Chapter 401 The Truth
After starting the game, Qiu Ya made another amazing move.

"What are you doing?" Lin Tian asked in surprise.

Qiu Ya actually cut her own wrist with a knife and fed the mice with blood.

Everyone was stunned by this scene.

Facing Lin Tian's questioning, Qiu Ya continued her actions without saying anything.

Lin Tian stared at her face, and found that the breath on her body was not right, and her face turned pale and gray, as if vitality was slowly passing away with the blood.

"Referee, please stop the game, she is fighting with her life!" Lin Tian hurriedly said to the referee at the side.

If this continues, he is afraid that Qiu Ya will die on the stage.

After hearing this, the referee's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly blew his whistle to stop Qiu Ya's movements.

The burly man who had been watching from the audience was relieved. He had been worrying just now and didn't want to see Qiu Ya have an accident.

Du Lao narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at him displeasedly and said, "What's wrong with you? Did you soften your heart towards that girl?"

"Uh, I..." The brawny man was seen through his mind, he hesitated and hawed, he didn't know how to explain it.

"You'd better take your heart back, she's just a tool, you'd better not get pregnant with me because of your personal feelings, or I want you to look good!"

"Yes, I understand." The strong man lowered his head and said submissively.

Mr. Zhang looked at the scene on the stage and said to himself: "This is using the human body as a toxin, and it cannot be detected. It can only be solved by exchanging blood for blood and life." '

After speaking, his phone vibrated.

"Hey, well, everything is going well." He said in a low voice: "Lin Tian will die in my hands soon, don't forget to give the money."

After stopping the game, the referee took his assistants to carefully check Qiu Ya's wound and the condition of the mouse, and finally looked at Lin Tian with some displeasure and said: "We have already checked, everything in the game is normal, you said there is a problem, there is a problem where is it?"

Qiu Ya also echoed: "I think he is purely making trouble, disrupting the order of the game!"

"Lin Tian, ​​please abide by the rules of the game!" The referee said coldly.

Lin Tian was speechless, the question just now was so obvious, is the referee blind?can not tell.

Qiu Ya also wanted to persuade the referee to kick Lin Tian off the stage, or directly decide that she won and disqualify him from the competition, but the referee just said: "Our Chinese medicine competition is not unreasonable. I will warn you this time. If there is another Next time, expel them!"

After Qiu Ya had poisoned it, it was Lin Tian's turn to treat it. After a simple inspection, he found that the mouse was covered with poison. If he touched it, he would definitely be infected. The poison was very strong. If he didn't get the antidote in time, There is no doubt that he must die.

And if the rat corpse continues to exist, the toxin will spread through the air, and it will affect countless people at that time.

Lin Tian stood there silently, thinking that this poisonous old method was really crazy.

At this moment, he received a message from Chu Xiaoxiao.

"Professor Gao Yu has an accident!"

Gao Yu went to treat Uncle Kaiserwen's illness, and unexpectedly something happened!

Lin Tian suddenly had a lot of thoughts, and felt that he was troubled and couldn't do anything smoothly.

"Lin Tian, ​​why don't you treat him, are you going to admit defeat?" Qiu Ya raised her head and looked at him proudly.

The referee and everyone in the audience stared at Lin Tian.

Lin Tian hesitated for a moment and said: "I'm sorry, I have other things to do for the time being, and I have to leave the venue immediately. Referee, I hope you can dispose of this mouse's body immediately, otherwise it will become a source of infection , it is not good to infect other people present."

Then, Lin Tian said to Qiu Ya: "You'd better stop what you're doing now, don't you find that your body is getting weaker and weaker? In order to deal with me, don't you want to use your own life as the price ?”

After speaking, Lin Tian turned and left.

After Lin Tian left, there was an uproar at the scene.

Because he said that this little white mouse was the source of infection, which scared many famous and famous people present.
The referee was also very anxious, and immediately beckoned for a fully armed doctor. No matter what Lin Tian said was true or not, this little white mouse had to be dealt with first.

Anyway, he had already given up the game and conceded defeat. There was no need for this little white mouse to exist here.

And Qiu Ya stood on the stage, recalling what Lin Tian said just now, her mind was buzzing.

Suddenly, her eyes darkened and she fainted.

The strong man who had been watching from the audience hurried up and helped her down: "Qiu Ya, Qiu Ya, are you okay!"

Du Lao on the side watched this scene with cold eyes.

The strong man raised his head and met the warning eyes of Du Lao, his heart sank.

Just now, after Lin Tian revealed the fact that the little white mouse became a source of infection, Du Lao and the strong man knew that their plan had failed this time. They wanted to use Qiu Ya to plot Lin Tian with her life, but now It seems that Lin Tian escaped again.

Then, Qiu Ya is useless.

Du Lao wanted to silence him, so he handed over the matter to the strong man.

After getting along for this period of time, the strong man has long had a deep-rooted love for Qiu Ya. He doesn't want to kill Qiu Ya, but he can't disobey the old man's order.

The strong man nodded slightly to Old Du, and said to Qiu Ya: "Are you feeling unwell, let me take you to find a place to rest!"

Ten minutes later, in a hotel room.

Qiu Ya was chilling all over, lying on the bed shivering, she took the hand of the strong man sitting by the bed, and said in a trembling voice: "Brother Liu Qing, am I, am I going to die?"

Seeing his sweetheart in such pain, Liu Qing struggled inwardly. He has an antidote, which can save Qiu Ya, but to save Qiu Ya is to betray the old man. What should he do?
Qiu Ya continued to say to him pitifully: "I, I don't want to die, save me..."

Seeing that Qiu Ya breathed in less air and breathed out more, Liu Qing finally broke his heart and gritted his teeth and said, "Xiaoya, I can save you, but you have to promise me that after I save you, you will go far away, leave here forever, and never Come back, don't let Du Lao know that you are still alive, can you promise me?"

When Qiu Ya heard this, she nodded hurriedly: "Okay, I, I promise you!"

"En." Liu Qing nodded, took out the antidote from her body and gave her some acupuncture. After a while, Qiu Ya's condition stabilized.

"Brother Liu, you are so kind, you are a good person, thank you." Qiu Ya looked at him gratefully.

"No, I'm not a good person." Liu Qing shook his head, thinking of the things he did with Du Lao, he thought Qiu Ya's words were funny.

Their hands were already stained with blood, Qiu Ya was a pure girl and should not get involved with them.

"Okay, I will tell Du Lao that you are dead, and he will not hunt you down again. You must hide well and stay away from this place, so that he cannot find out that you are still alive, otherwise... I will not be able to save you at that time. "Liu Qing asked again.

Qiu Ya's eyes sank, and she asked him: "So, have you been using me? In fact, my father wasn't killed by Lin Tian, ​​it was you who wanted to kill him, that's why you said that, using me as a gunman, right? ?”

Liu Qing nodded: "You are too simple, Xiaoya, you must take good care of yourself in the future."

After speaking, Liu Qing took a deep look at her, turned and left the hotel room.

(End of this chapter)

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