Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 15 There Are Many Famous People Who Come

Chapter 15 There Are Many Famous People Who Come
During the chat between Mo Yuxuan and Lin Yan, Lin Yan revealed to Mo Yuxuan that he wanted to open a clinic.

"I went to help others in the hospital some time ago, and then many people began to come to me for treatment, but I have no place to provide them."

While biting the straw, Lin Yan pretended to be indifferent and said these words. In fact, Lin Yan knew very well in his heart that he knew that the world was not fair.

If there was a hospital in the past six months that did not rely on "giving some benefits" to get hired, Lin Yan would not have been waiting at home for so long, and even lost his girlfriend.

Lin Yan still thinks that the main reason why his girlfriend ran away with someone else was because Song Yueru disliked his inability to make money at the time, so he allowed others to take advantage of him.

"Well, it's very good. I think your idea is very good. I support you to come out and treat others by yourself. It's really better than staying in the hospital with some money that doesn't match the value of your labor. "

After listening to Lin Yan's words, Mo Yuxuan nodded at Lin Yan.She really thinks that Lin Yan's idea is very feasible, she thinks that Lin Yan may be someone who can accomplish great things.

But Lin Yan sighed again and shook his head. He said that this matter is easy to say, but it is not so easy to do.

"Oh, but now there is a major problem. I don't have a place where I can treat others. I can't let all the patients run to my house. That would be bad."

Mo Yuxuan felt a little funny after listening to Lin Yan's words. She felt that Lin Yan knew that he was rich, powerful and well-connected, but why didn't he come to her for help.

"There's no need to sigh anymore. I'm here. Why are you in a hurry? I'll take care of this matter and leave it to me. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be satisfied. My dad didn't give me the last time. I got you a card, you just use that card to pay.”

Mo Yuxuan patted his chest and assured Lin Yan that he was bound to win like this.

After listening to Mo Yuxuan's words, Lin Yan suddenly felt a little embarrassed. He felt that he was going to trouble others.Lin Yan actually mentioned it casually, he didn't want Mo Yuxuan to help him too much, and he didn't want to owe anyone a favor.

And when Lin Yan heard Mo Yuxuan mentioning the card her father had given her, Lin Yan was even more embarrassed.Because Lin Yan bought a restaurant with that card and spent a lot of money, but he didn't tell them about it.

Although Lin Yan heard that Mo Yuxuan's father asked him to swipe this card casually, he still felt that it was not good for him to do so.After all, Lin Yan just wants to create an appearance in front of Song Yueru that he is already very powerful and can start to be very generous.

So Lin Yan decided to confess this matter to Mo Yuxuan first, and then discuss the place where people are treated.

After listening, Mo Yuxuan waved his hand to show that he didn't care about this matter, and neither did his father.Mo Yuxuan felt that as long as this card was given by her father, and her father said that she could swipe it casually, then there was no need to worry about it.

But Lin Yan still felt that this was not very good, because Lin Yan decided that he did not do anything to deserve so much money.

So Lin Yan decided to treat Mo Yuxuan and her father more carefully. He hoped that he could be worthy of having so much money.

At this moment, Lin Yan's cell phone rang suddenly.

Lin Yan picked up the phone and checked who was calling, but he didn't expect it to be his neighbor Qiu Yan.

Originally, Lin Yan thought that Qiu Yan wanted to ask him about his physical condition because of some physical discomfort.

But after Lin Yan answered the phone, he heard that Qiu Yan asked him to go to the hospital immediately, saying that many people were staying in the hospital and they were all from the famous Lin Yan's superb medical skills.

After listening to these words, Lin Yan really felt that he was one head or two older. He didn't expect that his fame was so great that so many people came to the hospital to see him.

At this moment, Lin Yan really didn't know whether he should be happy or sad. Lin Yan felt that this had clearly achieved his original goal of becoming a doctor, but he felt a little guilty for those patients. .

Lin Yan didn't know how he was able to gain the trust of so many people, so Lin Yan hoped from the bottom of his heart that he would live up to everyone's trust, and he would do his best to treat more people and give everyone A family brings happiness.

This is Lin Yan's original wish and dream. He also hopes to not forget his original intention and keep in mind his mission as a doctor.

"What's the matter, who called? What happened to make your frown so tight?"

Mo Yuxuan felt something was wrong when he looked at Lin Yan like this, but when he asked, he really said that Cao Cao had arrived.

The issue that Lin Yan and Mo Yuxuan were discussing just now reappeared so soon.

Mo Yuxuan told Lin Yan to go to the hospital quickly, so don't waste time.Mo Yuxuan told Lin Yan that he needed a house, and he could leave it to her with confidence, so that Lin Yan only had to complete his own tasks and treat others seriously.

After listening to Mo Yuxuan's words, Lin Yan thanked Mo Yuxuan repeatedly.

"Then I'll go there first, and I'll definitely treat you to dinner when things are done. But this time I'm really sorry, goodbye!"

After saying these words, Lin Yan rushed to the hospital without stopping, and immediately followed Qiu Yan to the patient.

And Mo Yuxuan, who was still in the restaurant, was also very efficient and immediately started to deal with the issue of the house. She felt that this should be enough for a storefront, and there should be no need for a big house.

Because some of the clinics Mo Yuxuan had been to were not very big, and they all only had an area of ​​about [-] square meters.So Mo Yuxuan screened out several stores and finally found one that she felt was very suitable.

This shop is quite close to Lin Yan's residence, and it only takes about ten minutes to walk, which is a big reason why Mo Yuxuan chose this shop.

However, the location of this shop is relatively remote. Although it is a shop, it is better to say that it is just a small bungalow.In particular, this shop has only one floor above and below, and the surrounding area is still relatively empty, surrounded by a circle of sweet-scented osmanthus trees.

This is also Mo Yuxuan's selfishness, she likes sweet-scented osmanthus very much.

After Mo Yuxuan made his selection, he immediately contacted the landlord of the shop and asked to see the house now.

(End of this chapter)

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