Chapter 751 Chima
"Yes, this time I felt numb and crisp all over my body, and there were waves of heat churning in my body." Yueming recalled carefully.

"It's a good thing as long as you feel better every time. I'll help Master feel the pulse now."

After Lin Tian got Yueming's consent, he put his finger on Yueming's wrist.

He took the pulse for a short time this time, and quickly switched to the other hand. After a while, he looked at Yueming and said with a smile: "After these treatments, your body has improved a lot. I think the master should It won't take long to heal."

"Lin Tian, ​​is this true?" Yang Cheng and the others looked at each other and asked joyfully.

"It's all related to my adventure a few days ago. I just got some high-quality medicinal materials. After taking these medicinal materials, Master can walk slowly with the help of a cane today." Lin Tian explained.

"You kid, don't make fun of me." Yueming has been lying in bed for several years, and has long since given up on walking.

"I'm not joking with you." Lin Tian said with a serious expression, and took out the precious medicinal material, Ganoderma lucidum, from the medicine box.

Wei Lin could tell that this thing was not ordinary, but she had never seen it before, so she asked, "Tell me what this is?"

Lin Tian said quickly: "This is a treasure, Zhima. As long as this treasure is added to the prescription, Master's condition will soon improve."

"Hurry up and write the prescription. I really want to see Master can teach us Kung Fu again after he recovers." Wei Lin surrounded Lin Tian and said cheerfully.

"Okay, I'll finish it right away. But this time I'm going to be in charge of decocting the medicine myself. I'm worried that you won't be able to control the heat. You just need to bring the things to me."

After Lin Tian finished speaking, he quickly wrote a prescription and handed it to Yang Cheng who was waiting at the side.

After Yangcheng took the prescription, he walked out quickly to buy medicinal materials according to the contents marked in the prescription.

After a period of preparation, all the medicinal materials were purchased, and Lin Tian took out the prepared charcoal.

"Are the dark ones also medicinal materials?" Wei Lin asked, pointing at the charcoal.

"This is not a medicinal material. It is something I got by accident. It is very suitable for decocting medicine. With this thing, the medicinal properties of the medicinal material can be maximized."

Lin Tian said that he had lit the fire, put a casserole pot on top of the stove, and stared at the flame carefully.

He picked up the fan on the side and fanned the fire slowly, with a dignified and serious expression.At this moment, he was injecting the newly recovered spiritual energy into the flames bit by bit through the fan.

The flames carefully wrapped half of the casserole, and after a few minutes, the aroma of medicinal materials emerged from the casserole.

All the people present were stunned, they had never seen such a method of decocting medicine, but at the same time, they also realized that they might really not be able to grasp the heat.

Lin Tian cautiously and slowly fanned the fan, slowly injecting the spiritual energy in his body into it.

Lan Yan danced slowly, growing from small to large.

Everyone's expressions became strange, because it was obviously a small piece of charcoal, but it didn't go out after a long time.

The fire is getting bigger and bigger!
Lin Tian decocted the medicine himself, brewing it carefully, and everyone was impatient with waiting, but he still stared at the soup with piercing eyes.

When the bowl of medicine came out, everyone's eyes widened again.

Because the more the medicine is boiled, the less it is. Obviously Lin Tian poured in a little water at the beginning, but now it is boiled out, it is still this little bit, no more, no less.

And there is only this bowl of medicinal soup left in the pot, and the medicinal materials are not even dregs.

It's really rare.

Everyone sniffed vigorously, because a strange fragrance suddenly appeared in the air.It is emitted from this bowl of medicine.

It smells better than all the flowers and perfumes they have smelled in the past.

Lin Tian carefully took the medicine bowl to see Yueming, and said to him, "Drink it!"

Yangcheng and Wei Lin went over to help Yueming sit up.

Yueming was completely paralyzed, unable to move around, and had to be waited on for food and drink.

This bowl of medicine is not like the traditional Chinese medicine brought before. It has a bitter taste, but it smells good, so Yueming drank it up quickly without hesitation.

Putting the medicine bowl aside, Lin Tian took out the acupuncture bag and took out two jade needles.

The jade needle pricked Yue Ming's fingertip and asked Wei Lin to bring water and put it next to the bed.

The effect of the medicine took effect soon, and Yueming felt hot all over, as if a fire was burning.

Lin Tian noticed that his face was flushed, and knew that the time had come, so he quickly shot and touched the main points all over his body.

There was only a green shadow left on the jade needle in his hand, which made people dazzled.

In an instant, these jade needles pierced Yueming's whole body.

The tip of the needle trembled, and ten minutes later, Lin Tian asked Yueming to put his hand beside the bed, and dripped black blood from his fingertips. The black blood fell into the clear water and smudged away. But the whole basin of water turned dark.

"This..." Yang Cheng asked Lin Tian worriedly.

"This is toxin. When the black blood is forced out of the body, Master's body will gradually improve." Lin Tian smiled and said to Yueming: "Although you can't walk, you should be able to feel the upper body!"

Everyone was looking forward to it, because Yueming has been lying on the bed, like a half-dead person, he used to be the god of war!
Now if I can sit up and walk again, then I am truly alive.

Yue Ming was also very excited. He tried to sit up by himself. Although it was difficult, he could really feel that his body was his.

"Really, look quickly, Master can do it, he really can do it!" Wei Lin and He Chun were very happy. They were so happy that tears rolled down from the corners of their eyes.

Yangcheng and the others were so moved that their eyes were sour and they wanted to cry.

"I'm going to try to walk." Yueming said in a deep voice.

He is not content to just sit.

Lin Tian's eyes flashed, it seems that the effect of this Zhima is much better than he expected.

Old man Sui Mu pointed to a certain place in the room, and Yang Cheng immediately understood, took the crutch that was placed there, and handed it to Yueming with both hands.

With trembling hands, Yueming held the crutches, grunted, and exerted all his strength. Under everyone's gaze, a miracle happened.

"You can stand now!" Yang Cheng and the others' voices were choked up.

I thought Master would lie in bed all his life until he died.

"God has favored me. My old legs can still be used. It's great!" Yue Ming said with emotion.

"Congratulations, master!" Yang Cheng and the others knelt on the ground and looked up at the old man.

In the past, this old man was a god in their minds, omnipotent. Later, he fell down, and now he finally stood up again.

Seeing Master stand up, they felt a sense of security and felt stronger and more powerful than before.

Lin Tian was also very happy. This once again proved his medical skills. Every time he cured a difficult and miscellaneous disease, the sense of accomplishment in his heart was amazing.

After this treatment, he will continue to give Yueming acupuncture and moxibustion to help him clean up the remaining toxins in his body.

(End of this chapter)

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