps back and leaned against the cabinet door, and asked harshly, "Who are you? I haven't offended you, have I?"

"I ordered this room, and I don't know you, so why would you want to break into someone else's room?"

The man in black hesitated for a while and then said: "I want to ask you to help me treat my illness."

When Lin Yan heard that he was asked to go for treatment again, he was tired enough these days, and he didn't want to go into any muddy water, "No treatment, I'm just a poor dick, don't tell me to go for treatment I'm busy treating illnesses." Lin Yan refused without hesitation, packing his luggage while talking.

The mysterious man was not reconciled, and still asked him to help cure the disease, and even put forward a condition, "If you are willing to help me cure the disease, no matter whether it can be cured or not, I will definitely reward you with a lot of money."

Lin Yan froze for a moment, whether it can be cured or not?Repay a lot of money?This reward is definitely not easy to get, maybe it is something serious, "Death, I am very busy now, I really don't have time! I have been very tired these two days, and it is also very hard to treat illnesses and save lives."

"300 million!" The mysterious man said a number, but Lin Yan still shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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