Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 547 Another Glass Seed

Chapter 547 Another Glass Seed

"I'm jealous, no, I want to gamble with stones too, I think I can make a lot of money too!"

"I'm attracted to that guy over there, don't even try to fight me!"

People were all excited by Lin Tian.

Hu Wen swallowed his saliva and looked Lin Tian up and down.He has never touched these things, but he has heard that it is too difficult to make a lot of money betting on stones, and he basically loses a lot.So Lin Tian's luck is really incomprehensible.

Lin Tian nodded towards Hu Wen, still calm.In fact, he bought this rough stone because a certain material inside can be used by himself. He may have to treat people frequently in the future, and jade needles consume a lot, so he can't let go of good materials.

As for glass, it is of no use to him anyway. He does not lack money, just numbers.

Zhang Min was sitting on a chair drinking tea and resting. Hearing that there were glass plants growing here again, he immediately ran over in fright, and leaned over to take a closer look, but couldn't say a word.This kind of large material usually produces some low-quality jadeite, but now there is a lot of gravel, and there is no ordinary material, and it is glass?
People are very puzzled, Lin Tian challenged their three views today, which completely violates the common sense of stone gambling!

It seems that Lin Tian came to Yuanshi Street just to break the record. Things that have never happened in the past happened to him. People feel that it is like a dream, and everything is not real.

It took them a long time to calm down. This is the difference between people, luck and luck!Can't compare!

Master Jieshi took out the piece of glass completely and carefully placed it on the table in front of Lin Tian. People took pictures with their mobile phones and commented while taking pictures: "Good stuff! Look at the color, how beautiful it is!" "

"For high-quality glass, Lin Tian has never opened a bad glass. This material should be able to sell for 1500w."

"Another one million, sell it to me! I'll pay now."

Someone immediately said loudly that they wanted to buy it, and everyone knew that Lin Tian would not sell it to others, and this would go into the warehouse of Hu's jewelry again.

But this piece of rough stone was bought for 3000w, and Lin Tian only got back half of the cost of this piece of glass, so if he had to pay for another one, he would not make a profit or lose money. If he wanted to make a big increase, he would have to have at least two more glass varieties.

"Even if it's a glass seed, it's a loss. Will there be glass seeds in the future? I see Xuan." Someone said with a curled lip.

Chen Liang didn't expect that high-grade jadeite was actually produced from this large piece of material, and just as he was about to say something, the girl beside him squeezed his palm, telling him to stop talking.

Lin Tian looked the same as before, opened the safe in his hand, and put the glass into it.People knew that there was a rare emerald inside, but they only saw a shadow, so Lin Tian closed the box, which made everyone feel very sorry.
People in the jewelry industry have a special preference for top jewelry. It's true that they are jealous of Lin Tian. Why didn't they develop such a good material by themselves?
Although they run their own company with countless precious stones in the company's warehouse, they don't have any emeralds of this size and fineness, which are only owned by the world's top rich people, and they are extravagant at the first sight.

Master Jie Shi rolled up his sleeves and continued to work.

With the encouragement of the previous piece of glass, he worked a lot more vigorously this time, as if he had a telepathy. Once he cut it down, he saw green again. It was also a glass piece, which was about the same quality as the first piece, and even bigger. .

People pursed their lips and said nothing, looking at Lin Tian resentfully.

He sucked all the good luck of everyone present by himself!
Some people had just arrived and were not surprised to see Lin Tian open two glass varieties. However, when they learned from others about Hu Jin's previous gambling game with several rich second generations, they were all confused. Is it true or false?

So Lin Tian opened seven high-grade materials, one emerald, and the others are all good glass!
Didn't they join forces to deceive people?
Is it an ad from Yuanshi Street?

When Boss Huang saw this scene, he felt that he had a particularly good vision. He immediately ordered a large rough stone nearby that cost nearly 3000 million yuan. He couldn't wait to find Zhang Min to pay, and he called someone to start solving the problem.

Following Boss Huang's actions, other people also started to buy stones, as if they would lose a lot of money later on. Lin Tian has been betting that the price will go up, and they are itching to see it. !
It didn't take long for Zhang Min to work together with the employees of Yuanshi Street, the one who received the money, and the one who explained the stone.

There was a lot of space in front of Lin Tian, ​​and there were only a few people onlookers.

At this time, the girl following Chen Liang walked towards Lin Tian, ​​pointed to the rough stone that was being cut and said, "Can you sell the jade inside to me?"

Lin Tian glanced at her, originally because this girl was Chen Liang's follower, but now it doesn't look like she should be someone with status.

Hu Wen stood behind Lin Tian as a bodyguard, Chen Liang saw him, and the two nodded slightly at each other as a greeting.

In fact, today Chen Liang, like Hu Wen, is also a bodyguard.Chen Liang's family didn't have much property, so he had to make some money besides practicing martial arts.Hu Wen doesn't have to make money himself, he is a free bodyguard.

Lin Tian glanced at the girl and said lightly; "Sorry, not for sale."

The girl smiled, and asked again: "There is only a little left of this rough stone. Would you like to consider selling the rough stone to me? I'll give you 3000w. The jadeite you bought before has guaranteed your capital. The 3000w is earned for nothing. Think about it!"

After hearing this, people all stared at the girl. The price can be said to be very high.And there is a little rough stone left, why is it not worth 3000w, does she have too much money to spend?According to the market, giving 1000w is too much.

Lin Tian is still thinking, and everyone is anxious for him, so agree quickly!Otherwise, the silly girl will regret it in a while, and the opportunity will slip away.The possibility of another jade coming out next is very low, there is no need to continue to gamble, how cool it is to take the money and leave!

Master Jieshi put the second piece of glass in front of Lin Tian. After cleaning it, he approached him knowledgeably and talked about the minimum value of 1700w. This kind of good material will only be sold at a premium. Lin Tian has already gambled. It is necessary to continue to solve.

The unsolved stone is not sure, it is false, but the 3000w is real!

This kind of thing, no one will refuse!
Fools know how to choose!
People whispered to Lin Tian: "Sell it!"

"That's right, 3000 million, you have doubled your profit!"

"If you don't sell it, you're a fool..."

However, Lin Tian was not persuaded by them. He shook his head stubbornly and said to the girl, "I don't want to sell. If you like gambling stones, you can open them yourself."

Everyone sighed and felt that Lin Tian was stupid, too arrogant, and lost his mind. Did he still want to open another emerald?Emeralds are so easy to open?
It's easy for people here to make money. It's not that they are short of money, but no one thinks they have too much money!If someone sends it, accept it!

They wished they were Lin Tian, ​​and promised to come down for him!
(End of this chapter)

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