Chapter 581
Lin Tian suddenly received a call and frowned when he saw the series of garbled characters.

"How is it? Are you in trouble, haha." It was the voice of an old man, Wei Lin's superior, Zhibo.

"Small difficulties, not big ones, don't bother you." Lin Tian didn't expect that this matter would reach Uncle Zhi, and the news spread too fast.

"You are really ambitious. You actually want to be Wei Qingyun's son-in-law. Lin Tian, ​​I saw you right. You are a courageous person."

"You don't want me to do things for you, do you? I'm worried about other things now. I'll talk about it later when I have a task." Lin Tian said depressedly. In fact, he still doesn't think he is a member of the security team. Threatened, tricked in.

"I'm calling you just to say hello. When you are free, you can come to Yanjing." Zhibo said.

"I've offended the Wei family. If you are a regular employee of the security team, not a temporary worker, I can protect you. You and Wei Lin are more likely. No matter how crazy Wei Qingyun is, he will not dare to bully my people easily. .”

"No, you have too many minds, and I don't want to fight wits and courage with you. Yanjing, I will go again in the future, and I probably won't go in a short time." Lin Tian wanted to wait until his strength was stronger.

"Do you dare to play a game with me?"

"What game? You're plotting against me again." Lin Tian snorted, the old man couldn't hide what he thought.

"We will meet in Yanjing soon, you won't wait long, you must come to Yanjing." Zhibo said firmly.

Lin Tian shook his head and said in a firm voice: "I haven't developed my power well, why should I go to Yanjing? I am not an impulsive person. You are wrong."

"Aren't you stupid? The Wei family won't let Wei Lin stay at home to marry for a long time. Maybe soon, you will have to go to Yanjing." Zhi Bo sighed.

"You know more about Yanjing, maybe I will go there soon! Don't try to bet with me, you are old and smart, I can't compare with you." You... Lin Tian is very wary of Zhibo.

"Boy, you are really not easy to deceive!" Zhi Bo said with a cold snort.

"Do you know? I am also a high-ranking and powerful person. Others are cautious when talking to me, for fear of offending me. Only you, only you are so courageous! Keep blocking me."

"I won't change, I am this kind of person, anyway, I don't ask you anything, you are not my grandfather, why should I respect you?" Lin Tian immediately answered, he didn't like Zhibo, he always felt that he I'm setting up a trick to let myself get stuck, at worst I don't want to be a temporary worker of the security team, and Zhibo lost all leverage to threaten him in the end.

"The task you participated in before, after the investigation, the follow-up has been resolved. This human experiment has been completely suspended, and no one will continue to study it in the future, and the files are sealed."

"The Yun family has also been named by the above. They will no longer pursue the person involved. You were already on their wanted list, but it should have been removed by now." After Zhibo finished speaking, he put away his phone.


After talking with Zhibo on the phone, Chu Tianyun asked Lin Tian to go home again.

Although Lin Tian didn't like this father-in-law, he was the father of his woman after all, and for Chu Xiaoxiao's sake, he still passed.

When he arrived at Chu's house, in the living room, Lin Tian saw several strangers who had been staring at him since he arrived.

Lin Tian also took a closer look at these people, with doubts in his eyes.

This should be a family. A man and a woman have somewhat similar looks. They are middle-aged, well-dressed and well-off.

Although the woman is old, she looks to be in her thirties, her skin is still elastic, there are no wrinkles on her face, and her temperament is particularly outstanding. She is the kind of woman who has never suffered from childhood and is well protected by her family.

Next to them was a girl who looked to be in her twenties, her eyes were like a calm lake, fascinating.But for some reason, she covered her face and wore a big mask.Lin Tian took a few more glances at her. This girl looked like a gentle person, with clear eyes, black and white, which made him very fond of her.

"Lin Tian, ​​you're here, come on, sit down quickly!" Chu Tianyun saw him coming, and hurriedly gave up his seat, and even poured him tea himself, showing great attentiveness.

This abnormal behavior made Lin Tian very suspicious. Did this cheap father-in-law cause him any trouble again?

"Hello, Doctor Lin." The strange middle-aged man greeted Lin Tian.

Although he couldn't fault his etiquette, there was still a hint of hesitation in his eyes, but it wasn't too obvious.

The two women also greeted Lin Tian, ​​but Lin Tian didn't say anything to them.

Sitting down and taking a sip of tea, he was guessing about the current situation.

After Chu Xiaoxiao came back from Xiangcheng, she has been living at home. Seeing Lin Tian coming, she also came out of the room.Originally, she wanted to talk to Lin Tian affectionately, but when she saw outsiders, she held back and went to pour water for them.

"Xiaoxiao, please sit down! I don't want to bother you, I can just let someone do these things. I haven't seen you for a long time. You are much more beautiful. You are a big girl." The middle-aged man has obviously met Chu Xiaoxiao before, so this time he skillfully Say hello to him.

Hearing the words of praise, Chu Xiaoxiao couldn't help but smile: "Uncle Wang, you are so good at complimenting!"

Lin Tian didn't want to talk to them any more and went straight to the point: "If you have anything to do, just tell me directly! I have other things to do, Uncle Chu, so it's better not to waste time."

After Chu Tianyun heard this, the smile on his face was a little stiff, he glanced at Wang Wen, motioned for him to be quiet first, and let himself speak.

He stood up, cleared his throat quite formally and said: "Lin Tian, ​​let me introduce you, this guest is Mr. Wang Wen, and he brought his family here today to ask for something.

That was his younger sister, Wang Lin. That girl was Mr. Wang Wen's daughter, and her name was Wang Xin. "

"He is that miracle doctor, he is very skilled in medicine, maybe he can cure..." Chu Tianyun introduced Lin Tian to Wang Wen again.

Wang Wen nodded and stretched out his hand towards Lin Tian, ​​who shook it.

"Doctor Lin Tian, ​​Mr. Chu told me that your medical skills are miraculous. I just wanted to seek medical treatment. If you take the liberty to come here, please don't be angry." Wang Wen was quite polite in his speech.

Lin Tian looked at Wang Xin behind him, and asked, "Is it her? From the way I look at her, she seems to have been burned, is she disfigured?"

Sensing being watched, Wang Xin lowered her head subconsciously. Ever since her face was disfigured, she had no self-confidence and dared not raise her head when she saw people.She is still young, at the same age as Hua, and her real life has not yet begun.

Wang Wen was excited, and Lin Tian knew it was a burn at a glance, which is amazing, but it is also possible that Chu Tianyun told him in advance.

"My daughter is still young, with such a face, how will she live her life? Xin'er, take off the mask and ask Dr. Lin Tian to give you a checkup!"

(End of this chapter)

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