Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 9 Can You Get Closer?

Chapter 9 Can You Get Closer?

I don't know why, Chu Xiaoxiao's smile made Lin Tian feel a little chilled down the back.

I always feel that this smile is not friendly.

Not unfriendly, but very unfriendly.

"You don't have to say it if you don't want to." Lin Tian is not very interested.

To put it bluntly, he came here to work as Chu Xiaoxiao's bodyguard, basically for money, with a monthly salary of [-], which he probably wouldn't be able to earn even if he set up a stall for a year.

He is too poor to earn money.

At first, he was thinking that he would be able to get the moon first if he was close to the water, and maybe he could earn money while holding a beautiful woman home, but now it seems that this Miss Chu...is not very easy to resist.

"Alas..." Lin Tian looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and sighed.

"It's okay to tell you. There are actually vacant rooms on the second floor, but I don't want you to live there."

"I just said you were doing some shameful things upstairs..."

"Bah!" Chu Xiaoxiao raised her hand and wanted to call again.

But Lin Tian abides by the law and is three meters away from her, and she really can't reach it.

"I'm not the only one living in this house. Besides me, there are three beauties who are all over the world. Of course you can't be allowed to go up there!"

Lin Tian had lost eight percent of his interest in his career as a bodyguard, and his eyes lit up when he heard the sound: "Huh?"

"Men are absolutely forbidden to appear on the second floor, especially..."

Chu Xiaoxiao's big black and white eyes scratched Lin Tian's body from top to bottom, "Especially a stinky rascal like you!"

Actually, Chu Xiaoxiao didn't look like that unreasonable and savage young lady. If she struggled a little longer, maybe she would change her impression of him.

But Lin Tian didn't struggle at the moment.

He doesn't remember who said a word to him, as long as he dares to think and do, sows can climb trees.

He doesn't want to climb the tree now, he just wants to rub against it!

Lin Tian quickly made a standard stand at attention, with an unusually indifferent expression: "Don't worry, I will never overstep the threshold."

Chu Xiaoxiao turned and left in satisfaction, Lin Tian briskly looked up at the dark corridor upstairs, and couldn't help but say "hey".

But just as she made a sound, Chu Xiaoxiao suddenly turned back for some reason.

The wretched smile on his face was quickly taken back by Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian cleared his throat solemnly: "What's the matter?"

"I'm a little curious, do you know medical skills?" Chu Xiaoxiao said.

"A little bit." Lin Tian said nonsense.

"Stop talking nonsense, can you memorize the entire "Huangdi Neijing"? Even the most powerful professor in our school can't memorize it." Chu Xiaoxiao tilted her head, "Joining Professor Qiu's special class is for every medical doctor. Why did you refuse the opportunity you dreamed of?"

"Well..." Lin Tian pretended to be deep, "I am born to love freedom. I go to a special class and listen to a group of old men every day. How boring..."

Chu Xiaoxiao gave him a blank look, obviously very contemptuous of his unmotivated attitude towards life.

"So no wonder they came out to set up a stall."

Lin Tian: "..."

What happened to the stall?
What's wrong with setting up a stall, you can fully integrate into this bustling city and witness the rapid development of the city's economy!
Besides, why is this girl so rude when she speaks?

At this moment, he suddenly heard the sound of a car engine coming from far to near in the courtyard, Lin Tian saw Chu Xiaoxiao's expression suddenly changed.

Before Lin Tian could ask "Who is it?", someone knocked on the door outside, followed by a somewhat familiar voice: "Miss, I know you are at home. Come out first. We have something to discuss."

This voice was exactly Li Guang, the bodyguard sent by the Chu family.

"Didn't I tell you that I won't go back and I won't go back!" Chu Xiaoxiao looked a little irritable, and hurried to the door, "Why did you follow me?"

As soon as the door opened, more than a dozen men in black, headed by Li Guang, appeared in front of them. Several of them who had been beaten by Lin Tian still had wounds on their bodies. Li Guang rubbed his face and held his stomach while rubbing his face.

"Miss, please understand, I am also following orders, if you don't come with us..."

"I said, why are you here again?" Lin Tian walked over, folded his hands on his chest, and leaned against the door frame.

"you you!"

As soon as they saw Lin Tian, ​​Li Guang and others' faces instantly turned as purple as pig liver. They pushed back for more than twenty steps, looking panicked and stammering, "Why is it you again!"

They didn't forget what Lin Tian said just now on the road - "Go back and tell the person in charge of the Chu family that from now on, the area within thirty steps of her is a forbidden area. Anyone who approaches without permission will bear the consequences."

Li Guang has already started counting the distance between himself and Chu Xiaoxiao by thirty steps.

In an instant, the large army behind Li Guang retreated far away, leaving him alone as a bare-handed commander standing in place.

After thinking for two or three seconds, Li Guang also took a few steps back.

"Miss, we...follow orders."

Li Guang's tone was obviously not as firm as before. He glanced at Lin Tian with some scruples, as if testing Lin Tian's attitude, "Can you get closer?"

"Can something get close?" Chu Xiaoxiao looked back at Lin Tian with a puzzled face, and suddenly understood, slightly surprised.

She did see Lin Tian's fighting power just now, but Li Guang was a special soldier who had actually been on the battlefield many years ago, not to mention the blood on his hands, he did have a lot of lives, why is he so afraid of Lin Tian?
The corners of Chu Xiaoxiao's mouth turned up inadvertently. It seemed that she, as a bodyguard, was really right and quite capable.

Lin Tian smiled: "Yes, I still understand the rules." He pointed to Chu Xiaoxiao, "Now the young master is in a good mood, and it's no problem to get close, but if you want to take someone away, you have to pass my test first."

Li Guang's expression changed.

According to his combat experience, he definitely can't beat Lin Tian, ​​but he works for the Chu family, and the task must be completed.

"Brother, our fighting power is not as good as yours, but the Chu family is definitely not easy to mess with. Let me remind you kindly, you'd better not meddle in other people's business, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

"Isn't this a coincidence? Young Master, I like to meddle in other people's business, especially this kind of nosy business that draws swords to help when the road is injustice." Lin Tian said in a playful tone.

As soon as the words fell, a voice like a bell came.

"You are not small, and you don't want to see whose business it is, you have to take care of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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