Medical Immortal City Happy

Chapter 104 New Changes

Chapter 104 New Changes
After an unknown amount of time, Lin Yan woke up.

The pain has subsided, but Lin Yan still has lingering fear.

I always feel that the pain that seeps into my blood is still left in my body.

He collected himself, only to realize that he fell to the ground without knowing when!
Lin Yan shook his head and smiled wryly.

After suffering severe pain once, Lin Yan seemed to be just recovering from a serious illness. His body lost strength for a while, and it took him a long time before he recovered from the shock.

He propped himself up on the floor and wanted to sit on the sofa, only to find that there were wet marks under his palms.

Lin Yan sat on the sofa and finally saw clearly that the trace turned out to be a human figure!
After thinking about it, he understood, it seemed that he had sweated too much physiologically because of the pain just now, and he even formed a human figure on the floor!
Looking at the human figure's sweaty outline, Lin Yan secretly thought it was dangerous.

If I didn't wake up, I don't know if I died from pain or from lack of water.

He picked up the kettle and poured a pot of cold water before completely suppressing the fear.

Once he calmed down, Lin Yan noticed something was wrong.

His ears were no longer ringing, not only that, but now he could actually hear the barking of the dog upstairs opposite!
Hearing the barking sound, it was obviously a puppy whimpering, and occasionally it would bark a few times in a childish way!
Lin Yan listened attentively.

Now, he not only heard the barking of the dog, but also heard the breeze blowing downstairs, the rustling of the leaves rubbing against each other, and heard the lullaby of some nanny humming while holding the baby.

Lin Yan couldn't help being stunned!

He quickly remembered that when he first accepted the inheritance from the Medical Immortal, his hearing and other senses had also been strengthened to a certain extent. What was the reason for this time?
He quickly flipped through the inheritance book in his mind, and finally found the answer in a warning!
It turned out that this was all caused by being too tired recently!

Lin Yan was really tired these days.

In order to save Mo Yuxuan, he used his spiritual consciousness to modify his blood type, and later he continued to see patients in President Zhang's hospital, which consumed a lot of energy!

Changing his blood type directly consumed four-fifths of his energy, and the continuous visits to the doctor without a break almost consumed what little energy he had left.

Just now I was forced to use the perspective ability in the hospital again, and I have already overdrawn my physical strength!
After all this tossing, his mental consumption has already broken through the limit of his body!

And the golden light in the blood vessels and the pain just now are the side effects of breaking through the limit of the body!

It was also Lin Yan's luck. Generally, people who practiced the inheritance of medical immortals would have burst blood vessels and died long ago in this situation!It was Lin Yan who could escape death!

He thought about the sudden death scene of a blood vessel bursting and bleeding all over his body, and he couldn't help feeling even more frightened.

But after the fear passed, Lin Yan couldn't help feeling a little excited!

After all, he is still young, and he is not yet afraid of death. After experiencing this kind of lucky event, he believes that he will be favored by heaven and earth. Therefore, after a short period of fear and panic, there is boundless hope that emerges!

He was able to get through this calamity safely by accident. Doesn't it mean that he not only has opportunities but also good luck?

Lin Yan thought about it, and couldn't help but feel excited!

He believes that with the inheritance of a medical immortal, he will be able to live a personal life and impress those who look down on him!
Feeling agitated, Lin Yan stood in front of the window again and began to test how his eyesight had changed.

After this trial, Lin Yan couldn't help being very happy!
It turned out that when he looked intently, he could even see clearly the signboard of a supermarket a hundred meters away!If you look more carefully, you can actually see the promotional advertisements pasted at the entrance of the supermarket!

This improvement is really not one point or two points!It is simply a qualitative leap!
This is simply a great thing!
The emotional excitement caused by the ups and downs cannot subside for a while.

After being excited for a long time, Lin Yan finally calmed down from the excitement!
After reviewing the previous and subsequent experiences, Lin Yan couldn't help saying that it was dangerous.

It is true that he has the determination to climb to the top, but in the future, he must not be so sloppy again!Naturally, one can do everything in pursuit of power, but the premise is that one must have this life. If one is so reckless in the future, one accidentally loses one's life, so what's the point of pursuing it?
But Lin Yan thought about it again, he didn't make such a result out of pursuit of power, he did it to save people this time!
Thinking of Mo Yuxuan, the excitement and joy that rose in Lin Yan's heart disappeared.

He felt a little uncomfortable.

If it is true, I will be in such a dangerous situation, in the final analysis, it is to save you, Mo Yuxuan, but thinking of Mo Yuxuan's attitude towards him when he woke up, and what she said when no one was there, Lin Yan felt so sad. Some are uncomfortable.

Feelings are always mutual. I almost lost my life because of Mo Yuxuan. In Mo Yuxuan's heart, he may not have a good image.

This in the end is why?

Or, how did it all get here?

Lin Yan smiled wryly, thinking about all this.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Lin Yan picked up the phone and looked, and found that the caller was you, Mo Yuxuan, who he was thinking about!
He hesitated for a few seconds, but Riko connected the phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Mo Yuxuan yelled: "Lin Yan! Let's break up! Let's break up now! Make a clean break!"

Mo Yuxuan's roaring voice echoed in the living room, Lin Yan was taken aback!
In his memory, Mo Yuxuan had never roared like this!
Lin Yan hurriedly asked: "Yuxuan! What happened?! Why did you break up suddenly?!"

He didn't get an answer. Mo Yuxuan on the other end of the phone started to cry after ranting. He cried so hard that his voice was hoarse and made Lin Yan's heart feel extremely sour!
He didn't give up, and still asked the people over there why.

But Mo Yuxuan just cried, and the cry was like an arrow piercing into Lin Yan's brain, making his voice tremble and his movements flustered.

He stood up from the sofa, trying to find a piece of clothing to put on, the original shirt had been torn by him when he was in pain.

Lin Yan was so anxious that he almost tripped over his left foot and tripped over his right foot. Finally, he rushed into his room and picked up a shirt and put it on.

Mo Yuxuan on the phone was still crying, and Lin Yan's heart was about to break.

He kept asking why, kept telling Mo Yuxuan not to cry, and asked her to answer him, but he didn't get an answer.

Until there was the sound of something falling to the ground, and the doctor yelled anxiously!

"Quick, quick! Nurse! Float the patient quickly. She had some concussions, but now her emotions fluctuated greatly, and she fainted! Help her to the hospital bed and settle down!!"

At this moment, Lin Yan was extremely thankful that his hearing had improved, so he could distinguish the information he wanted to know from the noisy voice!
(End of this chapter)

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