Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 649 Visiting the Su Family

Chapter 649 Visiting the Su Family
So Lin Tian immediately changed the subject and said: "Li Xiaowei, as an important member of the family, they can't let you come out alone."

Li Xiaowei smiled and nodded, "Yes, that's why I sneaked out and they didn't find me."

The moment she opened her smile, the world lost its color, and the people around could only see her.

Lin Tian was also absent-minded for a moment, but he soon returned to normal, and he didn't answer any more questions.

In the end, Li Xiaowei said: "Lin Tian, ​​in order to express our gratitude for your life-saving grace, let's leave each other's contact information. When we get to Yanjing, I will ask my family to thank you."

"I think it's better to forget it. As a doctor, it is my duty to treat patients." Lin Tian refused.

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of the stewardess came from the radio in the cabin: "Passengers and friends, please pay attention, the plane is about to land at Yanjing International Airport, please fasten your seat belts and put away the tray table, I wish you a pleasant journey. "

It turned out that the plane had arrived in Yanjing.

Lin Tian did everything as required and waited for the plane to land.

With a slight turbulence, the plane slowly came to a stop.

Li Xiaowei smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, anyway, we will meet again sooner or later."

Lin Tian felt very heartbroken by her words. In fact, he didn't want to have anything to do with Yanjing's wealthy families.

As soon as Li Xiaowei got off the plane, a large group of bodyguards in uniform black suits quickly surrounded her.

The person walking in the front was a little displeased and said: "Miss, you are back, we are almost going to be locked up by the Patriarch, please understand our difficulties."

"I just want to go out for a walk alone. You don't have to be so tight." Li Xiaowei said a little perfunctorily, her eyes always looking around the crowd.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" someone among the bodyguards asked.

"I saw it wrong, forget it, let's go." Li Xiaowei watched for a while but didn't see Lin Tian. She shrugged her shoulders in frustration and left in a car under the escort of bodyguards.

Lin Tian walked out of the airport and took a taxi parked on the side of the road.

In the taxi, a thin and boastful man asked in unauthentic Yanjing dialect: "Sir, where are we going?"

"Peony Garden." Lin Tian decided to go to Su's house first. He just came to Yanjing, so he is not familiar with the situation here, and there are not many people he can trust.But Mr. Su is a very good first contact person, besides, he can give Lin Tian some advice and make Lin Tian avoid detours.

Although he wanted to see Wei Lin very much at this moment, he also knew that he couldn't act rashly like this. Many things needed to be thought through before proceeding to the next step.

Because Wei Lin's family is still at a level that is beyond his reach.

The car drove fast.

"If you can arrive within half an hour, you will definitely benefit a lot." As he said that, Lin Tian took out a few Su banknotes from his pocket, put two of them into the driver's hand, and held the remaining money in his hand. hand.

"Okay, just fasten your seat belt." The driver was overjoyed, turned onto the viaduct, stepped on the accelerator, and the speed of the car increased a lot in an instant.

Lin Tian came to Yanjing for the first time, and he felt very novel looking at the gradually bustling streets.

But where is Wei Lin at this moment?
Lin Tian took out his mobile phone, and after turning it on, many text messages poured in. These text messages were all from his confidantes. Because he left in a hurry, he simply packed up his things and set off.

It was only when he arrived at the airport that he remembered to send them a text message to inform them of the situation, and then turned off his phone.

"Did something happen when you went to Yanjing suddenly?"

"be careful on the road."

"Why didn't you see me before you left, hum, I hate you."

Lin Tian read it from top to bottom, and then replied to them one by one.

After doing all this, he stared at the busy street outside the window in a daze.


Lin Tian was stunned, and the taxi had already stopped at the gate of a residential area.He glanced at the odometer, and the fare displayed on it was 150 yuan.

Lin Tian quickly unbuckled his seat belt and said, "No need to change."

"You kid, don't you want to renege on your debt?" The driver yelled.

"Isn't there money over there? How could I default on the bill?" Lin Tian raised his finger and pointed at the large banknotes collected by the driver.

"What are the benefits?" the driver said with anger on his face.

Lin Tian pushed the car door and said, "The advantage is that you don't have to look for change."

"You can do it, you're despicable!" the driver spat in Lin Tian's direction, and then drove away.

Generally, taxis at airports have the habit of taking detours in order to make more money. If Lin Tian hadn't found a countermeasure, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to reach the place now.

In the peony garden, there are independent villas everywhere.A family with such a house here is definitely not an ordinary person.

"Brother Su, I'm at the gate of the community." Lin Tian called Su Zhen.

"Okay, I'll pick you up right away."

Soon, Su Zhen quickly ran out from the inside, and then took the luggage.Originally, Lin Tian didn't bring anything with him when he came to Yanjing, only his usual medical practice box.

The security of the community is very strict. Even if Su Zhen is on the side, the guards will still let him in after checking and registering according to the usual practice.

Su Zhen said as he walked, "Lin Tian, ​​my grandpa has been nagging you for a long time. If you don't come again, my ears will get calloused."

Lin Tian smiled helplessly: "It's really busy at ordinary times, it's all because I didn't think carefully, I should have come here earlier."

After chatting, they came to Su Zhen's door.

Chen Xiao greeted him immediately and said, "Lin Tian, ​​you're finally here. Have you eaten yet? I'll go get some food."

Lin Tian quickly waved his hand and said: "Sister-in-law, don't be busy, I'm not hungry yet."

"Come to Yanjing, this is your home, don't be cautious." Chen Xiao came over with a few bottles of mineral water.

"Is Elder Su there?" Lin Tian looked around, but he didn't see Elder Su.

"At my uncle's side, he will be back soon, please sit down first." Su Zhen explained.

Lin Tian didn't speak anymore, picked up the mineral water, opened it and drank it.

Not long after, Mr. Su walked in from the door.

Lin Tian got up quickly, walked towards Mr. Su quickly and said, "Mr. Su, I'm here to see you."

Elder Su smiled and said: "You finally remembered to visit me, I thought you forgot me!"

"How could I forget you, I just have a lot of things at ordinary times." Lin Tian said hastily.

"You kid, don't think you can fool my old man. I know the purpose of your coming to Yanjing better than anyone else." Elder Su looked into Lin Tian's eyes and said.

"Old Su, the most important thing for me to come to Yanjing is to visit you, other things are not as important." Lin Tian said with a smile.

"Shut up, I don't know what you're thinking. You obviously want to check the situation in Yanjing in advance, so that you can develop here in the future." Elder Su waved his hand and said.

Lin Tian said helplessly: "Sure enough, I am a junior, and my thoughts are transparent in front of you."

(End of this chapter)

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