Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 133 Medical Skill Competition

Chapter 133 Medical Skill Competition
"Hey, look at his clothes, I'm afraid they were picked up from that garbage dump."

Seeing that Lin Yan didn't respond, Witt started laughing at him again, which made Lin Yan very unhappy.

"What do you mean?"

"Please apologize and don't judge people you just met."

However, Witt showed no attitude of admitting his mistakes at all.

The clothes on Witt looked gorgeous, and the clothes felt good, reflecting his tall and slender physique.It was completely different from Lin Yan's clothes.

Lin Yan was wearing a simple white shirt, and the material was not particularly good. Witt laughed at the first sight.

"What's so funny?" Lin Yan didn't like Witt's eyes very much. His contemptuous and supercilious eyes made him look like a clown.

"Is there no good clothes in Huaguo?" Witt glanced at Lin Yan's clothes, "Or you are too poor to afford good clothes?"

"What clothes do I wear, does it have anything to do with you?"

"Doctors in Huaguo care about cultivating their hearts and don't care about their appearance."

Lin Yan didn't understand what Witt was thinking. As a doctor, his body smelled weird every day. Why did they stay in the laboratory all day long and dress so well?
After listening to Lin Yan's words, Witt frowned, feeling that his words made his actions just now inferior.

"I think seriousness should be reflected in all aspects, such as clothes should be serious, otherwise who can rest assured that you will do it." Witt rolled up his sleeves.

Seeing Witt's half-smiling eyes, Lin Yan was very angry.

"Really? No matter how good your clothes are, it doesn't necessarily mean that your medical skills are superb! Maybe you're just showing off your appearance." Lin Yan was angrily laughed at by Witt.

Witt was choked by Lin Yan, and the eyes of the people around him were all looking at Witt, thinking that he cared too much about his appearance, which made Witt feel irritable.

After listening to Lin Yan's words, Witt looked at the unkind eyes of the people around him, and felt as if he had been punched in his weakness. He was laughed at by others, and he was mistaken for someone who cared about his appearance and was not good at medical skills. .

"Then come and compare your medical skills with me. If you don't accept it, you are afraid?" Witt was not intimidated by Lin Yan, he knew what is the capital to gain a foothold here.

So he proposed to compare medical skills with Lin Yan, and even if his medical skills were really good, Witt was already ready to do something.

Lin Yan thought to himself that if no one else was around, he believed that he would be beaten into silence. This person actually dared to provoke him.

Because of the dispute between Witt and Lin Yan in the laboratory, Mi Luo, an elderly doctor, couldn't see it, and told them that there happened to be a research that had not yet processed the results, and they could try it.

Milo, who spoke, had a gray beard and wore glasses. He looked to be in his fifties or sixties. His majesty was deeply rooted in people's hearts. After listening to his words, the surrounding area fell silent.

In the end, several respectable people next to him echoed, apparently agreeing to his proposal.

"Teacher." Dale expressed doubts and disagreed with the teacher's proposal. "We haven't researched the results yet, so how many years and months do they have to wait?"

"Alas," Milo said in a deep voice, "That's not what I say. If you are always timid, how can you talk about pioneering and innovation?"

"We don't expect them to really research it. We just have nothing to do, so we will give them a chance to compete."

Witt was very dissatisfied with Milo's words, and he was not a monkey in the zoo, which attracted them to watch.And it also suddenly appeared to disrupt his plan, but Witt is not worried, but he is just a young man, how can he be so powerful?
He just wanted to compare his medical skills with Lin Yan, and knock him out of the dust.

Milo, who just asked a question, seemed to be very respectable.The people around him also surrounded him, and some even talked to him for advice. Witt knew that this Milo was not someone he could ridicule, so he swallowed his breath back, and instead focused on dealing with Lin Yan.

"Is the medical skill better than that?" Seeing that Lin Yan didn't talk to him, Witt said impatiently: "I agree with what the doctor said just now, but I don't know if you agree or not."

"Just compare." Lin Yan felt that his medical skills were no worse than Witt's, and seeing his nostrils upturned, he wanted to teach him a lesson.

"That's good." Witt smiled with satisfaction.

He will soon let this kid know what it means to be tall and thick.There was a gleam in Witt's eyes.

"What do you think of treating a black bear?" After hearing Lin Yan's promise, Witt thought for a while before coming up with this good idea.

If the live rabbit is replaced with a black bear, it will increase the difficulty. He believes that Lin Yan will be frightened and beg for mercy when he sees it.

Milo frowned when he heard Witt's words, it's easy to get a black bear.Because Witt is a wealthy family, it is easy for them to get a black bear.

But the medicine used for this treatment was mania medicine. He was afraid that the black bear would explode and cause harm to the people around him, so Milo objected.

"Mr. Witt, is it too hasty to experiment with black bears?" Milo asked him in a stiff tone, dissatisfied with Witt's decision.

Witt looked at Lin Yan, the corners of his mouth slightly curled up, "This is a matter between me and this gentleman, if you are afraid, you can stay away." Milo sighed at Witt's stubborn look, it seems that Witt is It doesn't make sense.He turned his gaze to Lin Yan.

"You have to consider the cost of using black bears for research." Milo asked Lin Yan directly, his face solemn, as if once Lin Yan said he gave up, he could ask them to cancel this stupid competition.

Witt is not a good person. In Hei Xiong's words, nine out of ten he wants to kill Lin Yan.

Although Milo didn't want to confront Witt head-on, he wanted to remind this young man to think carefully and not to lose his life for a moment of bravado.

Lin Yan chuckled and shook his head, "Since I promised Mr. Witte, I will complete it no matter how difficult it is."

Lin Yan didn't know what to do. He didn't expect Witt to be so courageous, and he wasn't afraid of accidents.

But in front of so many people who have accomplished medical skills, he couldn't break the contract.

Witt was not only hostile to him, but also had no good impression of China. He wanted Witt to pay the price for his bold words.

Witt called his brother, "Brother, it's me, I remember you bought last time..."

Witt has objections to using black bears for experiments because he saw his brother bought a few black bears a few days ago.

As for letting the laboratory produce black bears?That's a good thing you can't even think about.

After all, those who do research spend their money wisely. Asking them to buy a black bear for experiments, except for specific biological experiments, asking them to pay for other things is simply gouging out their flesh.

Witt knew them well and didn't say to make them pay for their own affairs, so he called his brother and asked him to take care of it.

Witt's brother answered the phone and dealt with the matter very quickly. Within half an hour, there was the sound of a car at the door.

Witt rushed out to meet them, and sure enough there was a black bear in their car.

"Thank you for your hard work." Witt looked at the spirited black bear and gave the escort a rare smile.

There is no doubt about the irascibility of the black bear, but also the uneasiness of being in a strange place. It kept hitting the iron cage and baring its teeth at Witt.

Witt was very close to the black bear, but he believed in the quality of the iron cage. The black bear slammed the iron cage loudly, but failed to make any traces.

(End of this chapter)

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