Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 56 Is he out of business or gay?

Chapter 56 Is he out of business or gay?

Noticing that Lin Tian was behind her, Shen Mengxue closed the computer with a "snap", frowned and said, "What does this have to do with you?"

"Why do you react so strongly?" Lin Tian stared at her and smiled, "Could it be that you made this formula?"

On the screen just now was a formula file of skin care products. Lin Tian didn't see the name of the skin care skin "Jiayan", but he noticed several medicinal materials in the formula.

"It doesn't matter who made it? Commercial secrets are never leaked." Shen Mengxue said bluntly.

"I heard from Xiaoxiao that you are doing product research outside these few days. Do you want to make skin care products?"

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows and said:
"I've read your formula just now, and overall it's not a big problem, but there is a medicinal material called 'Qi Luo Guo' that is not suitable.

"If this medicine is used for a short period of time, it will give people a feeling of smoother skin. However, if it is used for more than three months, the substances in it will accumulate, which will cause damage to the skin and gradually cause ulcers."

It seems that this skin care product focuses on pure natural plants, all of which are Chinese herbal medicines.

Lin Tian doesn't know much about skin care products.

But he has been studying Chinese medicine since he was a child, and of course knowledge about Chinese herbal medicine is indispensable.

China is vast and abundant, and there are countless miraculous herbs. He dare not say that he knows all of them well, but he does know about Qiluoguo.

Nowadays, many businessmen will sacrifice the bottom line of life for the sake of profit.

Especially in the cosmetic industry.

Many people will add qiluo fruit to the product, and the effect will be quick, but side effects will appear soon.

But he felt that Shen Mengxue didn't do it on purpose because she didn't know enough about this industry.

Shen Mengxue looked at Lin Tian, ​​not believing a word he said: "Aren't you a killer? Killers shouldn't know these things."

Lin Tian: "..."

Can I tell you, am I still a doctor?
Hearing the sarcasm in Shen Mengxue's words, Lin Tian licked his lips and said dryly: "Really, your formula can't be put into production, it's considered deceiving consumers, and we can't earn black-hearted money."

Shen Mengxue simply carried the computer, stood up and left, completely ignoring Lin Tian.

"Hey, I'm telling the truth, this really can't be put into production."

Shen Mengxue turned around: "I will open a cosmetics company soon. This is the first set of cosmetics formulas to be launched. I have evaluated them with many professional professors and tested them many times. There are no problems at all. I think , between professionals and you, I still believe that professionals are better.”

After finishing speaking, Shen Mengxue showed a bright but emotionless smile, and stepped on the stairs to go upstairs.

Lin Tian found that although this girl seemed much easier to get along with than Chu Xiaoxiao, she was much more reasonable.

But in fact, when she gets angry, she is very vengeful.

Just because he said just now that he is a top killer...

But what can I do?He really is a killer!


Brilliant Hotel, a property of the Long Family.

There was deafening music playing in the box, and under the dazzling colorful lights, several scantily clad women twisted their waists recklessly, looking at Long Shaotian on the sofa with seductive eyes as if flattering.

But Long Shaotian was just drinking, his cold eyes scanning these women as if they were scanning a group of inanimate objects.

Long Shaotian has a hobby, and everyone in the circle knows that he likes to watch women with good figure dancing, wearing clothes that can reveal their waists, wriggling like snakes before his eyes.

But he just watches.

Seeing that Long Shaotian remained indifferent, those women rushed forward. One of the women put her arms around Huang Yue's neck and touched Huang Yue's waistband with her hand.

Huang Yue was taken aback for a moment, his conditioned reflex quickly pushed the woman away, and suddenly cursed: "Get out, stay away from me!"

The woman was startled and yelled coquettishly: "Young Master Long."

Long Shaotian took a puff of cigarette: "You guys go out first."

The music was turned off, and when all the women walked out, Huang Yue heard a woman mocking in a low voice: "Is he not good there or is he gay? Why do women turn their faces when they touch it?"

When the people walked out, Huang Yue's tense face relaxed a bit, and then he cursed: "I'm a man, a real pure man! The fuck is that Lin Tian! If it wasn't for him, I would be so happy now!" Be happy, now you can only look at the delicacies and not eat them!"

"Go to the hospital for an examination, what do you say?" Long Shaotian asked casually.

Huang Yue's face was ugly: "It may take two or three months to recover. It's not certain what the recovery will be. The doctor said there is hope..."

There was a knock on the door outside, and before Long Shaotian could say anything, Huang Yue yelled at the top of his voice: "Damn it, another woman comes in, I'll just strangle her to death!"

"Young Master Long, it's me." A male voice sounded outside the door.

"Come in."

A man in black came in, wearing a hat tightly covered.

He nodded slightly at Long Shaotian: "Young Master Long, you asked me to investigate clearly. The boy named Lin Tian is a student of Zhonghai University School of Medicine, and it is said that he was suddenly admitted into the school two days ago. "

Huang Yue interjected: "Fuck, what can a little boy who studies medicine do? He dares to be domineering just because he knows a little bit of kung fu, he's looking for death!"

"But he got very close to a girl named Chu Xiaoxiao."

"Chu Xiaoxiao? This name sounds familiar." Long Shaotian narrowed his eyes.

"Chu Xiaoxiao is the eldest lady of the Chu family, the daughter of Chu Tianyun, who is also in the medical school of Zhong Hai University."

Huang Yue sighed with disdain:
"So it's backed by the Chu family, no wonder you dare to be so crazy!
"The Chu family may indeed have some status in Zhong Hai, but in front of Young Master Long, it's not worth mentioning at all!
"Young Master Long, this kid looks too crazy, you must give him a warning early, let him know how powerful you are, what are your plans?"

Compared to Huang Yue's excitement, Long Shaotian was always calm and quiet.

He leaned on the sofa, slowly shaking the wine glass in his hand.

Under the refraction of the light, the red wine looked even darker red, like blood.

He took a sip lightly, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "It's hard to find a plaything, it's so boring to touch him directly."

Huang Yue showed doubts: "If you don't touch him directly, how can you do it?"

"You have to know that everyone has his own weaknesses, or the person he values ​​the most, if he directly touches him, it might be more interesting to start with the people around him..."

(End of this chapter)

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