Chapter 117 Angry
He looked at the foreign man standing close to Mo Yuxuan, his heart ached almost to pieces, he clenched his hands tightly, for fear that he would rush forward and drag the foreign man out to beat him up .

Lin Yan held back abruptly.

He knew that the misunderstanding between him and Mo Yuxuan had not been resolved, and if he rushed forward rashly, it would only leave a worse impression on Mo Yuxuan.

He didn't want Mo Yuxuan to look at him with that disgusting gaze again, his heart would be broken.

Lin Yan forced himself to face Mo Yuxuan with a smile, he waved to Mo Yuxuan, and was about to say hello to Mo Yuxuan.

The foreign man had already noticed the situation here, he leaned down and asked Mo Yuxuan, "Miss Mo, the Chinese man next to you has been paying attention to you for a long time, do you know him? It's impolite to look at him for such a long time. .”

The last sentence was naturally addressed to Lin Yan.

Seeing the deliberation in the eyes of the foreign man, Lin Yan was angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do on the surface.

Wei Duoya stood aside, and it was the first time she saw Lin Yan expressing such strong emotions.

But it was because of a woman?Feeling a little uncomfortable, she stretched out her hand to grab Lin Yan's sleeve, but when she saw the heartache in Lin Yan's eyes, she stretched her hand halfway, but stopped abruptly.

When Mo Yuxuan heard the foreign man's question, he looked back at the man.

She glimpsed Lin Yan out of the corner of her eye, snorted coldly, and said bluntly: "I don't know him, let's go quickly, or it won't be good if we are late."

As he said that, he strode forward, as if there was something urgent.

When Lin Yan heard Mo Yuxuan's answer, his heart was broken. He frowned tightly, and the sadness in his eyes was like a river of spring water.

Mo Yuxuan's heart trembled when she saw Lin Yan's eyes, but she quickly turned her head and strode forward.

"Yuxuan!" Lin Yan shouted, and immediately chased after him.

If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid it will be very difficult to meet again in the future.

He quickly caught up with Mo Yuxuan, and Mo Yuxuan didn't stop walking forward, but kept a cold face, as if he saw some annoying person.

But yes, Lin Yan must be an annoying person to her now.

Lin Yan grabbed Mo Yuxuan's hand and said urgently, "Yuxuan, can you listen to my explanation?"

Mo Yuxuan shook off Lin Yan's hand, frowning, and wiped vigorously the wrist that Lin Yan had grabbed.

Lin Yan was even more hurt after seeing it, and said softly, "Listen to my explanation, okay?"

A very small emotion flashed across Mo Yuxuan's heart.

It seemed to be a moment of pain, and it seemed to be a moment of numbness.

Mo Yuxuan looked at Lin Yan, and suddenly became emotional: "What is there to explain? Everything has already happened!"

Mo Yuxuan took a step back and grabbed the foreign man's hand, as if declaring his sovereignty: "You already have Qiu Yan, and I have already said that I will quit to fulfill you, so you can be with Qiu Yan! And I will also Find my soul mate..."

Mo Yuxuan deliberately turned his head to look at the foreign man.

The foreign man knew Mo Yuxuan's behavior in his heart, so he just curled his lips and smiled slightly: "Yes, sir, your relationship is over, it's not a gentleman's behavior to pester a lady."

Mo Yuxuan snorted softly, took the foreign man's arm, and deliberately leaned very close to the foreign man.

Lin Yan suppressed his emotions, his eyes looked sad and helpless.

"Yuxuan..." he whispered in a low voice.

Mo Yuxuan got closer to the foreign man again, and she raised her voice: "Our relationship is over, Mr. Lin Yan, you can live a good life with Qiu Yan, don't pester me again.

When Lin Yan heard this, a trace of despair and boredom suddenly rose in his heart.

He didn't know if Mo Yuxuan would believe him if he explained it, and he didn't know how long they would continue like this, would they be like this forever?The previous vows of eternal love, in today's eyes, are all like jokes. What was said yesterday seems to be forgotten today. Such a beautiful yesterday is still in front of my eyes, and I can't forget it for a long time.

Wei Duoya has already chased after her. She also heard a sentence or two of what Lin Yan said just now. She looked at the three people who were in a stalemate in front of her, and through the few words Lin Yan said just now, she had already guessed in her heart that it was what's the matter.

They didn't get along for a long time. Although it was only a few days, she could still feel that Lin Yan was definitely not a person with a bad heart. Presumably there must be some misunderstanding between the two people that had not been cleared up before they changed. It became what it is now.

But looking at the current situation, it must be Lin Yan who wants to explain, but she doesn't believe it, and she doesn't want to listen, right?

Wei Duoya snorted coldly in her heart and said, Lin Yan is such a good person, I don't know how many people dream of marrying him, but Mo Yuxuan didn't expect Mo Yuxuan to cherish him so much.

She can't wait for the man she promised herself to be abandoned like this?

There was a flame in Wei Duoya's heart immediately.

It was Mo Yuxuan who didn't cherish it so much, so don't blame her for taking advantage of it and snatching Lin Yan over!

"Why are you staying here?" Wei Duoya asked.

The eyes of the three people who were still in a stalemate were immediately attracted to this clear and clear voice like a lark.

Wei Duoya stood up with a light smile, her laughter was as sweet as a silver bell, she was wearing a knee-length student skirt, her hair was tied behind her head, and the smile on her mouth was soft and sweet, like a neighbor who doesn't care about the world. She is a girl from home, but her long loose hair makes her more beautiful like a doll, and people can't help but protect and cherish her.

Lin Yan frowned slightly, wondering why Wei Duoya came here for, the scene is already chaotic enough, wouldn't Wei Duoya come again to add to the chaos?

Wei Duoya directly ignored Lin Yan's frowning, walked quickly to Lin Yan's side, and firmly grabbed Lin Yan's arm.

Wei Duoya didn't shy away from looking at her. She looked at Mo Yuxuan who was watching her, and there was even a bit of pride in her eyes.

When Mo Yuxuan saw such a number one person appearing out of nowhere, his heart was already in turmoil.

The corner of Victoria's mouth still maintained such a pure and clean smile.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Yan scolded in a low voice, he didn't care about anything else, he just wanted Wei Duoya to leave here quickly, so as not to cause any trouble for her.

When Wei Duoya heard Lin Yan's scolding, her expression was aggrieved. She grabbed Lin Yan's sleeve and said coquettishly: "Who told you not to come here with me? I'm your fiancée, how could you leave me alone?" Where?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere immediately froze.

Lin Yan frowned tightly, and pushed Wei Duoya's hand away: "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Wei Duoya deliberately glanced at Mo Yuxuan, as if she was showing off, and her voice was a little loud: "I'm not talking nonsense!"

(End of this chapter)

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