Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 80 Flick, Then Flick

Chapter 80 Flick, Then Flick
"That's right!" Lin Tian clapped his hands.

"It's because your wife likes to stay up late and has irregular work and rest life, so her skin accumulates a lot of toxins! Using our products is just in the detoxification stage."

The man's eyes were a little shaken, he was not so vicious anymore, and there was even a bit of suspicion: "Then you mean that her face is like this, is she expelling poison?"

"Yes." Lin Tian nodded, took the opportunity to pick up a cup of tea from the table and drank it.

A few people in the back obviously maintained their absolute sanity, and waved their hands: "I don't believe it! If you have a few acne and say it's detoxification, I still believe it. What does this face look like? It's disfigured, don't fool people! "

"It's just the first stage. In the second stage, the skin will repair itself."

Lin Tian put down the cup, stretched out two fingers and made a gesture.

"What do you mean?"

"Give me two days, and I guarantee that the skin of the beauties who have used this product will repair itself. After two days, I will give you a miracle. The skin is definitely not worse than that of a star. It's just that you stay in the company for a few days, which is convenient. Our follow-up service." Lin Tiandao.

Everyone looked at each other and discussed.

"Live here, anyway, he can't give you any good solution now, and you can still watch them if you live here!"

"Yes, if we leave today, what if they pack up and run away overnight?"

"It's a lot of hype. I want to see what tricks they can come up with. If there is any problem, I can't spare them!"

After thinking about it, the leading man nodded and looked at Lin Tian: "Isn't it just two days? Well, two days is just two days. I want to see what tricks you can come up with!"

"But don't even think about escaping, we gentlemen will follow you every step of the way!"

"That's right, if you want to abscond, these two girls will die!" A man looked at Chu Xiaoxiao and Shen Mengxue threateningly.

Chu Xiaoxiao glanced at Lin Tian, ​​her heart lit up, and she suddenly understood what Lin Tian meant.

Speaking of medical skills, she has seen Lin Tian's medical skills before. Skin ulceration should be a small problem that can be easily solved for him, right?

As long as these people are stabilized first, don't cause trouble, don't magnify public opinion, and wait for two days to be cured, won't this matter be solved?

At that time, this group of people will definitely believe that the skin care products of Muyan are not a problem, and they can really detoxify.

Then Shen Mengxue can adjust the recipe and continue.

Not only will the matter not be affected this time, but it will also help to promote it!
Turn bad things into good things.

Wanting to understand this question, Chu Xiaoxiao joined in logically.

"Don't worry, he is very prestigious in our company. As long as he says so, he will definitely do what he says. You can stay here for two days at ease, he won't run away!" Chu Xiaoxiao said.

Lin Tian glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao, and the two sang together, talking in a hype, completely bluffing those people, including the reporters.

The matter suddenly became suspenseful. Whether it was the victim's family or the reporters, they wanted to know what would happen two days later.

This will undoubtedly bring more suspense and visibility to the news, so they all agree with Lin Tian's approach.

The security guard who sent Bai Luoting back soon returned, and Lin Tian asked him to take the victims to temporarily live in the company's staff dormitory.

Because Shen Mengxue's company has just started, naturally there are not many employees, and the dormitory is not enough, so I can only arrange other people in the office, and set up a few desks and chairs to fool around.

Some people even got into a fight over whether to sleep in a dormitory or a table.

After dealing with these problems, it was getting late, Chu Xiaoxiao wiped the sweat from her head: "I'm so tired."

"Can we go home?" Shen Mengxue hesitated as she looked at the group of scoundrels.

She had never seen Lin Tian's medical skills, but seeing Chu Xiaoxiao's trust in Lin Tian, ​​her heart also inexplicably settled down.

After a day of trouble, she just wanted to sleep well and face these things tomorrow.

"Of course not!" The man was staring at them all the time, and when he heard the word "go", he jumped up from the bed.

"Wherever you go, I will follow!"

Lin Tian watched helplessly as he grabbed his clothes and pulled them back: "...It's not like we won't come back anymore, the company is here."

"Stop talking nonsense! I definitely can't let you go, who knows if you can play any tricks."

Shen Mengxue said a little guiltily: "I'm sorry, because of my reasons, you two were also implicated."

"What are you talking about! Your business is my business. Lin Tian, ​​is there any good way? I want to go home and sleep." Chu Xiaoxiao yawned and looked at Lin Tian.

Ten minutes later, the three of them came out of the office building exhausted.

Chu Xiaoxiao was speechless with contempt on her face: "I still think you are so smart, is this your way?"

"Isn't this a good idea?" Lin Tiandao, "Aside from putting our three ID cards in his hands, can you think of such a wonderful way?"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes.

Shen Mengxue didn't worry about the issue of her ID card being left behind.

She thought about the series of things that happened just now, and she was still a little uneasy: "Lin Tian, ​​you said you can restore their faces to normal? But their faces are already very serious. I don't think it's that easy. It's useless to go to the hospital of."

"The hospital is useless, it's the hospital's incompetence." Lin Tian had a disdainful smile on his lips, and his tone was extremely arrogant, but it was not annoying.

Chu Xiaoxiao, who had always been against Lin Tian, ​​agreed at this moment: "I can testify to this, Mengxue, you have never seen Lin Tian's medical skills. He cured my grandfather's illness. Although he is nothing Advantages, but the medical skills are still very good!"

Lin Tian was speechless: "I have no advantages?"

Chu Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes: "You have a fart advantage. You have a lot of shortcomings. Advantages? None..."

Lin Tian slowed down and fell behind Chu Xiaoxiao and Shen Mengxue, frowning slightly.

This is not right.

He held his breath and felt it, and his brows gradually frowned deeply.

There is killing intent around!
At this moment, a figure moved quickly in a corner of the office building behind the three of them.

A fierce eye was fixed on the three unconscious people in front of him, and his voice was hoarse and sullen: "That's him."

The faces of the men in black behind him were serious: "Get ready, brother Xiao, did you recognize the wrong person? This person doesn't look like anything special. He's so thin, so we need to do it?"

Gu Xiao narrowed his right eye slightly, playing with a Mitsubishi military thorn in his hand, ignored his subordinates' doubts, and smiled hoarsely: "It's time for hunting."

"Hey! Why did you stop suddenly? Are you unwilling to say a few words to you?" Chu Xiaoxiao was walking and suddenly realized that Lin Tian had not followed, so she turned around and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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