Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 524 Outstanding Disciple

Chapter 524 Outstanding Disciple
Since Hu Wen is a disciple of the Huang family in Foshan and can represent his own martial arts school, he must be an outstanding disciple among the younger generation.

"However, he is alone, and there are dozens of partners. I am a little worried." Hu Jin said, frowning and looking outside.

"He said it's all right. All you have to do is call the police and inform your family about the incident. And I'm still here. Even if he is injured, I can treat him for free." Lin Tian said to Hu Jin.

Hu Jin was relieved now, he nodded to Lin Tian, ​​he almost forgot, Master Lin Tianshi is also a master of martial arts, what are you afraid of when Lin Tian is in charge?So he quickly picked up his phone and dialed.

Lin Tian put his arms around Chu Xiaoxiao, and they turned their heads to look at where Hu Wen was. Lin Tian really wanted to see with his own eyes how strong Hu Wen was. If Hu Wen couldn't beat him, he would strike in time.


Hu Wen walked straight towards one of the most aggressive young men, kicked him over and knocked down three companions at the same time. The kicked man rolled his eyes and passed out.The three people who were hit got up and continued to run in front of Hu Wen with their knives and sticks. The other brothers behind them were also shouting and killing.

Hu Wen was extremely calm, unhurried, with a steady foot, walking around and punching, each punch hit a person, his strength was great, and some people were too weak and were directly sent flying.

The fighting situation here quickly attracted the attention of passers-by. Many people quietly took out their mobile phones to call the police and call the ambulance. There were many people watching the excitement, but no one dared to approach them.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The sound of fists hitting the flesh mixed with the screams of those young people, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

Hu Wen majored in Xingyiquan, he has great skill, already has Huajin strength, Xingyiquan also has many branches, the kind Hu Wen practiced is Bengquan, which is also very famous, and he can be invincible if he cultivates to the extreme .

Although there were more than one dozen, his breathing was steady, he seemed to have inexhaustible strength, and he was very explosive. Those young people who were hit fell to the ground or fainted, or couldn't get up for a long time.They all lost their combat effectiveness, but if they were sent to the hospital, no serious injuries could be detected.

The purpose of this kind of boxing is to repel the enemy, not to kill the enemy.

Those young people who rushed over were stunned when they realized that Hu Wen was so good at fighting.It didn't take long for Hu Wen to knock down nine out of ten people, and the few remaining were stunned, not knowing whether to step up or retreat.

Their faces were pale, and they were all frightened by Hu Wen. Seeing more and more people watching, they all threw down their knives and sticks, fled into the car, and were about to leave here immediately.

However, Hu Wen sneered, walked over, stopped the car, and refused to let them go.

"Get out of the way, or you will be killed!" A young man cursed from the car window.

Hu Wen ignored him, and suddenly kicked towards the front of the vehicle. Everyone was startled by his action. What did he want to do?Do you think you are Iron Man?

Only a rumbling sound was heard.

A large part of the car that those young people were riding in was dented, and the car was scrapped on the spot. No matter how hard the driver tried, it couldn't start.Those young people swallowed their saliva, and sat in the car, not daring to move or speak.

"The police will come in a while, what do you want to do?" Originally they were going to trouble Lin Tian, ​​but now they were so frightened that they called the police.

The onlookers thought it was ridiculous, pointing at them and mocking them.

A light flashed in Lin Tian's eyes. He looked at Hu Wen. Hu Wen was young, with a stable personality and good kung fu. Lin Tian had only heard of the Bengquan branch of Xingyiquan before, but this is the first time he has seen it with his own eyes. , it was an eye-opener.

Only then did Hu Jin get out of the car slowly. He looked at the mess on the ground. These people were all knocked down by his cousin. He gave Hu Wen a thumbs up: "That's great, you're amazing!"

He saw the battle between Lin Tian and Feng Cheng before, and he understood that martial arts people are different from ordinary people, so he changed his view on Hu Wen.But after all, I haven't really seen him make a move.Seeing Hu Wen knock down so many people with his bare hands this time, Hu Jin still couldn't believe it. This is his cousin who grew up with him, so handsome!
"Have you contacted your family?" Hu Wen turned to Hu Jin.

Hu Jin looked at Hu Wen with fear, and he said repeatedly: "I have notified my family long ago, and I have also called the police. The police will be here soon! My father and grandpa both know about this."

Hu Wen looked at the defeated generals on the ground, and said slowly, "Feng Cheng is not the one behind the scenes, but I am Guo Li. He has an impulsive and irritable personality, and he has no intentions."

At this time, Hu Jin's cell phone vibrated, he looked at the caller ID, and pressed the connect button.

After a while, he said to Hu Wen and Lin Tian: "Fengcheng is in Tongluo Street now, he didn't go to the hospital to see a doctor."

Lin Tian waved his hand after hearing this: "Go to Tongluo Street to settle accounts with him now."

Hu Wen didn't expect Lin Tian to be so anxious. He didn't object, and got into the car, saying to Hu Jin: "Okay, go now, and report any revenge on the spot."

Lin Tian said in a low voice: "Originally they lost money, so I didn't want to pursue it, but they sent people to make trouble again. I must give me an explanation for this matter. Since they haven't been convinced, then continue beat."

Lin Tian said expectantly: "Perhaps there are other masters at Fengcheng, what do you think?" Thinking about it, the blood in his body became agitated. Although he has experienced many things, he is relatively calm.But he is a young man after all, and sometimes he is impulsive, wanting to fight with others happily.

Although Hu Jin usually bluffs, but at this time, he is very silent, and he can't get mad on this occasion.On the way to Tongluo Street, Hu Jin couldn't help asking: "Lin Tian, ​​cousin, let's go there like this? Don't you want to tell the family?"

Chu Xiaoxiao, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "You are so timid!"

"Okay, let's go to Tongluo Street to settle accounts with them!"

Chu Xiaoxiao even spoke, Hu Jin also has self-respect as a man, he speeded up, rushing across the street like a gust of wind.Just as they were leaving, a siren sounded and the police finally arrived.

Those Hongmen disciples who were standing still realized that they wanted to run away, but the police had already surrounded them, and none of them could escape.

Hu Jin drove past the police car. The Hu family still had a lot of energy in Xiangcheng, so when something happened to their family, the police took it very seriously and many people came.Several nearby streets were closed.

But fortunately they reacted quickly, Hu Jin was excited by Chu Xiaoxiao, and the speed of the car was extremely fast.So I ran away in time, otherwise I would have to be taken back by the police to make a record.

Lin Tian asked Hu Wen on the road: "What industry is that Fengcheng doing now?"

Hu Wen said slowly: "Because their disciples are very good at fighting, they are engaged in the security industry, formally operating, and have a business license. But everyone in the martial arts knows that they are Hongmen's branch in Xiangcheng. "

"Then is there anyone better than Fengcheng in this branch?" Lin Tian couldn't help asking.

"Maybe, maybe not, I don't know." Hu Wen was also curious.

"Oh, then you'll know when you go. Xiaoxiao, don't go for a while, let's deal with this matter." Lin Tian said to the girl next to her.

Although Chu Xiaoxiao also wanted to follow, she also knew that Lin Tian and the others were definitely going to do something, so she said, "Well, if I go, I will cause you trouble, so I won't go."

(End of this chapter)

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