Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 585 I Can't Understand

Chapter 585 I Can't Understand

In fact, Lin Tian also has a heart of compassion. He likes this little girl very much and doesn't want to see her live in the shadow of disfigurement all her life.

"That's it! If you want to continue treatment at that time, please contact me in advance. Remember not to take other medicines or use other skin care products." Lin Tian gave Wang Xin a distressed look and said, "Trust me Medicine, I can cure you."

"Well, we must listen to you and contact you next month!" Wang Wen nodded again and again.

Lin Tian has already talked about this, so he still has nothing to doubt.

His attitude was good, Lin Tian was quite satisfied, and his face looked better.

Chu Tianyun seemed to have also learned how to greet and see off, and smiled at Lin Tian and said, "I will thank you if you can do me this favor, and I owe you a favor. I will deal with you and Xiaoxiao in the future. No matter, you young people decide for yourself!"

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows, as if if you objected, the two of us would be dead, and you are not Wei Qingyun!

He winked at Chu Xiaoxiao, and said to Chu Tianyun: "Then I'll leave first, and if you have something to do in the future, call me again!"

Chu Tianyun knew that he didn't like him and didn't want to stay longer, so he pushed Chu Xiaoxiao and said, "Go and see Lin Tian off!"

A group of them walked out of the Chu family gate. Lin Tian said goodbye to the Wang family and separated. Wang Wen and Wang Lin were very happy, but Wang Xin couldn't help but always look back at Lin Tian.

Because of her appearance, she is very sensitive to other people's hearts. She seems to be able to feel a ray of melancholy in Lin Tian's heart. She is very curious, but she can't ask more.

Chu Xiaoxiao and Lin Tian went back to the rented house together.

There are only the two of them in the whole house now, and Chu Xiaoxiao also noticed Lin Tian's strangeness, so she walked to his side and whispered, "What's wrong with you? Actually, if you don't want to treat patients, you don't have to give me For dad's sake, the relationship between the Wang family and our family is not particularly good."

She solemnly said to Lin Tian that she didn't want to see Lin Tian unhappy.

I always feel that Lin Tian has something on his mind, even though there is no difference on the surface, but she can feel it after they have been together for so long.The two have experienced many things together, and now Chu Xiaoxiao completely regards Lin Tian as the closest person.

No matter what happened in the past, Lin Tian was very calm and calm. This is really abnormal. Lin Tian must have encountered something.

Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't help hugging Lin Tian to comfort him.Lin Tian also hugged her hard, stroking her soft hair.

How could he tell Chu Xiaoxiao that he was thinking of another woman?

Thinking of the scene when Wei Lin and him parted, Lin Tian felt extremely depressed and sad.

"Don't think too much about it. I'm fine. It has nothing to do with the Wang family. Wang Xin's life is bad, and she has encountered such a terrible thing." Chu Xiaoxiao agreed, "Well, I also think she is very miserable."

In his twenties, with such a face, how can he meet people?
After dark.

Wang Wen, Wang Lin and Wang Xin returned to the presidential suite of the Silton Hotel where they stayed.

They had dinner with Chu Tianyun, thanking him for introducing such a good doctor as Lin Tian.

After returning to the room, an old doctor was already waiting with a medicine box. Wang Xin walked over, and he immediately began to check the pulse.

The Wang Wen brothers and sisters were watching, very nervous.

"Mr. Zhang, is the result all right?" Wang Wen asked in a low voice, for fear of disturbing the old doctor.

The elder's name is Zhang Chunyin. He is a doctor from Yanjing. He is very capable. He is a professor of a well-known medical school. Many people with status like to seek medical treatment from him.

After all, Lin Tian was not well-known, and the Wang family was worried, so they secretly invited the old doctor. Afraid that Chu Tianyun and Lin Tian would think too much, they kept the old doctor from staying in the hotel without telling them.

When they met Lin Tian today, they saw that Lin Tian's character was so strange, and he didn't care about oil and salt. They felt that this move was very wise. If Lin Tian knew about this, he would definitely turn his back on him.

It's really not a bright thing to do. Zhang Chunyin didn't want to do this kind of thing at first, but the Wang family gave him a lot of money. After all, he was bent over five buckets of rice.

I thought it was a very simple task, but when Zhang Chunyin felt Wang Xin's pulse, he hesitated a little because it was very different from the pulse of the last diagnosis. The Qi and blood in Wang Xin's head were very strong, as if all the nutrients in her body were rushing towards her. Yes, this is so weird.

Maybe this is the effect of that person's healing!
As for whether this would be effective in removing the scars, Zhang Chunyin couldn't guarantee it. Whether this was a good sign or not, he couldn't tell. This person's healing method was too weird, and he had never seen it before.

Wang Xin is in good condition all over, and seems to be healthier than before.

After a while, Zhang Chunyin let go of Wang Xin, looked at Wang Wen, shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, but with my level, I can't see anything. I don't understand that man's acupuncture. His healing theory I can't see it either.

It may be his unique knowledge, which cannot be known by outsiders.However, I can see that Ms. Wang is in a very good condition now, and there is no harm to her body. Whether she can really grow new skin in the future, I can only wait and see. "

"Miss Wang, how do you feel? Especially your face, does it hurt?" Zhang Chunyin looked at Wang Xin again and said.

Wang Xin smiled slightly. She didn't know why, but after she separated from Lin Tian, ​​she felt that her whole body was rejuvenated. It was obviously the same as before, but it seemed that something had changed.

You can always see the essence when you look at things, and the world you see is much clearer.

There is also the skin on the face, it seems that it is really shedding its skin at a rapid speed, and growing new tender skin.If the feeling just now was very slight, she wondered if it was her own illusion, but after hearing what the elder said, she felt it carefully again, and this time she was very sure, her face was indeed numb and itchy, as if new skin was growing.

"Grandpa Zhang, I really want to scratch it, just like the feeling when the wound was just right and healing." Wang Xin recalled.

After hearing this, Zhang Chunyin was very surprised. He almost jumped up, walked a few steps on the spot, checked Wang Xin's body condition, and observed her scars up close.

"Wang Xin, can you point out where the itching is? Is it all the injured areas? Is there no feeling in the uninjured areas?" Zhang Chunyin asked, pointing to her smooth ear skin.

Brother and sister Wang Wen certainly understand what numbness means, but didn't Lin Tian say that acupuncture won't take effect soon?How long has it been since you felt it?Could he really cure Wang Xin?

That young teenager, is amazing!
In fact, at the beginning, they just came to try, without any hope at all. Now that they heard Wang Xin's words, they felt that this time they might really be lucky and meet a miracle doctor.

Wang Xin closed her eyes and felt it carefully. In fact, her whole head and face felt a little itchy, but the injured part felt more obvious, and the itching felt less in other places.

She can be sure that her feelings are not wrong.

Wang Xin was a little excited, because of the injury, the touch on her face was very dull, and she didn't feel hot and cold, but now, it seemed to have changed, her hand was gently placed on her cheek, and the feeling was very clear.

Wang Xin nodded heavily: "Yes, I have this feeling on my face."

(End of this chapter)

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