Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 793 The Levine Family

Chapter 793 The Levine Family
"We'll just wait for the medical staff to come over." The female foreigner replied with an unchanged expression.

But when she looked at the nervous look of the tall and thin staff, she realized that what Lin Tian said was probably true.

"I can't wait at all. This snake is very poisonous. If it drags on, it will kill people. Find a wheelchair and a stretcher. Forget it. Someone will carry him down the mountain."

If this thin and tall staff member hadn't really been unable to carry the strong male foreigner, he would have wanted to carry the male foreigner down the mountain himself.

Lin Tian quickly said: "Don't touch him. He can maintain the status quo for a while, otherwise he will be allowed to see God in advance."

The staff thought about it, he felt that Lin Tian was right, and then asked the people around him to put down the foreigners.

The female foreigner immediately said: "Don't listen to him, he doesn't understand anything, he is just delaying the treatment time, and he wants to take revenge on us."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with me. I don't feel uncomfortable. He's just scaring you." Tony said in a foreign language.

"Whether I'm scaring you or not, you'll know right away." Lin Tian crossed his arms and said calmly.

He knew that after accumulating toxins throughout the winter, the harm of snake venom became more severe. In the past, depending on the quality of the body, it would kill a person within four to eight hours.Now that the speed has increased a lot, it will take less than two hours for this foreigner to know how powerful it is.

"You just wait for me, I'll go to the hospital to be cured, the day you beg me!" Tony had an arrogant look from beginning to end.

Lin Tian slowly said: "I guess you feel a numbness in the wound at the moment."

The female foreigner next to Tony translated his words, and the expression on Tony's face immediately cracked, and then he nodded towards the female foreigner.

Lin Tian sneered and said, "How about it? Is it getting more and more uncomfortable now? I counted the time. In a few minutes, your wound will turn red. By then, the toxin has entered the nerves in your body. After an hour, the toxin will flow into your heart through the blood, destroying your heart function, and you will be able to see your God, let us wait and see."

"This, it shouldn't be so serious!" The woman was a little flustered, Tony must not die here.

After such a long delay, the people in charge came late, and they came with serious expressions.

They won't be so panicked when Chinese people are injured. Foreign guests are very important, and they will affect the diplomatic relations between the two countries. They must be taken seriously.

If this incident becomes a big deal, they will definitely be punished as leaders.

After asking about the specific situation, the leader found Tony's female companion and asked what the snake looked like.

The woman thought for a while, then pursed her lips and said, "Bungare snake... I heard from him, he said that being bitten is hopeless and you will die. Is it true?"

Now that the manager is here, the doctor should be here soon, and the woman is not as panicked as before.

"What? It's this kind of poisonous snake..." After hearing the woman's words, several leaders panicked.

A sweaty leader with a big belly wiped his sweat with a handkerchief and asked, "Are you sure? It's black and white. It's really a coral snake?"

"Yeah, you must have a way to save Tony, right? How could there be no cure? He was threatening me just now. Take him back and lock him up for a few days!" The woman pointed at Lin Tian and said aggressively.

"Is the doctor on the way?" The leader has no time to care about anything else. The most important thing now is to save the lives of the foreign guests.

"Wait a while, after all, this is a mountain, and the doctor has to climb up on foot." The subordinate said with a frown.

"It will take a long time for the doctor to go up the mountain. I'm afraid there will be no one left. Put him on a stretcher and carry him down!" The leader immediately thought of another way.

He is well aware of how poisonous the Coral Snake is. This woman doesn't understand, so he dare not underestimate it. Many people die because of the Coral Snake every year. This is true.

The existence of this kind of snake in the scenic area has always been a heart problem for him. Every year, he finds someone to catch this kind of snake, but there are always some people who miss it.

"Is it too late to wait here? Why are people gone? What do you mean?" The woman's heart tightened again.No matter how you look at the leader's attitude, this snake is really poisonous, and it is very dangerous to be bitten.

"Don't waste time, wait for the doctor to come up, the toxin will be over, what about the stretcher? Forget it, just carry the person down!" the leader said in a hurry.

He was so anxious that he wanted to carry someone out on his own, because if this matter made a big fuss, he would be the first to be held accountable.

"If you are bitten by a venomous snake, it is best not to move around. Speed ​​up the blood flow and the toxin will spread faster. If you really carry him down the mountain, you may get cold on the way." Zhao Chenchen said.

After hearing this, the leader hurriedly waved his hand, telling his subordinates not to carry Tony on his back, and wait for the doctor to come!
"I don't believe it. You must be telling lies. Tony is going down the mountain to find a doctor for treatment. Hurry up and carry him down!" the woman shouted.

"I just feel that the wound hurts a little. It's nothing else. It's just an ordinary snake! That man must be lying!" Tony pointed at Lin Tian and didn't believe his words.

"Am I a doctor or are you a doctor? It's too late for you to think you're fine. You'll know in a while." Lin Tian didn't want to talk to him.

Foreigners who have never seen the world will soon know how poisonous Chinese snakes are.

"You wait, if you dare to threaten me like this, I won't let you go!" Tony blushed with anger.

"Don't just scold me, feel the wound yourself, other than the pain, is there numbness, you are losing consciousness, haven't you noticed?" Lin Tian looked at him pityingly,
This man really thought he was fine!
The female companion translated this to Tony, and Tony looked down at the wound, feeling a little numb.

His complexion was not very good-looking, and he began to turn white and blue.

Lin Tiantian said calmly, "The blood from your wound will turn black in a moment, and the surrounding skin will turn purple. This means that the toxin has invaded deeper into your body."

"If you can't get medical treatment in time, you will have to see God within an hour at most. You don't have to believe me, but as a doctor, this is a simple doctor's advice to the injured."

"You're a liar!" Tony couldn't believe it was true.

He's here to travel, not to die.

"Oh, it's your own body anyway, you can figure it out." Lin Tian said casually.

This kind of venomous snake is very overbearing, and I didn't feel much at first, but when it happened, it was very difficult to recover my life.

After a while, Tony felt a strange feeling in the wound. He took a closer look and found that it was exactly as Lin Tian said.

He gradually lost feeling in his legs, as if he had become a disabled person.

He slapped hard and pinched a few times, but found that he felt nothing at all, and suddenly looked at his female partner in panic.

The female companion's mentality also collapsed, thinking about the consequences of Tony's death here, the more she thought about it, the more afraid she became.

"To save Tony's life, the future of the Levin family depends on him. If he dies, the Levin family will not let you go!" the woman shouted out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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