Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 395 I hope it goes well

Chapter 395 I hope it goes well

In fact, the host didn't want Lin Tian to come on stage, but he had no choice. He said that anyone who was interested could come. He couldn't specifically point out Lin Tian, ​​right?Doesn't that look guilty?

In such a large and high-end auction, one must be cautious and not make any mistakes. Once the suspicion of customers is aroused, it will be bad.

This time, the curious people who came up to check it out were basically the old scholars who had paid attention to "Nine Kingdoms" before. Lin Tian followed them. get it.

Because the mysterious totem is painted on the cover of the book, it is very strange to ordinary people and has never seen it, but it is quite familiar to Lin Tian, ​​where should he have seen it.

If he wasn't interested in totems, Lin Tian wouldn't want to be on stage anymore. Because of "Nine Kingdoms", he has become the center of everyone's attention. He doesn't want to be hot and troublesome anymore, and hopes to keep a low profile.

Although this time after the inspection by the old scholars, the host still asked as usual: "How do you see it?"

But unlike before, no one answered or said whether it was true or false. Everyone seemed to smile in response.

If you say something wrong, it will either make the person in charge of the meeting unhappy or damage your own reputation, so everyone tacitly shut their mouths and said nothing.

These people had read the ancient books, and subconsciously glanced at Lin Tian, ​​wondering if he would say anything surprising this time.

The host didn't get any positive answer, and he was very depressed. This has never happened before. When he hosted the auction before, everyone was very polite and willing to express their support. Today, all of this is because of Lin Tian .

It's all Lin Tian's fault.

Lin Tian went up, put on his gloves, and looked at the ancient book. Everyone stopped talking and stared at him alone.

If it was someone else, they would have been confused if they were looked at like this, but Lin Tian is different, he has excellent psychological quality and is very calm.He concentrated on looking at the animal skin book in front of him, but he couldn't tell what kind of animal skin it was made of. It might survive thousands of years of wind and rain, which showed how tough it was.

This is a treasure!
Lin Tian doesn't care what animal it comes from, it doesn't matter, he obviously felt an ancient call from the book, and the dignified sense of history rushed to his face, unlike the previous "Nine Kingdoms" which was a fake, this is true of.

This kind of thing with historical background contains a kind of energy. Lin Tian can feel that the energy is warm and makes him feel very comfortable. It matches his aura. He wants this book very much.

The host said it might be something from the Pre-Qin period, which is correct. It must have been before the Three Kingdoms anyway.

Lin Tian looked at this book with a serious expression. In fact, Master also collected many ancient books. He has read many of them, but no ancient book gave him such a feeling of being so old. This should be the oldest book he has ever seen. book.

Thinking of the things in the master's collection, Lin Tian looked at the cover of the book again, and immediately matched the number.The totem on the cover of this book is very similar to the pattern on an ancient tripod in Master's collection.

This book is not too thick, only about [-] pages. Lin Tian opened it and looked at it casually, and found that there are many pictures of human bodies in various poses. In addition to pictures, there are text explanations, but the words are too old Yes, Lin Tian doesn't understand what it means.

But the more he read it, the more excited Lin Tian became, because this book is clearly a classic of martial arts.

It must be about some kind of boxing.

He has learned many kinds of boxing from his master, and he is very proficient in boxing. Now even if he doesn't know how to read, he can guess what it is just by looking at the pictures.The above human body is also marked with acupoints, which have a curved direction, which should be said to be the path of internal force flowing through the meridians.

Such an ancient boxing method should be amazing!

Unexpectedly, in such a long time, there were already people practicing boxing.

This book is very important. The more Lin Tian read it, the more interested he became, and he wanted to take it home and study it carefully.

"Mr. Lin, how are you?"

The host looked at him anxiously and asked, for fear that he would say something that would be unfavorable to the auction.

Lin Tian saw the vigilance in his eyes, put the book back into the box, and said, "I don't understand, I'm just curious, so watch it. If this book really came from thousands of years ago, the quality of the animal skin is too good It’s good enough to make clothes.”

The host was speechless.

Others at the scene lowered their heads and chuckled.

This is a very precious ancient book. It may have come from the barbaric era, but Lin Tian said that he wanted to make clothes, which is really ridiculous.

Those old scholars who took cultural relics seriously were very dissatisfied with Lin Tian's words, and stared at him with condemnation in their eyes.

Most people think this is funny, and Lin Tian is too good at pretending to use cultural relics to make clothes, thanks to which he can figure it out.

In such a formal occasion, Lin Tian always joked. The host was very angry and asked with a stern face: "Mr. Lin, please be more serious."

Lin Tian smiled casually, and continued: "Okay, I like this book quite a bit, and I'll bid for it later, is that okay?"

After hearing this, the host was satisfied. Since Lin Tian did not question the book, he could rest assured.

"Mr. Lin, you are welcome to bid, and I wish you a successful bid."

Lin Tian smiled casually and walked off the platform. The people below looked at this young man curiously, because at the traditional Chinese medicine conference, he was so eye-catching and everything he did left a deep impression on others.

Sitting next to Chu Xiaoxiao, Lin Tian looked calm and continued to watch the situation on the high platform.

"Lin Tian, ​​do you see any problems? Is this ancient book a fake?"

Seeing Lin Tian came back, the old man whispered in his ear.

He is interested in this animal skin book, and wants to bid for it, but he has learned from the past, and he is afraid that this book will also have problems.

"Yes, is it true?" Chu Xiaoxiao was also curious.

However, Lin Tian didn't tell the truth. He glanced at Chu Xiaoxiao, smiled at her, and shook his head: "Don't ask me, I don't understand."

Chu Xiaoxiao and the old man looked at each other and saw the helplessness in each other's eyes. They thought Lin Tian would tell them!Who knows and wouldn’t tell the truth to them.

That's right, both of them thought that Lin Tian would definitely be able to tell the truth, but they just didn't want to say it.

Those around quietly pricked up their ears to listen to the wall, but they also showed disappointed expressions.

The old man asked directly again: "I want to bid for this book, do you think it's okay?"

Lin Tian raised his eyebrows and said, "If you want to buy it, you can buy it, as long as you can photograph it."

Chu Xiaoxiao and the old man glanced at each other. Although Lin Tian didn't say it clearly, the meaning came to light. This book must be true!

The host was trembling on the stage, "Nine Kingdoms" failed to sell, this lot must be sold at a good price, I always feel that today is not going well, I hope the Buddha will bless the next auction smoothly.

The host subconsciously glanced at Lin Tian again, this young man must stop messing up.

"Now I announce that the auction has officially started, with a reserve price of 300 million..."

However, unexpectedly, like the previous auction, the scene was very quiet.

The host felt distressed. Lin Tian obviously didn't say that this book was fake, so why did everyone still refuse to buy it?If he couldn't grab one, he asked, why didn't you buy it?
Many people who originally wanted to buy at the scene hesitated and did not speak. Those old scholars gathered together and said this in a low voice, but they did not look at the host on the high stage.

"Everyone can start bidding..."

The host said another sentence dryly.

At this time, someone finally made a bid.

(End of this chapter)

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