Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 179 Deadlock

Chapter 179 Deadlock
Hearing what Lin Yan said, the doctor also became a little panicked. Judging from Ye Qing's performance, it was not an ordinary mental disorder. He seemed to be attacking something intentionally, but also seemed to be avoiding something.

Could it be that he was really possessed by evil spirits? He himself has done all kinds of bad things and suffered from strange illnesses all over. If it wasn't for the master doctor Lin Shengxian, his little life would have been gone long ago.

The doctor subconsciously retreated behind Lin Yan, "Genius doctor, do you mean that he is also bewitched?"

"Judging from various manifestations, it is indeed evil energy entering the body, and measures must be taken immediately." Lin Yan reminded.

"Then what should I do? Just do what you tell me, and I will try my best." The doctor was at a loss at this time.

Ye Qing's situation is different from that of the doctor. The doctor's evil aura comes from the hostility in his body. Because of his many evil deeds, he attracts the yin energy from heaven and earth into his body, and the yin energy slowly grows into evil energy in his body.

The evil qi gradually eroded the viscera, organs and veins, blocked the blood circulation and digestive system, making him feel unbearable pain all over his body, and eventually he would die of pain.

And this Ye Qing was invaded by evil things that had already formed, controlling his body and mind, causing intermittent bursts of self-harm and attacks on others.

This will greatly hinder the treatment. No one can be sure whether he will have an emergency during the treatment process. Once the disease occurs, his life will be in danger.

"Tie him up first," Lin Yan ordered.

Now Ye Qing is curled up in a daze, as if he is resting, Lin Yan suggested to use the method just now, first cover him with a quilt, hold him down with two people, and then tie his hands up.

This time, the doctor rolled up the quilt and pounced on him. Before Ye Qing could react, Lin Yan held him down hard. Just as he was about to tie him up, the guy screamed and pushed us away.

"Good guy, where do you get such strength?"

The doctor was also enraged, and pressed his whole body tightly against him. Lin Yan took the opportunity to press his Yuzhen point hard, and Ye Qing gradually passed out.

The two men carried Ye Qing to bed and tied him with nylon rope to prevent him from having another attack when he woke up.

After resting for a while, Lin Yan began to feel Ye Qing's pulse. The pulse was beating steadily, so he was sure that he was not sick, and it must be caused by evil spirits.

"I'm going to give him a needle, you go outside and watch, don't let anyone in." Lin Yan told the doctor.

The doctor looked reluctant, "Let me see the medical skills of a genius doctor, anyway, no one comes in now."

Lin Yan didn't want to argue with him too much, nodded and said, "That's fine, but keep quiet."

"Don't worry, genius doctor, I'll keep my mouth shut and study, and I will guard the door by the way, so it won't affect you." The doctor said with great interest.

Just as Lin Yan took out the golden needle, and was about to make a move, the door was suddenly opened, and Su Haiyang hurried in.

Seeing that Ye Qing was tied up, he immediately became furious, "What are you doing? I asked you to treat illnesses, not to abuse people."

Lin Yan replied impatiently, "Mr. Su, please keep calm, I am treating a patient."

"Cure a shitty disease," Su Haiyang said angrily, "I thought you were a noble doctor, but I didn't expect you to be a duplicitous villain."

Lin Yan lowered his face, "Mr. Su, pay attention to your words, don't forget, I also cured Mr. Su."

Su Haiyang sneered, "That's because we are watching you day and night, and we don't dare to do anything wrong. Now that no one restricts you, you have exposed your essence. I think you are a demon who abuses patients."

The doctor at the back couldn't listen anymore, "Mr. Su, can you figure out the situation before you talk about it? Mr. Ye just had a seizure, hurt people everywhere and committed self-harm. We are helping him by doing this."

Su Haiyang glanced at him with disdain, "You quack doctor, you still see a doctor for your own problems, and you don't look in the mirror to see what your own virtue is."

The doctor Su Haiyang couldn't speak a word, so he had to stand aside and ignore him.

Lin Yan took a deep breath and said patiently, "Mr. Su is not the time to argue, I want to heal the patient first."

Su Haiyang smiled, "I think you can forget it. If you continue to treat the patient, the patient will die."

Su Haiyang took out a wad of money from his clothes and still put it on the ground, "Take it, you won't be needed here from now on."

Lin Yan really wanted to slap him twice and leave. It would be a waste of time to deal with such a selfish villain, but Ye Qing is not bad.

From yesterday's conversation, it can be seen that Ye Qing is a person who has a bottom line and values ​​emotions. Maybe he has done some excessive things before, and now he has the intention of repenting.

He should be given a chance to live. Besides, he is a doctor, and he has already taken over the patient, so he will not give up halfway. Even if he doesn't want a penny, he must cure the patient first.

"Mr. Su, please respect yourself and don't do anything that insults your identity. It's not good for you." Lin Yan reminded him.

"Why, do you think you have too little money?"

Su Haiyang sneered and said, "The reason why I asked you to see Ye Qing is to look at Su Han's face, and to give you a chance to prove yourself. Unexpectedly, you are a treacherous villain, which is really embarrassing."

"I warn you, if you don't leave, I will have someone arrest you, and you will never get out in this life." Su Haiyang further threatened him.

Lin Yan sighed helplessly, "As the pillar of the Su family, I am very disappointed with your behavior. I didn't expect you to be a domineering person who doesn't care about right and wrong. Well, since you are so capable, I won't stand in your way. Take your leave." "

After Lin Yan finished speaking, he walked out. The doctor saw that Lin Yan was about to leave, and immediately stopped him, "Genius doctor, you are the only person in the world who can cure this strange disease, you must not leave."

The doctor turned around and said to Su Haiyang, "Mr. Su, can you stop being so impulsive and find out if the situation is okay. Mr. Ye's behavior just now is really terrible. Only Miracle Doctor Lin can save him."

Su Haiyang calmed down a little, pondered for a while, and said, "You were there just now?"

The doctor nodded vigorously, "I have been with Miracle Doctor Lin, and we were the ones who restrained Mr. Ye. If you don't believe me, you can ask other doctors for care. If there is a little lie, we will let you deal with it."

Su Haiyang's expression became heavy, as if he had some concerns, and he didn't want to apologize directly to Lin Yan because of face.

Lin Yan knew that he had already compromised, and he didn't want to make things too rigid, and Lin Yan vaguely felt that Su Haiyang seemed to be hiding something from them, and his intuition told him that Su Haiyang must know the cause of Ye Qing's illness.

"Mr. Su, if you trust me, please let me continue to treat Mr. Ye." Lin Yan said sincerely.

Su Haiyang calmed down his anger, "I believe you again, but you must report to me the progress of the treatment in the future."

Lin Yan is a little annoyed, this guy really thinks of himself as the president, and he has to report everything.

The doctor hurriedly apologized, "That's natural, and we promise to report the truth to you about the treatment process in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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