Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 506 Diagnosis and Treatment on the Spot

Chapter 506 Diagnosis and Treatment on the Spot
Sure enough, Lin Tian looked at Hu Jin and directly refused: "As I said just now, I will go back to the mainland in the afternoon. I have already bought the air ticket. I don't want to stay in Xiangcheng. I don't like it here, and I won't do it again in the future." It is really inconvenient for me to set foot on this land, there are many famous doctors in the world."

Then, Lin Tian went straight up the stairs, ignoring others.

The uncle and nephew of the Hu family looked at each other, unexpectedly, Lin Tian didn't think about staying at all, and why did he not like Xiangcheng?

Both Hu Jin and Hu Youliang couldn't figure it out. They hoped to get an answer from Cao Wencheng, but Cao Wencheng kept silent and kept them quiet with his eyes.Then a group of people followed Lin Tian and went to the second floor.For the Cao family, the most important thing is that the old man is healed.

The uncle and nephew from the Hu family followed behind with full of questions. As people from the upper class, they were generally very polite to others and asked for something. The other party usually would not refuse, and even if they did, their words would not be too direct. Lin Tian's refusal gave way. They were embarrassed, but they were at Cao's house at the moment, and it was best for them not to say anything more until Lin Tian's treatment was over.

Let's first see if Lin Tian's medical skills are really miraculous or in vain.

As long as the authenticity of Lin Tian's medical skills is confirmed, the Hu family is willing to do their best to impress Lin Tian, ​​and Hu Jin and Hu Youliang will try their best to keep Lin Tian in Xiangcheng and treat the old man.

Lin Tian went to the second floor, first checked Mr. Cao's physical condition, and after confirming that everything was normal, he opened the medical box for diagnosis and treatment on the spot.Chu Xiaoxiao, Monk Wusong and Yang Qingshan stood beside Lin Tian, ​​observing the movements of the people in the room all the time to prevent anyone from disturbing Lin Tian.The others consciously stayed away, staring at Lin Tian's movements, very nervous.

Although Gao Yu and Zhou Yang were very curious, they wisely stayed away from each other. Apart from Lin Tian, ​​they knew Cao Xinrui's condition best, especially Gao Yu, who hoped to see this old friend wake up.

After the first two acupuncture sessions, Cao Xinrui's vital signs improved a lot, and every statistic is gratifying. He has changed from being dying to being alive, which can be said to be a medical miracle. Cao Xinrui's brain congestion is something that many people can't do anything about. Now it's up to Lin Tian.

According to the previous judgments of Gao Yu and Zhou Yang, the best situation for Cao Xinrui is to become a vegetative state and lie there alive. This is the best outcome. He can wake up, which Gao Yu and Zhou Yang cannot even imagine. of.

Lin Tian also understands that today's treatment is very important, and the diagnosis and treatment in the first two days are actually paving the way for today.

The main reason is that Mr. Cao has not been ill for a long time, and there is a lot of room for rescue. This is also the biggest reason why Lin Tian is sure to wake up the patient.The congestion is still flowing and has not clotted. He only needs to stimulate the blood vitality in the patient's brain to ensure that the congestion will not cause greater negative effects on the body during the process of dissipating it.

This is Lin Tian's treatment idea, and it is very troublesome to get started.

The brain is the most delicate organ in the human body, and the nerves and veins inside are so intricate that many doctors are afraid to perform brain surgery, especially the elderly, as long as there is a slight mistake, the patient will go away.

Everyone looked at Lin Tian, ​​the room was extremely quiet, and no one dared to disturb him.

Lin Tian spread out the acupuncture bag, sterilized the silver needles, and thought about the acupuncture plan for a while. Although he had already optimized this plan countless times in his mind, he still wanted to be more perfect before finally doing it.

Everyone stared at the silver needle in Lin Tian's hand. The uncles and nephews of the Hu family heard that Lin Tian stabilized Cao Xinrui's condition with his superb acupuncture skills.

In fact, as a member of the upper class in Xiangcheng, the Hu family also had contact with acupuncture masters. This time, Hu Jin wanted to see the difference between Lin Tian and other acupuncture masters.

Lin Tian picked up the silver needle and pierced Cao Xinrui's body, and his diagnosis and treatment officially began.

Every time he placed the needle in a very dangerous position, he did not hesitate to stick it directly. Every time, Gao Yu and Zhou Yang's heart skipped a beat. The two of them would never dare to use such a radical method to treat the disease.

Because there may be a slight difference, and the patient will be critically ill immediately.

Lin Tian stared at Cao Xinrui's big acupoints all over his body, concentrating on it, not daring to slack off in the slightest. From a layman's point of view, every time he gave needles, it was very simple. In fact, each needle has different details. Similarly, when Cao Xinrui's chest was full of needles, Lin Tian slightly twisted the tail of the needle and began to brush the needle.

These silver needles trembled slowly as if being blown by a mighty wind.

Following Lin Tian's movements, Cao Xinrui's breathing became stronger and his face became more rosy, which everyone could see.

Lin Tian observed the condition of the silver needles on the patient's chest. A few minutes later, he pinched a few more silver needles and pierced them on Cao Xinrui's large acupoint on the top of his head. are intrinsically linked.

Cao Xinrui's heartbeat became very heavy, he was not as strong as an old man, the blood flow in his brain accelerated, Gao Yu and Zhou Yang couldn't help but probe to see, Cao Xinrui's temples were beating and he could feel his pulse without feeling the pulse. I know that his blood is surging now.

Lin Tian's eyes were bare, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on his forehead. He checked the blood vessels of the patient's whole body again, and made sure that the position of each needle was correct. The next step was to clean up the blood congestion in the brain.

He poked a few more needles into Cao Xinrui's head. Gao Yu and Zhou Yang could understand some of them, but neither of them could.

When all the needles were stuck on the patient's head, Lin Tian finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Tian wiped the sweat from his palms and transferred his internal energy into the patient's body through the silver needle to stimulate his vitality.

Zhou Yang didn't dare to blink. He thought for a long time before he realized that Lin Tian used silver needles to strengthen the connection between the blood vessels in his brain and viscera. Cao Xinrui's heart vitality guides the blood flow in his brain. way to treat Cao Xinrui's brain congestion.

"So that's the case." Zhou Yang sighed softly.

At this moment, Zhou Yang began to be jealous of Gao Yu again. Lin Tian is a student of Gao Yu's school. It would be great if Lin Tian was his apprentice. For such an acupuncture genius, he must teach him all he has learned all his life. Lin Tian Tian must be able to innovate. Lin Tian being Gao Yu's student is really a waste.

As far as he knows, all kinds of skilled acupuncture practitioners in the acupuncture and moxibustion world are not as good as Lin Tian.

Such a good seedling, why isn't he his apprentice?

Zhou Yang was extremely regretful, and kept sighing in his heart. Gao Yu was not an acupuncture expert, so he couldn't teach Lin Tian anything.

Today's treatment is very important and will take a long time. Chu Xiaoxiao saw that Lin Tian's hair was wet with sweat, so she took a tissue to wipe him off.

Another hour passed, Lin Tian's brows were finally not so tight, his expression relaxed, and his eyes became calm. His fingers brushed over the silver needles, and then suddenly pulled out a few needles.

What happened next left everyone stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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