Chapter 434
After a few minutes, he determined what kind of disease the old lady had. After thinking about it, he took out a pen and paper to write a prescription.

The grandma and granddaughter looked at each other and were very happy. It seems that the disease has been cured.

However, Lin Tian just sat beside him, and did not ask a doctor or prescribe a prescription, which surprised Liu Bin.

He said strangely: "It's your turn. I've finished reading. Don't you think it's not good and want to admit defeat?"

Lin Tian didn't look at him, sighed, came to the old lady, and asked in a soft voice: "How old are you this year?"

"I, I'm 75 years old this year." The old lady touched her white hair and said.

After hearing this, Lin Tian looked at her granddaughter again, smiled at her and said, "Has your grandma been ill for a long time?"

The old man's granddaughter looked at Lin Tian expectantly: "They all said that you are very powerful. My grandma has been coughing for several months. You should treat her quickly!"

"Since you're sick, you should go to see her sooner. Where are your parents? Why didn't your parents bring your grandma?" Lin Tian asked curiously.

The girl opened her mouth suddenly, unable to utter a word, then lowered her head and wrung her fingers to close her mouth.

The old man next to him said with some pain: "My son died in a car accident. Her mother took the compensation and left and never came back. Hey!"

Lin Tian frowned when he heard this. The grandparents and grandchildren were too miserable. He asked: "Do you only have this one son? No other children?"

With tears in his eyes, the old man said: "This is the only son I have. My daughter-in-law said that she would give me a pension after receiving the compensation. Who knew she only wanted money. She lied to me, and she didn't even care about her own daughter. "

"Lin Tian, ​​can you stop talking nonsense?" One of Liu Bin's disciples looked at him dissatisfied and said, "Are you delaying time? Tell me sooner if you don't like this disease, we are waiting for you!"

"Shut up! How could classmate Lin look down on it?" The students onlookers yelled back.

Liu Bin glared at his disciples, telling them to keep quiet.

Then he pointed to the prescription he had prescribed and said to Lin Tian: "Do you want to refer to the prescription I prescribed? If you have any confusion, you can ask me, and I can answer it for you. After all, I am a senior. If you don't understand I can teach you, hehe."

"I don't know what prescription you prescribed without looking at it." Lin Tian glanced at him casually, without looking at the prescription, he said the medicinal materials on it: "Ophiopogon japonicus, lily..."

Lin Tian's eyes were confident and determined, and a series of Chinese medicine names popped out of his mouth.

Liu Bin's face changed drastically, because he knew that what Lin Tian said was accurate.

Obviously Lin Tian didn't read his prescription, why did he know?Does he have special abilities?Seeing the playful expressions of those students looking at him, Liu Bin suddenly became angry. With a livid face, he crumpled up the prescription he had prescribed and threw it into the trash can.

Since Lin Tian was able to guess the content of the prescription he prescribed and remained so calm, it means that he must have made a wrong diagnosis and the prescription is useless.

Everyone didn't hear Liu Bin's words, but just seeing his reaction, they knew that Lin Tian was right.

"It's so beautiful. Classmate Lin is such a god!"

"That's right, classmate Lin is the miracle doctor, and this Liu Bin is just a magician at best!"

"Your prescription is too arbitrary, because your diagnosis is wrong. According to your prescription, this old man cannot be cured." Lin Tian said to Liu Bin again.

Liu Bin looked at him angrily, and said loudly: "I can't cure it, can you cure it? Write down your prescription for everyone to see!"

"Actually, you have diagnosed [-]% of this old man's condition, and you haven't seen [-]% of it." Lin Tian continued.

"What is that [-]%? Tell me!" Liu Bin almost growled and shouted at him.

He could hold his breath at first, but this Lin Tian was too pretentious, he couldn't bear it, and kept mocking himself for being incapable and not as good as him, which made Lu Bin, who had been respected all the time, very upset.

"Do you still remember? There is a theory in Chinese medicine that dirty clothes, wilted hair on the head, sweating under the armpits, stinky body, and unhappiness..."

When Lin Tian spoke eloquently, Liu Bin was immediately stunned.

He had heard these words before, but...that was what his master said before he died.

Although Liu Bin is trying to gain fame, his master is really capable and has extraordinary medical skills. He has only learned a tenth or two of his master's kung fu, and he can call himself a miracle doctor after a little hype from the media.

When the master was about to die, he called him over and told him: "Actually, your temperament should be tempered, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in your medical skills, but I am going to pass away, so I can no longer teach you. Now, it’s up to you from now on.”

"Remember these few words... Although you don't know what they mean now, if someone mentions it to you one day, you must seize the opportunity, respect that person as a master, and learn from him. It will break through its own bottleneck."

After Master's death, Liu Bin searched for many medical experts to get an answer, but those people said they couldn't understand, so gradually, Liu Bin also gave up, maybe it was Master's nonsense before his death!
But today, when he suddenly heard these familiar words from Lin Tian, ​​Liu Bin was dumbfounded.

"You, can you speak more clearly?" Liu Bin's tone became much softer.

Lin Tian looked at the poor grandparents, especially the teenage girl, and couldn't bear to tell the truth.

But the old lady already understood, she looked at Lin Tian indifferently, and said slowly: "There is always a definite number in one's life, I have experienced many ups and downs and difficulties, it is not easy to live to this age.

Many people died before my age, and I should be content. Am I at the end of my life, and the king of Hades is coming to take me in? "

Lin Tian nodded with difficulty: "Yes."

Then he looked at Liu Bin again and said, "The five declines of heaven and man are fate, which cannot be controlled by manpower. People are mortal. Doctors can save people who have life, but they cannot save people who are mortal."

"Five Decays of Heaven and Man..."

Liu Bin looked at the sky, sighed for a while, and then sighed: "Master, after so many years, I finally understand the meaning of your last words. I am ashamed. I am not as good as a young man in his twenties."

Then his attitude towards Lin Tian changed 180 degrees, and he actually knelt down to Lin Tian on the spot, kowtowed.

Everyone didn't expect that Liu Bin, who was so arrogant just now, is so respectful to Lin Tian. Could it be that he lost the competition and is he also stupid?
This is so weird.

In fact, this is because Liu Bin respects his master very much, and has always regarded what the master said as the standard. He has learned a lot from the master in his life and benefited a lot.

After the master died, he remembered the last entrustment of the master, and now Lin Tian finally helped him understand what the last words of the master meant.

In this case, he is willing to follow his teacher's orders and treat Lin Tian as his master, hoping that he can help him make further progress in medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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