Chapter 618
Even though Cheng Gao had stood in front of Lin Tian, ​​he could only watch Zhou Chuan quickly bypass him.

The other policemen around were very angry about this. This man dared to beat someone here openly because he had no sense of the law.

Cheng Gao's heart sank suddenly, he could feel that Zhou Chuan was a master, but it was the most troublesome to make a master's move.In case Zhou Chuan accidentally beat Lin Tian to death, and the accident happened at the gate of the Xiangcheng Police Station, I am afraid that his black hat will be lost.

But obviously he underestimated Lin Tian's strength.

When he turned around, he saw a figure flying towards him at a very fast speed. He accidentally collided with him, and they rolled together for a long distance before stopping.

The policeman who was standing there saw that Zhou Chuan, who had circled around Cheng Gao just now, had not had time to hit Lin Tian with his fist, but was sent flying by Lin Tian's sudden punch, even knocking Cheng Gao to the ground.

The policemen on the scene didn't bother to help Cheng Gao up, and they all looked at each other, but they were very surprised that Lin Tian's martial arts strength could actually knock them flying with one punch.

Although Lin Tian slept peacefully all night and couldn't see any changes, he could feel that his strength was many times stronger than before.

Although the spiritual energy pouring into the internal organs from the Baihui point can't be seen, the changes can be clearly seen after a single blow.

"The Zhou family can't be lawless either."

Lin Tian calmly looked at Zhou Chuan, who was paralyzed on the ground, his face was dark and he was breathing heavily.

The two young people who got out of the car with Zhou Chuan surrounded Zhou Chuan, and they looked at Lin Tian warily.

They really wanted to beat Lin Tian violently, but they didn't dare to do anything when they saw that people with such terrifying strength in Zhou Chuan were punched back by Lin Tian.

"Stinky boy, your little ability is just relying on Master Zhou's carelessness, you wait for me." One of the two young people said.

"All of you stand where you are and don't move!"

Cheng Gao was very angry, he quickly took out his gun, and slowly stood up from the ground, the pain in his body made him very surprised by Lin Tian's strength.

He held up his gun and said, "Who is moving around, don't blame me for shooting."

After he finished speaking, the policemen present came to their senses, and they all took the explosion-proof shields in the station and looked at Lin Tian nervously, for fear that he would do something unthinkable again.

After all, what happened just now was so fast that no one could see clearly, but they had already seen the result, which was a frightening result.

The thin young man in front of him was able to knock out a grown man with just one punch, and when he was ready to attack, he brought Cheng Gao to the ground by the way.Just by looking at Cheng Gao's grinning expression, one can guess how powerful that blow was.

Even though Lin Tian was the victim, the police all focused on Lin Tian, ​​and those who didn't know thought that the victims were Zhou Chuan and the others.

Lin Tian glanced up and down, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Officer Cheng, you all saw it just now. They are the ones who attacked me. You actually protect them. Can I understand that you and Zhou Chuan are the same people? Together, let him attack me on purpose, right?"

Cheng Gao is very uncomfortable now, he knows that the strength of Lin Tian in front of him is unfathomable, even his smiling expression is cold.

No wonder the deputy director compromised with him, it was because he was very difficult to deal with!
"It's not what you said!" Cheng Gao waved his hand without thinking,
Then he looked behind him, Zhou Chuan was supported by someone and stood up from the ground.

"Cuff them all and take them away!" Cheng Gao said loudly.

Immediately, some subordinates went over and grabbed Zhou Chuan.

Zhou Chuan and the two subordinates next to him wanted to resist, but the other party was a policeman with a gun.On the other side, Lin Tian was still staring at them, and they didn't dare to act rashly. They stretched out their hands and were handcuffed obediently.

However, Zhou Chuan looked at Lin Tian unyieldingly and said, "Young man, even if you know how to do both, don't think you are the best in the world. Sooner or later you will get into trouble."

"Don't worry about it. I have my own principles. If anyone dares to attack me, I will retaliate. If you are not convinced, you can try to hit me again." Lin Tianxie looked at Zhou with a smile pass.

He hooked his fingers towards Zhou Chuan, and said: "This time I just gave you a simple lesson, I hope you can remember it long, otherwise, next time, I won't let you go so easily."

Zhou Chuan's face darkened immediately, he closed his mouth and said nothing.

He understands that what happened today is his own fault, and as a righteous martial artist, he would be despised for such a thing as a sneak attack.Can only knock down the teeth and swallow the blood.

Cheng Gao said at this moment: "Stop talking, just go with the police!"

He wanted to consider the face of the police station, and he was afraid of being photographed by those unscrupulous media that shouldn't be photographed, so he didn't want to stay outside for too long.

Lin Tian took Chu Xiaoxiao and followed Cheng Gao into the police station.

Hu Wen and Hu Jin followed behind them, and there were several policemen looking around vigilantly.

After entering a certain small room, the Hu family had already invited a lawyer. Lawyer Zhang saw that Hu Wen and Lin Tian were all well, neither injured nor handcuffed, so his expression softened a bit.

Cheng Gao locked Lin Tian and Chu Xiaoxiao in the same room, while Hu Wen and Hu Jin were next door.

It was Cheng Gao himself who was in charge of interrogating Lin Tian.

"What is your name?"

"Lin Tian."

"Where do you live?"


Cheng Gao asked questions according to the procedure, and Lin Tian also answered them one by one calmly.

After asking the basic information, Cheng Gao stared into Lin Tian's eyes and asked, "Zhou Gao and Wu Kai were seriously injured yesterday and are still lying in the hospital. They said that you and Hu Wen did it, do you admit it?"

"I don't admit it, it's not true." Lin Tian shook his head and denied it without thinking.

True, he beat those bastards, but he didn't have to admit it, because there was no evidence left.

Both he and Hu Wen had confessed to each other, and the police had nothing to do if they refused to admit it.

There was no emotion on Cheng Gao's face. He looked at Lin Tian, ​​stared into his eyes, wanted to see that he was guilty, and said, "Think about it again, did you take action? We have surveillance on our hands. Just to remind you, to be strict in resistance, to be lenient in confession.”

When Lin Tian heard this, he sneered and said, "Surveillance? Are you sure? True or false? Show me it, police officer, don't lie, lying is not a virtue."

"Hmph, although the scene of your hands-on actions was not photographed, the monitoring can prove that you and Wu Kai stayed in the same place. After ten minutes, they were injured, and you and Hu Wen also left. This does not explain Question?"

Lin Tian said lightly: "You judged the case by guesswork? This cannot be used as direct evidence at all."

It seemed that today's interrogation would not be fruitful for a while. Cheng Gao wrote a few words in the notebook and asked again: "Tell me about your whereabouts last night!"

"I didn't go anywhere last night. I was in the hotel with my girlfriend and fell asleep for a long time. You can check the surveillance. I slept until the morning before leaving the hotel." Lin Tian said calmly.

"Why did you come to Xiangcheng? What's the matter? Are you an important employee employed by the Hu family? So the Hu family values ​​you very much." Cheng Gao continued to ask.

Lin Tian frowned and said, "Sorry, I refuse to answer anything that has nothing to do with this case."

(End of this chapter)

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