Chapter 807 Apologize
"What's the matter with you?" Lin Tian just raised his head, his gaze coldly passed over the arrogant woman in front of him.

"I'm here to apologize to you. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that to you. As long as you can forgive me, no matter what you want me to do, I will promise you."

There was no trace of the arrogance of the past on Alice's face, and she lowered her head sadly.

"Well, you can leave now." Lin Tian continued to see patients, as if Alice was not here.

"Please treat Jesse again." Alice said tremblingly.

"No time." Lin Tian refused.

"I've apologized, can't you forgive me? Jesse is going to die soon, how can you do nothing as a doctor?" Alice said impatiently, pinning all her hopes on Lin Tian, I wish I could take Lin Tian away immediately.

"There are so many patients in front of me, and they also need my treatment. More importantly, they are my compatriots, and you are just irrelevant patients to me." Lin Tianju said loudly.

There was a burst of cheers all around.

"I can give you benefits." The foreign girl said unwillingly.

"I don't want it, and I think it is the happiest thing for me to relieve the suffering of patients. As for the others, I don't value it." Lin Tian said calmly.

"Jesse is currently in a very bad condition. I beg you to treat him. No matter what you ask, I will agree. I really realized that I was wrong."

Alice was in a hurry. She knew that if Jessie couldn't keep her leg, she would never see the sun tomorrow.

"You go to the sanitation worker in the park that day, apologize to him, and then clean up the garbage on the ground. After all this, come to me to see Jesse." Lin Tian said indifferently.

Alice's expression froze on her face. She didn't expect Lin Tian to let her do this. She was very entangled. Although her status was very ordinary, she lived a prosperous life since she was a child, and she didn't even do much housework. Yes, when do you need to help a sanitation worker clean the floor?

Lin Tian seemed to see her thoughts, so he said: "It's okay if you don't want to go, I'm still busy, don't disturb me to see patients."

"No, I'll go."

Even though Alice is very reluctant, as long as Jesse's current physical condition and her pride prevent Jesse from recovering, she will not be able to live a good life anymore. Jesse's family alone can take her Life.

After Alice left, Lin Tian quickly went to the General Hospital of the Yanjing Military Region after seeing the patients who were waiting in line in front of him.

After all, Jesse's status is noble, and it is impossible to let it go forever, but it is still necessary to give these two unqualified men and women a long memory, otherwise they will only be rude to people all the time.

"Xiaotian, you will never guess who is here."

Arriving at the door of the ward, Mr. Zhang said with a smile.

"Dear Lin, I didn't expect you to be in Yanjing. I've been wondering who else in Yanjing can cure this disease? So it's you!"

Klein didn't wait for Lin Tian to speak, he pushed the door out impatiently, and immediately hugged Lin Tian.

They had already studied the silver ring snake venom, so they knew very well that when the silver ring snake venom affected Jesse's nervous system, if they continued to delay, it would only kill Jesse.

They discussed together and came to the conclusion that the limb should be amputated and observed first.

"You are?" Lin Tian was taken aback, he really couldn't remember who the enthusiastic foreigner in front of him was.

"Doctor Lin, I was in danger in the interior before, and you saved me. I will always keep this kindness in my heart." Klein said excitedly.

Lin Tian vaguely felt that there was such a thing, but he had been through too much experience, so he forgot about this person.

So he smiled embarrassedly: "Sorry, I didn't think of you at the first time."

Klein paid his respects without hesitation, and said, "Let's help Jesse take a look. He's been barking non-stop since I came in. I guess he doesn't have much time left."

Lin Tian knew very well that this person's condition was very serious, and it had been delayed for a long time before, and if he let it go, he could only do amputation.

He came to Jesse, and first checked Jesse's pulse, then his complexion changed slightly, and he looked at Old Zhang beside him and said, "Did his girlfriend give him any medicine?"

"I remember that after you left that day, and I left not long after, I don't know what his female companion did." Mr. Zhang replied.

"She should have picked up the lost medicine and fed it to him, otherwise this guy wouldn't be able to survive for so long." Lin Tian explained aloud.

"Will there be any adverse consequences?" Elder Zhang hurriedly asked.

"The pill can't be grounded, and the effect will be affected when it comes into contact with the ground. As a result, the female partner threw it on the ground and picked it up for him to eat. Although it can last for a little longer, the consequence is that he is likely to be paralyzed in the lower body. " Lin Tian said.

"Is it so serious? What should we do now?" Klein was startled and asked hastily.

"Fortunately, I came at a better time and can still cure him. Mr. Zhang, please arrange for someone to prepare. He needs to be treated with a medicinal bath. It's best to do it as soon as possible." Lin Tian said and quickly wrote a prescription.

"Medicated baths are generally used for detoxification." Mr. Zhang said without knowing why.

"Because the toxin has already entered his body, and my ability is insufficient, even if I use Qi to control the acupuncture, it will be very difficult to treat. The method I can think of at present is to use words and thunder-flame moxibustion to detoxify." Lin Tian explained road.

"Well, I see, I'll make arrangements right away." Mr. Zhang walked out of the ward after finishing speaking.

Lin Tian handed the prescription to another doctor: "Please complete the medicine as soon as possible."

Because Mr. Zhang had given instructions before he left, the doctor listened to Lin Tian very much, and he quickly took the prescription.

When he saw the dosage on the prescription, he still asked doubtfully: "Dr. Lin, this dosage doesn't seem right."

"That's all you need for medicinal baths." Lin Tian said.

"So that's the case, I know." The doctor who took the prescription hastily arranged for an assistant.Go get medicine with him.

After a while, the medicated bath was ready, and the medicinal materials in the wooden barrel had released their medicinal properties. Lin Tian immediately sent Jesse into the wooden barrel, and then turned on the fire to boil the water.

"My dear Lin, you'll cook Jessie by doing this."

Seeing the thick black concoction boiling in the wooden barrel, Klein felt a little scared and asked immediately.

"Don't worry, I've thought about this a long time ago, so I added white vinegar to it to lower the boiling point, but it looks scary, and there are a lot of medicinal materials in it, so it won't burn people at all." Lin God said, putting his hand in and taking it out again.

Seeing this, Klein also put his hand in to feel it. He found that the temperature was not too high. With the addition of white vinegar, the temperature was kept at an acceptable level. His hanging heart finally let go. go down.

(End of this chapter)

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