Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 157 Renewing the Agreement

Chapter 157 Renewing the Agreement
Lin Yan nodded, turned around and walked in quickly.

"Wait a minute!" Su Haiyang raised his head and shouted, and suddenly stopped him.

"Is there anything else?" Lin Yan asked coldly.

Su Haiyang smiled strangely, "You should know that our Su family is not an ordinary family."

Lin Yan nodded disdainfully, "I can see that, if you have anything to say, just say it."

Hmph~ Su Haiyang snorted coldly, "Although you are treating someone else this time, you are still in the Su family after all. If any accident happens, you will be responsible for it."

Lin Yan couldn't help sneering, this guy is really thoughtful, if he has made a plan in advance, he should clean himself up first, so that no one can catch him.

"Are you going to sign another agreement with me?" Lin Yan asked coldly.

Su Haiyang smiled, "If you don't mind, it's not impossible."

Su Han came over quickly and said, "Uncle, Lin Yan has already signed a life and death certificate with us. It would be inappropriate to sign another one. Besides, Lin Yan is treating others this time and has no direct relationship with us."

"You really have no brains," Su Haiyang reprimanded, "If a person dies here, how should we explain it to the outside, besides, this guy took the initiative to grab himself, and he can't blame others."

"But~" Su Han still wanted to argue.

"Okay, I've made my decision!"

Su Haiyang turned to Lin Yan, "I won't make it difficult for you this time. If you fail, you won't have to diagnose and treat the old man, and the life and death status will naturally not take effect. However," Su Haiyang squeezed out a sneer from the corner of his mouth, "you will be cancelled." If you are not qualified to practice medicine, you will spend your life in prison.”

Disqualification from practicing medicine and imprisoned for life is worse than killing him. This guy is vicious enough.

However, this is nothing to Lin Yan. He is still confident to deal with all problems.

Lin Yan nodded, "It's fair."

Su Han looked at Lin Yan in surprise, even an idiot could tell that Su Haiyang wanted to ruin his reputation, how could it be fair, did Lin Yan be stupid for studying medical skills?

"However, I also have a condition." Lin Yan smiled.

Su Haiyang looked down on him like he was looking at a dying pig, "If you have anything to say, hurry up and say it now."

"If I can cure him, then when treating the old man, you must listen to me." Lin Yan said seriously.

Su Haiyang looked down on him with a puzzled expression. Now he couldn't save himself, and he was still thinking about treating the old man. If he had deceived others for a long time, he had deceived himself into a fool.

Or that he really has some superb means, I don't believe it. Without complete medical facilities and assistants, you can cure people, but at most you can delay the disease.

"Hmph, I'm not afraid that Feng Da will flash his tongue. It's up to you to treat people with nothing. You don't look like a doctor. Go back obediently and don't embarrass yourself here."

Song Yueru who was next to her suddenly started cursing in a strange way.

"You step on the horse and say it again, I will throw you out now." Su Han suddenly became furious, he had endured this woman for a long time.

Song Yueru sneered, "Come here, I want to see how you threw me out in front of so many people."

In front of Su Haiyang, Su Han really couldn't be too presumptuous. After all, this woman came here at the invitation of Su's family. As the host, he must be generous.

"Forget it Su Han, there's no need to waste words with her, it's more important to do business." Lin Yan stopped the angry Su Han.

Song Yueru's face was full of disbelief, "What you said is true. Many doctors have seen his disease, and none of them can see the clue. It's just suppressing and procrastinating. I don't believe you can cure him."

"Okay, step aside and let him in." Su Haiyang here seemed very impatient.

Lin Yan opened the door and came in, and suddenly smelled a faint stench emanating from the bedroom.

Sure enough, there was something unclean. Lin Yan quickly walked into the bedroom and saw a group of things wrapped in thick quilts, shaking from time to time.

The whole room became gloomy for no reason, except for Lin Yan, everyone showed a look of panic.

"Genius doctor, the atmosphere is not right, is it something dirty again?" Su Han asked in a low voice from behind.

"It's a bit unlucky, but it's okay. Just stand far away." Lin Yan warned them.

The guy in the quilt heard someone talking, and suddenly lifted the quilt, revealing a thin and pale face, and everyone took a few steps back in fright.

"Miracle doctor, you're here. Come and see if I'm going to die." This man looked begging, completely unlike the arrogant famous doctor before.

Lin Yan smiled indifferently, "Do you still remember what I said?"

This person remembered what Lin Yan said to him yesterday, there was something unclean in his body, if it was not removed in time, the consequences would be disastrous.

This fellow suddenly woke up like a dream, and suddenly hit the quilt in front of him hard with his head, "Since the genius doctor knows my cause, he must have a way to save me. I beg the genius doctor to show mercy and save my life."

"Okay, don't dawdle, let's start quickly."

Su Haiyang from behind hurriedly urged, he couldn't bear this gloomy atmosphere, especially that guy looked half dead.

Lin Yan turned back and said coldly, "Have you forgotten the condition just now, no noise here."

"What are you talking about?" Su Haiyang said angrily, "Is this a place for people to stay? How long do you want me to wait here? If you can't cure it in one day, do I have to stay here with you for one day?"

"No one forces you to stay here, this is your place, you can go wherever you want." Lin Yan said disdainfully.

"Presumptuous, what kind of attitude is this?" Su Haiyang shouted angrily.

Su Han quickly stepped forward to smooth things over, "Uncle, Lin Yan is also thinking about the patients. Don't mind. And everyone just agreed to keep quiet after coming in. We can't break our promises."

"But this~"

Su Haiyang had no choice but to urge Lin Yan, "Hurry up, can you give me an accurate answer? Don't let everyone suffer with you."

"Mr. Su, if you don't say a few words, I can do it earlier." Lin Yan said sarcastically.

Lin Yan began to observe carefully and found that the pores all over his body were blocked and the skin shrank, as if it was deliberately blocked by something.

Seeing him watching for a long time without making a move, Song Yueru from behind said strangely, "Do you understand, if it doesn't work, leave immediately, don't waste everyone's time."

"Shut up, if you dare to talk too much, I will drive you away." The doctor scolded angrily, and then coughed.

"Don't be angry, you are short of breath, listless, and easily faint." Lin Yan reminded him.

"Yeah, you're right. I've been in a trance recently, and I'd faint when I get angry. I've taken a lot of medicines for activating energy and promoting blood flow, but nothing works." The man was surprised, and he could even see this.

"This is caused by the growth of evil spirits. Ordinary medicine and surgery will not work. If you do this, the condition will only get worse." Lin Yan explained.

(End of this chapter)

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