Chapter 399
The auction turmoil has passed, and the competition will continue.

The opponents in this match are Lin Tian and Qiu Ya.

Thinking of Professor Qiu's death and Qiu Ya's misunderstanding of him, Lin Tian looked melancholy. He didn't know how to make it clear to Qiu Ya that her enemy was not herself.

Lin Tian stood up and walked towards the stage nervously.

However, Chu Xiaoxiao kept thinking about the message sent by Kaiserwen. She was worried in her heart, fearing that something would happen if she was delayed, so she held Lin Tian and said, "Wait a minute, check your phone! Kaiserwen has something to ask for you."

After hearing this, Lin Tian picked up his mobile phone. After reading the message, he also knew the urgency of the matter. He didn't know whether to compete first, or go to Kai Sewen's house to treat her uncle first.

"Catherwen respects and loves her uncle very much. She sent you so many messages, the situation must be serious." Chu Xiaoxiao said beside her.

Lin Tian nodded after hearing this, and made up his mind to say, "Then I won't take part in the competition, human life is important."

As he said that, Lin Tian was about to leave the venue, but he was stopped by the old man.

"Lin Tian, ​​wait..."


At this moment, Kai Sewen stood by his uncle's bed, crying badly.

No matter how many doctors were called, they all shook their heads at her uncle, and some even asked her to prepare for the funeral.

Seeing that his uncle was about to die, Catherine really didn't know what to do.

Send Lin Tian a message, Lin Tian does not reply.

"Miss, that priest is back!" Suddenly, the servant said outside the door.

"He's here again?" Catherine wiped away tears and looked outside strangely: "Let him in and see what he has to say."

The Taoist priest saw Catherine again, glanced at the patient on the bed, sighed, pretended to be compassionate and said, "It's so pitiful, alas! Miss Cathervin, I'm here to help you."

"What are you helping me with?" Actually, now, Catherine didn't trust him so much.

When she came back to her senses, she realized that this Taoist priest appeared strangely, and she believed in him too much, allowing him to easily touch her uncle.

It's all about chaos.

The Taoist naturally saw the suspicion in Kaiserwen's eyes, but he didn't care, because his mission was almost completed, and now Kaiserwen knew that he was not a good person, it was too late.

The Taoist priest took out his mobile phone and pressed a series of numbers. After the call was connected, he handed it to Kai Sewen: "This man can save your uncle, you can ask him."

Kai Sewen took the phone strangely: "Hello, who are you?"

"It's me, dear Catherine."

"Qi Zhong?" Kai Sewen recognized who it was when he heard the voice.

She suppressed the disgust in her heart and did not hang up the phone.

"What do you want me for?" she asked.

"I can save your uncle, as long as you agree to one condition." Qi Zhong said maliciously.

"What conditions?"

"As long as you sleep with me, I can guarantee that your uncle will be fine and will not die. You should agree to this condition, after all, you are a very filial person. And you can change your life if you sleep. Ah! Hahaha..." Qi Zhong smiled obscenely.

Kai Sewen looked at the Taoist priest suddenly, and the Taoist priest looked directly at her without any fear.

She suddenly understood that this Taoist priest and Qi Zhong were in the same group, and they conspired to deceive her.

"You bastard, Qi Zhong, you will die!" Kai Sewen growled and cursed.

"Whatever you say, I'm a person who does whatever it takes to achieve my goals. If you want your uncle to live safely, just listen to me obediently." Qi Zhong said.

Catherine felt extremely uncomfortable when she heard that, she didn't know what choice to make between the extremely disgusting man and her dear uncle.

At this time, the Taoist priest also persuaded him: "It's just a nap, Miss Catherine, don't be so resistant, after all, nothing is more important than your uncle's life, isn't it?"

The uncle on the bed opened his eyes, heard what the Taoist said, and saw his niece's face of embarrassment and indignation. Without knowing where the strength came from, he sat up from the bed, picked up the vase next to him and threw it at the Taoist: "Get out, get out of here!" People like you are not allowed to step into our house! Drive him out!"

"Uncle, uncle!" Kai Sewen rushed over to support his uncle, and comforted him, "Take good care of your illness, don't get angry because of this kind of person, it's not worth it."

Uncle took her hand and said: "Don't promise him, that Qi Zhong is not a good guy, ahem!"

"Well, lie down and rest first!" Catherine said so, but he already had other thoughts in his heart.

There is only one way to save her uncle now, she can agree first, and then find a way to avoid this catastrophe.

Just when Kai Sewen wanted to contact Qi Zhong again, and made a false deal with him, someone came to the door again.

"Miss, another doctor came to the door, saying that Lin Tian asked him to help the patients." The servant came in again and reported.

Catherine's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly said, "Hurry up, invite that doctor in!"

Although it wasn't Lin Tian himself, she was a little disappointed, but it was a doctor invited by Lin Tian, ​​and his level should not be bad. I hope he can save my uncle.

Gao Yu walked in, walked quickly to the bed, checked Uncle Kaiserwen's situation and said: "My name is Gao Yu, Lin Tian is participating in the Chinese medicine competition at this time, he can't get out, I will come over to see your uncle's condition on his behalf. Don't worry about the illness! Your uncle will be fine."

"Well, thank you, Dr. Gao." Kai Sewen was relieved, and stood by and watched Gao Yu rescue his uncle.

Before coming, Lin Tian had already made a general judgment on her uncle's situation through Kaiserwen's description in the text message, so he explained a few words to Gao Yu.

Now when Gao Yu took Uncle Kaiserwen's pulse, he found that the pulse was weak and undetectable, and it was indeed a sign of a critical illness. It could be said that every minute and every second, the patient was on the verge of life and death.

And because this is not an ordinary patient, it is very risky and difficult to rescue him, so many Chinese medicine practitioners would throw up after seeing it.

After seeing Gao Yu feel his pulse, Kai Sewen took out a silver needle from his acupuncture bag.

He did not perform the needle right away, but disconnected the needles and various medical instruments on the patient first.

"Lin Tian told me that you only need to perform acupuncture for your uncle's diagnosis, and there is no need for infusion or anything." Gao Yu said.

Catherine nodded after hearing this: "Yes, he has this habit of treating illnesses. It seems that he really asked you to come here."

The Taoist priest was still in the room at the moment, and seeing Gao Yu's movements, he shook his head slightly. Could it be that this Lin Tian has a false name, and he heard that he is quite skilled in medicine, so how could there be such crooked theories.

Medical instruments and infusions are all life-saving means for critically ill patients to stabilize the situation. This is at the patient's home. If it is done in a hospital, it is a crime and will be arrested and jailed.

It seems that Uncle Catherine is doomed to die today.

Daoist thought about whether to rescue him at the last moment, because Qi Zhong's purpose was to make Kai Sewen obey, not to really make enemies with her.

(End of this chapter)

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