Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 191 Come to Support

Chapter 191 Come to Support
Lin Yan met Ye Qing who had just been discharged from the hospital by chance, and Ye Qing told Lin Yan that Su Haiyang had gone back.

"What, he went back?" Lin Yan was very puzzled, why did he ask me to come to the hospital to look for him, and wasted my time for so long.

But doubts are nothing but doubts, Lin Yan still impatiently called Su Haiyang, but didn't answer for a while.

Lin Yan was a little annoyed, what kind of moth was Su Haiyang playing, so he had to send another text message: Where are you?
Very concise words.

At this time, Su Haiyang was dodging and running away. He heard the phone ringing, but now he had no time to answer the phone.He finally covered his wounds and hid in a small warehouse on the rooftop, but the little girl still refused to let him go, banging on the door again and again.

Su Haiyang also took advantage of this opportunity to turn on his phone, saw Lin Yan's message, and immediately sent Lin Yan a text message: Come quickly, I'm on the roof of the hospital, and I'm being hunted down!

After waiting for a while, Lin Yan even felt that Su Haiyang was playing with himself, so he shouldn't have come.Just as he was about to leave, there was a sudden "ding dong" on his phone, and he received a text message from Su Haiyang.

After reading the text message, Lin Yan was not surprised at all. A sinister person like Su Haiyang must have many enemies.He didn't care about who was chasing Su Haiyang, and Lin Yan didn't want to know. Now that people's lives are at stake, it's better to save them first.

Ye Qing stood aside and was not in a hurry to leave the hospital. Seeing Lin Yan frowning staring at the phone, he thought something must have happened, most likely it was Su Haiyang's fault.

Seeing Lin Yan hurriedly walking into the hospital, Ye Qing hurriedly followed, "I'll go with you." Lin Yan nodded.

Ye Qing thought about what happened when he was with Su Haiyang today, maybe there might be a clue.

The two rushed to the rooftop in a hurry, but the elevator didn't go up halfway. They just got out of the elevator and went up the stairs. There were still five floors to go.

At this time, Ye Qing suddenly remembered that the little girl came again not long ago, and the expression on her face was very gloomy. Go out, something must have happened.

Ye Qing hurriedly told Lin Yan about seeing the little girl today, "I remembered that the little girl came again today, and her face was gloomy, could it be?"

Hearing this, Lin Yan almost straightened things out. This little girl came to the door, it must be Su Haiyang who has done something wicked again. With the little girl's ability to play Gu, Su Haiyang is sure Can't beat it.

Su Haiyang hid in the warehouse, and there was no way to treat the wound on his body, so he had to let it stop the bleeding by itself.Seeing that Lin Yan didn't send him a text message, he sent several messages in a row, all of which were exclamation points.He didn't want to disturb the police, so he didn't call the police.

If it wasn't for the rush to hide from that little girl just now, there would be no need to send text messages.His breathing was a little heavy, listening to the sound of the door slamming outside, the sound of his heart beating, especially loud in the silent night.

He held the phone quietly. Just when his patience came to an end, his phone dinged and lit up. He received a text message from Lin Yan: Coming.

Holding the mobile phone, Su Haiyang moved a big box against the door. He had to hold it until Lin Yan arrived, and quietly waited for Lin Yan's rescue.

There is a way to save Lin Yan when he comes, so he doesn't have to wait here to die.I don't know why this little girl is so courageous, holding a knife and forcing herself on the balcony, obviously he is a big man.Doesn't it mean that most girls are not as physically strong as boys?Sure enough, he was so horrified that he would die?

Su Haiyang leaned on the side, wanting to take a rest, but he didn't dare to slack off listening to the knocking on the door.Human life is at stake, if this little girl rushes in accidentally, he can't stop her.

Finally, Lin Yan and Ye Qing rushed to the hospital roof, climbed five floors of stairs, and still ran up, the two of them were exhausted and out of breath.

As soon as they got on the roof, they saw the blood on the ground.It extends to a small warehouse not far away.The two looked at each other, thinking that something happened to Su Haiyang.

There was also a burst of knocking on the door, and when Lin Yan and Ye Qing looked over, they saw the little girl smashing the door open and dragging Su Haiyang out, the little girl smiled ferociously at this moment, " Now you can't run away, ha ha." Then he swung his knife to stab Su Haiyang.

Su Haiyang's eyes were wide open, and he couldn't hide the great fear in his eyes. Could it be that he was going to die here?But he didn't want to die, his career hadn't been completed yet, how could he just pass away like this?And it was in the hands of a little girl, which made him feel funny.

At the moment of life and death, Su Haiyang was still thinking about these things.

Just as the little girl's knife was about to swing down, Lin Yan shouted: "Stop!" Lin Yan ran over, but didn't dare to get too close.

The little girl turned her head in shock when she heard the voice, and looked at Lin Yan with death-like eyes, "Calm down before we talk about anything?" She walked forward slightly.

"Calm down? How can you tell me to be calm! He killed my grandma!" The little girl had tears in her eyes.

Su Haiyang was still terrified, but he still did not forget to defend himself, "I was wronged, I really didn't hurt your grandma!"

When the little girl heard Su Haiyang's justification, she didn't believe it at all, looked at Su Haiyang coldly, and started to swing the knife again.

Seeing this, Lin Yan didn't care to think about the reason, and rushed forward. At this moment, he didn't care about hitting the woman anymore. He kicked the knife away from the little girl's hand with a roundabout kick.

Then he quickly grabbed the little girl's hand, but the little girl refused to let go of Su Haiyang's hand at all. Ye Qing stepped forward to help, and then rescued Su Haiyang.

Su Haiyang was stabbed in the arm, bleeding a lot, and was also stabbed in the shoulder. Lin Yan looked at Su Haiyang's injuries and felt relieved when he saw that there were no critical injuries.

The little girl had a ferocious face, it was definitely impossible to calm her down, let alone ask her what happened. In desperation, Lin Yan had no choice but to knock her unconscious.

Lin Yan asked Su Haiyang why he didn't answer the phone, and if they came a little later, they would have to burn incense sticks for him.

Regarding Lin Yan's accusation, Su Haiyang lowered his head and said nothing, and Ye Qing's expression was not good. They thought it was a normal thing, but they thought that a murder almost happened, and the victim did not call the police to save himself, but instead sent them a text message. Text messages, calls still not answered.

If something goes wrong, they will be the first to find out, and they may become suspects. Compared with the last call from the victim, they were called.

Lin Yan took the little girl down.Ye Qing supported Su Haiyang and followed them.

(End of this chapter)

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