Chapter 777
The appearance of Mr. Zhang disrupted all his thoughts. He knew that his medical skills could not be compared with Mr. Zhang's. Even his father had to admit that Mr. Zhang's medical skills were superior.

He didn't believe that he would lose to Lin Tian, ​​so he said: "Mr. Zhang, I admit that Lin has some medical skills, but he did lose just now."

"You are the one who loses." Mr. Zhang said calmly.

"Mr. Zhang, the concentration of his medicine is too high, and the patient's body is damp and cold. He still insists on using cold spirit grass. As you know, cold spirit grass is not suitable for the patient's constitution, so he is the one who loses!" Liu Zhenpi said stubbornly.

"Okay, I want to know, how many days will it take for the medicine you prescribed to cure the patient?" Elder Zhang asked.

"Just three days." Liu Zhenpi replied proudly.

"But Xiaotian's medicine only needs one day. From this point of view, the comparison between winning and losing has already come out." Zhang Lao smiled slightly.

Liu Ping raised his finger angrily and pointed at Mr. Zhang and said, "You are favoring him. The cold spirit grass he used will harm the patient's body, let alone cure it. Zhang Chunyin, I think you will bring the personal grievances between my grandfather and you to me. Came here."

"Liu Ping, shut up!" Liu Zhenpi was taken aback, these things cannot be brought out in the open.

"Liu Ming's own medical ethics is not good, no wonder her grandchildren have such virtues. If she has problems with herself, she will only complain about others, and it is difficult to become a great doctor!" Zhang Lao stared at Liu Ping and said.

Liu Ping quickly shut his mouth, he also felt that what he just said was too much.

Although his grandfather and Zhang Chunyin have been fighting in secret, these words have never been said in person.

Liu Zhenpi hurriedly said: "Mr. Zhang, don't care about it like a child. You say I lost, okay, I accept it, but I want a reason."

"The medicinal materials you used are very dry and tonic. The patient is in a coma and weak, and it is very likely that they will not be able to replenish it."

Mr. Zhang said indifferently: "You prescribed this medicine. According to my experience, drinking it for another ten days may not necessarily cure you. Instead, add cold spirit grass, and the healing effect will be more obvious."

Liu Zhenpi frowned tightly, and now he figured out the reason, and stood there with an ugly expression, speechless for a long time.

He still asked unwillingly: "What is the purpose of adding the cold spirit grass? The medical theory I learned since childhood told me that the medicinal properties of the cold spirit grass are not suitable for this patient."

"Do you want me to make it clear?"

Zhang Lao glanced at him quickly, and then said: "Because the cold spirit grass is a cool and wet thing, and it is boiled with warm fire, it just removes the moisture of the medicinal material, and the patient can achieve the miraculous effect of instant recovery after eating it. "

Liu Zhenpi didn't figure out the reason for using this medicine until this moment.

Liu Yongxin just came over with the medicine and quickly handed it to the patient.

The comatose patient has come to his senses now, but his complexion still lacks the normal color of blood, and he is paralyzed on the bed. Afterwards, he drank the medicine with some difficulty.

Within a few minutes, he was surrounded by a warm feeling in his stomach, and then the warm feeling in his stomach began to go to his veins, swallowing the coldness in his limbs.

His face gradually returned to normal, and his limbs, which had been stagnant in blood all year round, finally felt warmth at this moment.

So he said, "I seem to be fine, great, thank you Dr. Lin for saving my life."

Then someone in the crowd said: "The person who was unconscious just now looks normal now. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it."

"The Liu family doctor also said that he needs to take the medicine for three days in a row. As a result, the prescription prescribed by Dr. Lin will be fine as soon as he finishes drinking it."

"No wonder even Zhang Chunyin said that he is not as good as Lin Tian in medical skills."

"Dr. Lin is young and capable, but he is unassuming. Unlike some people who pretend to be highly skilled in medicine because of their father's reputation, but in fact they don't have much ability."

There was a burst of discussion among the people present, and while talking, they turned their attention to Liu Zhenpi.

Liu Zhenpi's battle just now was really big, which raised everyone's expectations, but everyone found out that his medical skills were average, and it was only at this moment that they felt very embarrassed.

Mr. Zhang has always disliked the way of the Liu family, so he said: "From now on, you should focus on your medical skills instead of wasting time on those useless things."

People often say that colleagues are enemies, but what Mr. Zhang said has nothing to do with this sentence.He just simply hates Liu Ming's aloof and paranoid personality, who only knows how to make money, and such an approach is far from the belief of a doctor.

"Yes, I know." Liu Zhenpi lowered his head helplessly. Although he was used to being praised by others in the past, and his personality became perverse, it was actually because his father's name was too famous.

But everyone knew that the medical skill of the person in front of him was better than his father's, so he could only swallow his dissatisfaction.

But in his mind, the hatred towards Lin Tian has increased a lot, even so, he can only leave with his apprentices.

The apprentices put away their things and prepared to leave together, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Wait a minute, you kowtow before leaving." Lin Tian said hastily.

Liu Zhenpi clenched his fists quietly, he would never kowtow to Lin Tian, ​​and said gloomyly: "Don't go too far, I will pay you back when I find time for the kowtow."

Then he hurriedly got into the car and slipped away, fearing that Lin Tian would let him come back and fulfill his kowtow promise.

After Liu Zhenpi left, Mr. Zhang said, "Little Tian, ​​how long have you been in Yanjing?"

"It's been a month. I came here wanting to find you, but I heard that you were out." Lin Tian replied.

Mr. Zhang smiled and said: "I happened to attend the medical exchange meeting at that time, and now that you are here in Yanjing, I would like to recommend you to the General Hospital of the Military Region in Yanjing for consultation."

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Tian. The doctors in the General Hospital of the Military Region in Yanjing were all skilled in medicine. They didn't expect that Lin Tian would be recommended by Mr. Zhang to enter there, and the days to come would be smooth sailing.

Lin Tian hurriedly said: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for your kindness. I don't think it matters where I am, as long as I can relieve the pain of the patients. I don't like being controlled, so it's not suitable for me."

"Well, you can just think about it yourself. In fact, your idea is correct. As long as we can relieve the pain of patients, it is the greatest happiness for us as doctors. But if I encounter something that cannot be solved in the future, I hope you can help Me." Zhang Lao said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, as long as I can do it, I will do my best when you come to me." Lin Tian hurriedly promised.

Mr. Zhang chatted with Lin Tian for a few more words before he was ready to leave. He still had a lot of things to deal with. He had been away for so long, and there were still patients under his staff who needed him to go and have a look.

What happened just now convinced the onlookers of Lin Tian's medical skills.

(End of this chapter)

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