Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 868 Stone Stele

Chapter 868 Stone Stele
"If we're stuck here and can't get out, will you regret jumping down to save me?"

Mu Hanxuan slowed down her pace, waited for Lin Tian to come slowly, thought about it and asked softly.

It would be unrealistic to say that there is no embarrassment between them at all, but since Lin Tian said he was attracted to her, he has not found an outlet so far. At the juncture of life and death, the problem between the two of them is not that big.

Mu Hanxuan knew very well that Lin Tian's desperate pursuit into the cave was very touching to her. After all, no one had ever done such a thing for her.

Lin Tian seriously thought about Mu Hanxuan's words for a moment, and then said: "I will never regret what I have done."

Mu Hanxuan fell silent, she had a premonition that Lin Tian usually did this, as long as she was sure, she would stick to it.

She was about to express her gratitude, but before she could say it, she heard Lin Tian speak first.


Following the direction of Lin Tian's finger, Mu Hanxuan saw the end of the road in the distance, and there was a hole spreading upward. There was a stone tablet at the entrance of the hole, and there was a skeleton sitting cross-legged next to it.

Mu Hanxuan regained her spirits in an instant, and the exit is likely to be at the intersection that spreads upwards.

More importantly, Mu Hanxuan found the skeleton and the stone tablet. She has entered the land of death everywhere, and has never found a stone tablet. With the stone tablet, she may be able to explore the meaning of the existence of the land of death. .

Mu Hanxuan was the first to walk towards the stele, she focused all her attention on the stele, and saw that the stele was full of words, she looked at it for a long time, and finally shook her head.

Because she couldn't understand all the writing on the stone tablet, and the complicated writing made it impossible for her to recognize it.

"Mu Hanxuan, can you understand what is written on it?"

Lin Tian walked over slowly, and his attention was on the skeleton, because this skeleton was different from the other skeletons he had seen. It looked about the same height as them, and in front of this skeleton was a Lin Tian hurriedly picked up the black jade gourd, wiped it on his clothes, and then looked at Mu Hanxuan and said.

Mu Hanxuan is concentrating on memorizing the writing of the words on the stone tablet. If she can go back, she can find a language expert to find a way to understand the meaning of these words.

It was the first time that she discovered something related to writing in the Land of Extinction. These things must be important content for the country.

Seeing that Mu Hanxuan ignored him, Lin Tian was fiddling with the jade gourd in his hand alone. He felt that this jade gourd was smaller than Mu Hanxuan's, and it was about the size of his thumb in his hand.

"It feels very similar to the space jade gourd of Mu Hanxuan." Lin Tian frowned, shaking the jade gourd up and down a few times.

The sound of something falling suddenly sounded. It turned out that it was Lin Tian's shaking just now. A sword about one meter long fell out of the black jade gourd, and two white jade gourds fell out at the same time.

Lin Tian was extremely surprised by this. He didn't expect that the black jade gourd he picked up had similar properties to Mu Hanxuan's jade gourd. They were both space jade gourds.

Mu Hanxuan was startled by the sudden voice, turned her head to see the things on the ground, and said with a surprised look on her face: "You found the jade gourd, that's great, give me the contents of the jade gourd Look."

Lin Tian reacted quickly, he waved the black jade gourd in his hand swiftly, and the two white jade gourds and the long sword on the ground returned to the black jade gourd in an instant.

Holding the black jade gourd, he said cautiously, "This is what I found, and it's mine."

Mu Hanxuan was so angry that her eyes were burning. She didn't expect that Lin Tian was not only greedy for money, but also a little stingy.

She didn't plan to take away Lin Tian's things, why not just take a look?
Lin Tian reluctantly handed over the black jade gourd under Mu Hanxuan's stressful gaze.

Mu Hanxuan took the black jade gourd, patted the gourd's body, and fell out again, two white jade gourds and a sword that Lin Tian had just put away.

"It looks like the black jade gourd should be a space gourd. The sword and the white gourd still need to be inspected to know how to use them?" Mu Hanxuan leaned over and picked up the things on the ground.

"En." Lin Tian nodded, because he also felt that the things inside were unusual.

Mu Hanxuan shook the white gourd slightly, and felt that there was something in the gourd. She quickly said, "I once had a team member who couldn't break through the bottleneck of cultivation. I just found a jade gourd in the land of death. Inside the jade gourd The elixir, after taking it, broke through the bottleneck all at once, I don't know what's in it, is it the same as what happened to my team members?"

"Who knows how long it's been since I've been here for the food in here? What if I get a stomachache?" Lin Tian said hurriedly.

Mu Hanxuan didn't say much to Lin Tian. She put away the things in her hands with the black jade gourd and glanced at the sword left on the ground.

The sword shone with a cold light, and it didn't look like an ordinary thing. Mu Hanxuan just wanted to pick up the sword, but unexpectedly, Lin Tian picked up the sword first and snatched the black jade gourd from Mu Hanxuan's hand.

"Okay, okay, just look at these things." Lin Tian put away the sword with a black jade gourd, and then put the black jade gourd close to his body.

Mu Hanxuan was speechless towards the stingy Lin Tian.

She fiercely gouged out Lin Tian's eyes, although she didn't want to talk to him, but after thinking about it, she held back her anger and said, "It's good if we can go out."

If you can leave the hole behind the stele and the bones, you can meet Liu Hao and the others, and they don't have to worry about being stuck here anymore.

Knowing that Mu Hanxuan was not interested in his jade gourd, Lin Tian obediently followed her into the cave.

The road in the cave was rugged, and the two of them walked for a long time, and when they were about to collapse from exhaustion, they turned a narrow angle and saw an exit not far away, and at the end of the exit was a gray sky.

"Finally came out." Mu Hanxuan quickened her pace and walked out.

Lin Tian followed them out, looked around, and saw that they were in a desert, and there was a big hole tens of meters away, which should be the place where they fell just now.

The place where they walked for so long before they came out did not expect to be so close to the hole where they fell.

"Fortunately, it didn't take long for us to fall. Let's return to the location of the submersible and wait for them to come back." Mu Hanxuan said.

Lin Tian nodded. There were skeletons everywhere, dangers all around, and he was covered with injuries. He couldn't protect Mu Hanxuan's safety. Returning to the submersible can largely avoid danger.

The two of them were tired and hungry, and they managed to reach the river where the submersible was, but they fell to the ground due to exhaustion. Their eyes fell on the river, and they rubbed their eyes hastily.

But the scene in front of him didn't change at all, and the submarine parked by the river disappeared strangely.

"Not much time has passed since we fell into the hole and came out again. Where did the submarine go?" Mu Hanxuan walked around and shouted in despair.

(End of this chapter)

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