Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 13 Succeeded

Chapter 13 Succeeded

So the nurse drove the two of them away without giving them a chance to explain.

So Qiu Yan had no choice but to yell loudly, asking the director of the department to come over quickly, hoping that the director of the department could trust herself and Lin Yan.

"Director, he is really powerful. Anyway, we have nothing to do. Why don't we let Lin Yan try it! Maybe it will work! Give it a try!"

After Qiu Yan waited for the director of the department to appear, she immediately approached and said to the director of the department, hoping that the director could agree to her.

But it wasn't just the director of the department who came out, many doctors also came out together.After hearing Qiu Yan's words, the others disdain it. They feel that Qiu Yan's words are nothing more than slapping the director in the face.

After all, how can such a simple and young person be able to complete things that even a seasoned director can't solve.Besides, there are so many people in the hospital, but they are all from excellent universities, but there is no way to solve it. Isn't that a slap in the face of everyone.

So after hearing Qiu Yan's words, everyone felt unhappy.

But Qiu Yan is still defending Lin Yan, and still hopes that everyone can trust Lin Yan's ability and hand over the patient to Lin Yan for treatment.

"Oh, you are treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor, but if the person is cured, what can you say? And if the cure is gone, who should be responsible for it? Yes Him? Or you?"

At this time, a colleague of Qiu Yan came out to speak. Although the tone was not very pleasant, the words were indeed very reasonable.

If the person is cured, Qiu Yan would not dare to put this responsibility on her own head.

So at this time Qiu Yan was a little scared, and she didn't dare to take the risk of letting Lin Yan treat the patient.After all, Qiu Yan didn't want Lin Yan to take this risk, and if he was cured, Qiu Yan would never be able to hang around in the hospital in the future.

But at this moment, Lin Yan suddenly said something that shocked everyone.

"If something goes wrong, I don't need you to be responsible, I will take it on my own, but you have to take me to see the extent of the patient's injury first. Even though I have roughly known the condition of the patients from Qiu Yan just now, But it’s not very specific yet, I need to get a real look at it.”

Lin Yan said these words expressionlessly, with a very serious expression, so everyone couldn't help but believe what Lin Yan said.

These words were also listened to by the director. Although the director's medical skills are indeed superb, if all the patients cannot be cured this time, there are some responsibilities on his body.Why don't you just let the young man in front of you take a look, maybe it's really okay.

Anyway, in the heart of the department director now, he also regards this dead horse as a living horse doctor, at least there are still people who are willing to try to help patients.

"Okay, let this young man have a try, everyone should be more optimistic, maybe it will work!"

After the director had spoken, it was hard for everyone to say anything more, so they all had to make way for Lin Yan so that he could enter the consulting room.

After hearing what the director said, Qiu Yan was very happy, so Qiu Yan hurriedly pulled Lin Yan's sleeve into the consulting room.

However, before entering the consulting room, you must put on a sterile suit, put on a mask, and then perform a full-body disinfection.Just in case the bacteria on Lin Yan's body were brought into the consulting room, making the patient's condition worse.

Then Lin Yan was brought by Qiu Yan to the bed of one of the patients. This patient was the one with the most serious injuries among all the patients. It's no problem.

Others also followed Lin Yan into the consultation room. They all wanted to know what kind of person was able to say such arrogant words, completely ignoring everyone.

After Lin Yan entered the consultation room, he immediately began to check. After checking for a while, he frowned involuntarily after seeing the injuries on his entire body.

Everyone else thought that Lin Yan had no choice but just when they were about to ridicule Lin Yan and Qiu Yan, they suddenly heard what Lin Yan said.

"I'm afraid I can't do it alone. I need someone to stay and help me now, and there are so many people waiting for treatment, so we have to divide the work and cooperate, so many people are treating at the same time."

Everyone was stunned by Lin Yan's words, but they didn't expect Lin Yan to have a solution.

"How about this, the three of you with the best medical skills come to see how I operate, and then immediately go to the next treatment."

Lin Yan suddenly stopped what he was doing, then turned around and said to everyone.Immediately called Qiu Yan's name, and asked Qiu Yan to stay and help him.

Qiu Yan immediately agreed to Lin Yan's words, and immediately began to cooperate with Lin Yan's operations.

After a while, the first person's injury was treated by Lin Yan.

Although it took almost two hours to complete such an operation, it is really very fast for such a large degree of burns, so everyone was shocked again.

Moreover, Lin Yan dealt with the person with the most serious burns this time, so that they could all be cured, which really brought confidence and courage to everyone.

But Lin Yan felt that this was nothing, but told everyone to quickly rescue according to the task he had just assigned.

The director of the department was watching Lin Yan's operation attentively throughout the whole process. Lin Yan used many treatment methods that are rarely used by everyone, and it can be said that he was treating the wound in a different way, so he was really impressed by Lin Yan's technique. I feel ashamed of being stimulated.

After Lin Yan finished the first surgery, he didn't rest too much, but drank some water, closed his eyes and rested his mind for 5 minutes, and then told Qiu Yan to hurry up for the second surgery.

After everyone went through a meal, the injuries of all patients were basically healed.

After all the operations were over, the director of the surgery department found Lin Yan, that is, Qiu Yan and their boss, and wanted to ask Lin Yan for medical advice.

This made everyone never expect that the head of the department, who was already quite old, would come to ask a young man in his twenties, and what was even more unexpected was that Lin Yan would reject the request of the head of the department.

But the director of the department who was rejected was not discouraged, but kept begging Lin Yan: "Young man, even if you don't teach me your medical skills, please teach my grandson!"

(End of this chapter)

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