Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 170 Methods

Chapter 170 Methods
There may be some conflicts with him, which makes him embarrassed.

But he didn't say anything, and left the decision-making power to Lin Yan, because his purpose was to hope that Lin Yan would go with him to other places for a few days to treat his friend's illness.

So he was in no position to persuade Lin Yan.

Lin Yan struggled in his heart for a long time, finally got an idea, raised his head, and looked at them with bright eyes.

"Can I go a few days later? I want to go back for a few days to take care of my girlfriend, tell him that I will leave during this period, and calm his mood, otherwise I will worry about something happening, so Is it okay if I come with you in a few days?"

Su Haiyang had already thought of a better way for Lin Yan, but he didn't expect that he wanted to delay the trip by a few days.

Feeling a little tangled in his heart, he naturally hoped that Lin Yan could leave with him as soon as possible, preferably now.

After all, such things as illness cannot be delayed, the longer the delay, the more serious his friend's illness will be.

So when he heard Lin Yan's words, an eager expression immediately appeared on his face.

"You need a few days, is one day enough? Or one night, if you just explain to your girlfriend, I think he should be able to understand that you are going to save people."

Su Haiyang knew that what he said meant a bit of moral kidnapping, but he couldn't help it.

He wanted Lin Yan to go with him quickly and cure his friend's illness. He didn't want to waste time, even if they felt that he was a moral kidnapper, it didn't matter to him.

Lin Yan looked at Su Haiyang's anxious look.All of a sudden.

The two remained deadlocked, after all, no one could give in to the other party's conditions, Lin Yan's heart sank, "I also made it very clear to you that I only have this one request, and I have no other requests. "

"So see if you can delay for a few days, and I will leave with you after I have dealt with the matter on my side. At that time, you can come back anytime you want, but now I must fulfill my condition That's okay, if we continue to be in this stalemate, it will only take less time to treat your friend."

Lin Yan also made it very clear to Su Haiyang directly, after all, we are all adults, not to mention that this is a matter of human life and nature.

Naturally, he had to make it clear and not be vague. If everyone has made it clear, then if he does this, there will be no other troubles or accidents later. Lin Yan didn't want him to go there with Su Haiyang. What unexpected things will happen.

What he wanted was to appease Mo Yuxuan, help Su Haiyang's friend heal in the past, and then settle this matter satisfactorily.

Su Haiyang did not expect that Lin Yan would be such a person who spoke directly and clearly, and he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

But I also know that Lin Yan's words are understandable from his own standpoint. She was the one who begged him to treat his friend's illness.

If he asks too much, even if he refuses to agree to Lin Yan's request, it will appear that he is overreaching. It will be bad if Lin Yan gets angry and refuses to help him.

Now it was immediately replaced by Su Haiyang, one head and two big, he really didn't know what to do, if he didn't agree to Lin Yan, it would be a mistake to agree, and he would delay his friend's treatment, and the time was still wrong.

Su Han on the side looked at the two of them and said a few words of justice to each other without letting the other.

"How about this, Su Haiyang, you first tell Lin Yan about your friend's condition carefully and ask him to estimate how long it can take to treat him, so that he can stay here for as long as possible, and then tell you Isn’t it possible in the past to not delay anyone’s business?”

When Su Han said this, the two of them looked at each other, thinking that this was indeed a good idea, they were too anxious because they didn't think of it just now.

The two of them were confused for a moment, but Su Han, an outsider, could not see it clearly.

But it's okay now, Su Han said it, and the two of them knew what to do next.

Then, as Su Han said, Su Haiyang told Lin Yan how sick her friend was.

"My friend's disease is actually quite complicated. I went to many doctors to see him, but the results they gave were not very good. They even asked me to prepare for the aftermath of the birth."

"But I didn't give up. I continued to inquire in the circle, who knows a doctor with excellent medical skills, and then I found Su Han and learned about your situation."

Lin Yan already understood these situations, and he frowned.

"You said something about the illness. I have already learned about it. I need to know how your friend is sick. For example, what is the cause of his illness, how long has he been ill, and what are the symptoms? I can It can be deduced what kind of disease he has."

Seeing Lin Yan uttering such professional words, Su Haiyang froze for a moment, then thought about what he said carefully.

"What is the cause of my friend's illness? I didn't know that he was a good person at the time. Suddenly, his body organs failed and the disease was very inexplicable. None of us knew. There was no sign at all, and he suddenly changed. In that state, he can only lie on the bed and inhale oxygen, and rely on the nutrient solution to infuse him into his body every day."

"Life is worse than death, even worse than a vegetative doctor said, if his organ failure continues at the same rate, he may only have a month to live, so I am so anxious to ask you to go over and show him Look, what happened to cure him? If this continues, there will really be no chance of cure."

Su Haiyang became more and more emotional after speaking, and looked at Lin Yan in front of him expectantly, his eyes were full of begging.

"If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to let you go with me, even if I didn't hesitate to do some disgusting things, I couldn't help it, so can you understand my mood? This friend really treats me It's very important, I don't want anything to happen to him."

After listening to Su Han's words, Lin Yan squinted his eyes, carefully thinking about the symptoms he said, what kind of disease it is.

It was a pity that after reviewing all the knowledge in his mind, there was nothing about these. He felt that Su Haiyang still didn't explain everything comprehensively.

Relying on these alone, there is really no way for him to estimate the time.

But since he said there was still a month left, it was still in time. He and Mo Yuxuan communicated well, and it would only take a few days to play.

But what Lin Yan was most afraid of was that this strange disease would suddenly change and accelerate the death of this person, and then it would be difficult to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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