Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 77 One wave just flattened, another wave rose again

Chapter 77 One wave just flattened, another wave rose again

There was a trace of panic in Bai Luoting's eyes, pointing at Lin Tian and cursing regardless of his appearance.

Only he and the few shareholders here know about this plan.
The shareholders are all old subordinates who have known each other for many years, and they have given benefits and cannot spread them.
, of course he himself is even less likely to screw up the plan.

If this was exposed in public, wouldn't there be no room for change in his plan?
Besides, if Shen Mengxue knew about it, his image would be completely ruined, and it would be even more difficult to get in touch with Shen Mengxue again in the future.

At this moment, mobile phone notifications sounded one after another in the conference room.

Several shareholders took out their mobile phones and saw that they had received a transfer reminder.

"I have transferred the money to each of you. Take a look, are there any questions?" Shen Mengxue asked.

She looked at Bai Luoting again: "Young Master Bai, your share has also been transferred, pay attention to check it, thank you for your hard work for the company in the recent period, and I am sorry that things have become like this."

"Mengxue, you..."

There was another "ding dong" sound, and Bai Luoting's cell phone rang, obviously he had also received the transfer from Shen Mengxue.

To be honest, the money is nothing to him at all. Back then, he invested in shares to help Shen Mengxue, and it was all for Shen Mengxue. What is going on now?

He looked at Lin Tian angrily, this kid didn't know why, he wasted so much time in vain, Shen Mengxue refused to accept his unconditional help.

This kid just said it casually, but Shen Mengxue actually did it? !

"Mengxue, you have to know that if something goes wrong in the company, it's not all your fault. I won't force you to pay back the money at all. I will continue to help you. What are you doing?!" Bai Luoting said excitedly.

"I know, but we are all adults, so it's better to figure things out more clearly." Shen Mengxue said softly.

Before Chu Xiaoxiao came, her mind was always in chaos, and she was even more at a loss when surrounded by these shareholders.

But what Lin Tian said just now reminded her that Lin Tian did say that her cosmetic formula was problematic before.

At that time, he said it clearly and logically, and it didn't look like he was joking at all.

But she didn't take it seriously at the time, she just thought that Lin Tian was talking nonsense, but now that she thought about it, she herself was too negligent.

"The debt problem has been solved. Now we need to collect evidence." Lin Tiandao.

Shen Mengxue asked doubtfully, "What do you mean?"

Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes really lit up, and she gave Lin Tian a look of approval, saying: "That's right, now that the money has been paid off, there must be some evidence or something left behind. These shareholders are not very honest in their actions. If you say you haven't received the money, what should you do?"

Everyone was dumbfounded, what is going to happen?
They looked at Bai Luoting one after another, and Bai Luoting was completely irritated by Lin Tian, ​​"Who the hell are you? Why are you interfering in the affairs of our company's senior management? If you want to get out, get out, or don't blame me for being rude." Already!"

Other shareholders also chimed in: "How dare you meddle in the company's affairs? How dare you treat members of our shareholders' meeting like this! It's outrageous! How can the company develop if it continues like this?"

"Mr. Shen, we believed in your professionalism at the beginning, so we invested in you without hesitation. Of course, no one wants to see this kind of thing happen now. It is understandable for us to want to withdraw the investment, but you found it What's the matter with such an outsider pointing fingers?!"

"The few of us are well-known in the investment industry, what does it look like to be judged face to face by a brat like this! Even if we don't know our status, we are elders anyway, don't you know what it means to respect the old and love the young?" ?!"

"Besides, the company is now on the cusp of public opinion, and the focus should be on how to be consistent with the outside world. If this continues, it will make people feel that the company is hegemonic. Who will clean up this mess?!"

A few people talk to each other with great enthusiasm.

But Chu Xiaoxiao always maintained her rationality, and made a gesture of "please": "Seniors, the debt dispute between Mengxue and you has been resolved, and now you can retreat completely, and the rest is about public opinion and so on. We will figure out how to deal with it ourselves.”

"What do you mean? This is to drive people away!"

"You little girl... You're so rude! Boss Shen didn't say a word, what right do you have to drive us away? Is it a big deal to be the eldest lady of the Chu family? This matter has nothing to do with you at all!"

To be reprimanded coldly by so many older uncles with some status in the mall, and to be replaced by another girl at will, by this time, I must have been cowardly.

Not to mention others, even Shen Mengxue was blinded by this situation and didn't know how to deal with it.

But Chu Xiaoxiao was not afraid in the slightest, whether she said she was able to do a job with ease, or she said she was just playing tricks, in short, her back was straight and her eyebrows were raised high.

To be fair, it's kind of cute.

But probably only this kind of girl who was born in a wealthy family and loved by the whole family can have this kind of courage.

Lin Tian smiled, feeling more and more that his fiancée was interesting.

"Aren't you the ones who just said that you don't want to care about anything and insisted on forcing Mengxue to pay back the money?"

"The rest of the matter has nothing to do with you. The company doesn't need you anymore. Leave now! Don't act like a rogue on other people's territory.",

Chu Xiaoxiao pointed at the door.

Several shareholders were stunned that they could not speak out against Chu Xiaoxiao. They turned to look at Bai Luoting and simply did not want to get involved in this matter.

With a sullen face, Bai Luoting dismissed everyone with a wave of his hand: "Okay, you guys go first."

Several shareholders did not lose money. Although the matter was not completed, they walked away with the returned funds and the benefits given by Bai Luoting.

There were only four of them left in the room, Bai Luoting's seat was facing Lin Tian, ​​and when he raised his eyes, he saw Lin Tian leaning on the chair with his legs crossed, his movements casual.

He really didn't show up, Bai Luoting cursed in his mind.

How did Lin Tian know that at this moment, he was scolded in his heart by eighteen generations of his ancestors, so he picked up a cup of tea on the table and drank it.

Bai Luoting finally couldn't help it, and said, "What the hell are you..."

At this time, there was a rush of running in the corridor, and a man in a security uniform ran in panting, saying: "Bai...Bai, Shen...it's not good! The buyers and reporters downstairs are... ...I can't stop it!"

Shen Mengxue's mood that had just calmed down raised again: "They came in?"

"Yeah... When I came up, some of them had already broken through the barriers and broke in. I guess they will find them soon, what should I do?"

The security guard gasped.

Bai Luoting slammed his fist on the table: "Didn't you ask your security department to stop it? Trash, this can't be done!"

The security guard had a sad face: "I could have stopped it, but more and more people gathered outside the door. Now it is not only the victims who have bought our products, but also many people who joined in the fun and reporters, carrying cameras..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a burst of noisy and messy footsteps in the corridor. It sounded like there were quite a lot of people.

The security guard hurriedly let the door open as if he heard a ghost screaming, and hid behind it.

Before a few people could react, a dark group of people rushed in instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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