Chapter 864
Everyone answered in unison.

"Okay, everyone is ready to go, I hope to see everyone come back intact." Mu Hanxuan urged.

The door of the submersible was slowly pushed open, and all the team members on the scene went down neatly. Lin Tian walked at the end. As soon as he walked out of the door, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

What appeared in front of him was not the imaginary vast ocean, but a large barren mountain. He had just entered the seabed with a submersible, but he did not expect that he was now in a mountainous area. Lin Tian was very surprised to see this scene.

"I didn't expect that a majestic master of martial arts would be so shocked when he saw several mountains?" Mu Hanxuan patted Lin Tian on the shoulder.

Lin Tian's appearance at this time is exactly the same as when she first came here. It took her more than half an hour to accept the facts in front of her.

Lin Tian walked forward in silence, and came out from the submersible. Only then did he see the submersible parked on the river bank. The sea that should have appeared was nowhere to be seen. There were only mountains and endless deserts around. Something else.

Lin Tian was just surprised. Apart from that, he didn't know how to express his current feelings.

Being able to see such a wonderful scene at the bottom of the sea gives you the illusion of entering another time and space.

Lin Tian couldn't help but look around, and saw only a high mountain. The top of the mountain was too high to be seen, and the top was all gray.

In Lin Tian's memory, he had never heard of such a high mountain.

Moreover, the middle of the mountain seems to have been split open with a sword. Judging from the cut, it cannot be polished naturally.

Cutting down such a high mountain with just one sword is surprising, but acceptable.

Lin Tian is now more than ten kilometers away from the mountain, but he can still detect the extremely cold sword intent and sword energy emanating from the mountain.

It seemed that the man was struck on the mountain, and the remaining sword energy was still spreading. What surprised Lin Tian was the next scene. Not far from the giant mountain, he saw a huge skeleton. The skull alone was like A hill, so the entire skeleton looks particularly huge.

"My God, no wonder Mu Hanxuan said that this is a place of death, the surrounding situation is too shocking." Lin Tian sighed in his heart.

"Lin Tian, ​​the situation here is very complicated, and you will know when you go deeper, it's not just what you see now."

Seeing Lin Tian's surprised expression, Mu Hanxuan explained.

She has been here four times, and the scene has become much calmer, but she is still shocked.

"You once told me that the jade gourd and safety buckle you gave me were not ordinary products. I didn't really believe it at that time, but now I believe it." Lin Tian looked at Mu Hanxuan beside him and said.

Lin Tian never thought that the Land of Extinction would be like this. Just like what Mu Hanxuan said, this place is like a non-existent world.

Mu Hanxuan said: "I think this place is more like a parallel world, but a parallel world that has experienced the end of the world. Then walk forward, cross the two mountains in front, and you can find many skeletons and cold weapons, each skeleton has the same huge."

"Those skeletons were not normal human beings. Later, we found a way to take photos of these skeletons and took them to the country for identification. Experts told us that these skeletons had never been found before, so we judged that these skeletons should not be creatures on earth. .”

"Although this place looks desolate, there are countless magical treasures, but at the same time, it is also full of dangers. As long as you step on those weathered weapons, there is a chance of an explosion. Many people have died before. "

Mu Hanxuan told everything she knew. After all, she brought Lin Tian with her. To consider Lin Tian's personal safety, she had to explain the precautions in advance. Otherwise, even Lin Tian couldn't guarantee that she could leave safely. .

Lin Tian has already sensed the dangerous atmosphere around him, and even the cold sword intent of Dashan made him feel deep fear.

"We tried to use various technical means, and found that the area here is not big, and we can see a place full of gray gas when we walk to the end. No matter who it is, once it touches the gray gas, it will die quickly, so no one knows , What is in the gray gas?" Mu Hanxuan continued.

"Is the gray gas poisonous?" Lin Tian thought of a possibility and blurted out.

Mu Hanxuan thought for a while, and said: "I don't know, I only know that someone once entered the black gas and died not long after. Let's not talk about this inauspicious topic. Since you are here, you hand over the jade gourd. Come out, I'm going to distribute the food and water in the jade gourd to everyone."

Lin Tian took out the jade gourd and handed it to Mu Hanxuan.

Mu Hanxuan walked towards the team members waiting at the side. She patted the jade gourd lightly, and the food and water that had been hidden in the jade gourd immediately fell down.

Lin Tian couldn't help feeling that the jade gourd was so amazing.

The team members present had already formed teams, and each group quickly received their items.

"Let's go, it's not the first time you've come here, I won't repeat what needs to be explained, and we will all return here in five days." Mu Hanxuan said to everyone present.

"Okay." Everyone shouted in unison, and it didn't take long for them all to disperse and walk in the direction of their own research.

The people gradually dispersed, and only Lin Tian, ​​Mu Hanxuan, and others were left.Luo Yu, Liu Hao, and someone they didn't know well formed a team of five.

"Everyone come with me. It's best to reach the first skeleton within an hour." Mu Hanxuan walked out first.

"Hanxuan, don't stay too far away from me, so that I can protect you in time. After all, I am an innate warrior." Liu Hao followed closely beside Mu Hanxuan.

Just as Mu Hanxuan was about to speak, Lin Tian squeezed in between Mu Hanxuan and Liu Hao from behind, looked at Liu Hao and said, "A mere innate warrior wants to protect Mu Hanxuan, but you are still far behind."

These two people don't like each other, even if they don't do anything at this moment, they can barely maintain the superficial peace.

Lin Tian and Liu Hao became enemies, and Lin Tian felt that Liu Hao had bad intentions for Mu Hanxuan.

Liu Hao thought that his identity would frighten Lin Tian, ​​so he didn't take Lin Tian seriously, but he knew that Lin Tian was a martial arts master after all, and he would not take action rashly.

"Can you do something else?" Mu Hanxuan looked at Lin Tian coldly, wanting to get rid of Lin Tian from the bottom of her heart.

This Lin Tian irritated Liu Hao again, and the team members were noisy, which was not conducive to advancing together.

Lin Tian saw Liu Hao's face distorted with anger. He immediately turned to look at Mu Hanxuan and said softly: "I have nothing else to do, and he has no good intentions, so I will target him like this."

Mu Hanxuan was overjoyed, but she looked at Lin Tiandao calmly on the surface: "Does he have any good intentions? Why are you joining in the fun? Anyway, you and I have nothing to do with each other."

Lin Tian's eyes dimmed immediately, he had nothing to do with Mu Hanxuan, everything Liu Hao did was normal, but he felt a little depressed in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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