Heavenly doctor down the mountain

Chapter 190 Early submission

Chapter 190 Early submission
Dean Zhong is referring to Zhong Yunsong of the China Overseas Chinese Medicine Association.

He can be regarded as a leading figure in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. Not only is he well-known in the medical field, but he also participated in the compilation of some medical textbooks for some medical universities in Zhonghai.

This girl is Zhong Yunsong's granddaughter, no wonder she is so hot!It's written all over his face that he doesn't take people seriously.

Lin Tian smiled and said: "So it's Miss Zhong, I'm really sorry, we don't know each other, what can you do for me?"

Zhong Ling raised his head high and snorted, "Correct your mistake, I'm not here to look for you, I'm here to warn you."

"Warning me?"

"That's right." Zhong Ling said, "Our Chinese medicine exchange meeting is not just a joke. The contestants selected in the competition will represent Zhong Hai in the competition. Do you think it's children playing house?"

"Of course not, I know the process." Lin Tiandao.

"You know you still come here to join in the fun, do you do it on purpose?"

Zhong Ling frowned, eyes filled with impatience.

"Then I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. You are no match for anyone we invite here, let alone a master like Qin Xiu."

"If you don't want to lose too badly, you should get out of here now and do what you should do."

This little girl had sharp teeth and a sharp mouth, and she sneered at Lin Tian, ​​and worshiped Qin Xiu between the lines, and kept rubbing Lin Tian under her feet.

It seems that Qin Xiu is not only top-notch in medical skills in the association, but also top-notch in image. How many beautiful girls have spoken for him in such a short period of time.

"Refused to leave?"

Seeing Lin Tian not moving, Zhong Ling questioned.

Lin Tian pressed the chair and smiled at Zhong Ling's rascal, "I'm here today for this competition, why should I go? Before the exam, it's not certain who will win."

"You insist on jumping into the pit?" Zhong Ling sneered, "This is the first time I see someone like you."

Lin Tian didn't speak, Zhong Ling said coldly: "I won't stop you if you want to jump, but if you want to beat Qin Xiu, you'd better give up your heart."

After all, without waiting for Lin Tian to respond, she turned her hands behind her back and returned to her seat proudly.

Lin Tian shrugged.

The written test will start soon.

Qiu Changfeng distributed the test papers with several old professors.

After getting the test papers, Mu Shou explained some rules for answering the questions, but when everyone listened carefully to the rules, Lin Tian had already started writing.

Shen Mu said: "Trash, you want to grab such a small amount of time? Are you afraid that you won't be able to answer the questions!"

Qin Xiu glanced at it, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly. He has participated in this kind of competition countless times, and he knows the rules of answering the questions, and he also knows how to answer the questions the fastest.

Although the answering time given is one hour, at his normal speed, he can basically finish writing in four to 10 minutes.

Because the amount of questions in the competition is very large, many people are afraid that they will not be able to answer them all, so there will be a large number of people who will answer from the moment they get the test paper.

But Qin Xiu would not do this.

"Okay, I'm done. Now you can start answering." Mu Shou nodded and began to perform the duties of an invigilator, walking back and forth in the classroom.

Qin Xiu steadily picked up the pen and paper and began to answer the questions.

The classroom is very quiet, only the rustle of pen rubbing against the test paper can be heard.

After a short while, Lin Tian stood up suddenly and put the test paper on the podium, Qiu Changfeng stared at him blankly.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the test paper?"

Lin Tian smiled and said, "No, I'm done."

Qin Xiu suddenly raised his head and saw Lin Tian standing in front with a calm expression.

Everyone stopped answering the questions and turned their attention to Lin Tian.

Qiu Changfeng was shocked and said, "What? Finished the answer? It's only been 10 minutes."

"10 minutes is enough for me." Lin Tian paused, "Actually, 5 minutes is enough, but I think it will be embarrassing for everyone if you hand in the paper in 5 minutes."

So he stared out the window in a daze for 5 minutes.

"The above questions are not easy. You just handed it in like this? Don't you plan to take a closer look?" Qiu Changfeng was obviously not at ease with Lin Tian's behavior.

After all, this is not an ordinary school quiz, this is an exam for the Chinese Medicine Exchange Conference.

Qin Xiu sneered, showing a disdainful expression, "Lin Tian, ​​I can understand your desire to pretend, but there is a limit to pretending, and if you pretend too much, you will only be ashamed."

Everyone ridiculed, "The questions in the exchange meeting are always difficult. Even Qin Xiu has to spend time thinking about why he should hand in the paper in advance. I think he can't even answer the remaining questions, so he broke the pot."

"Hehe, why did I know this before. Weren't you full of confidence when you spoke just now? It's really not embarrassing."

"This is the examination room, please be quiet! Don't gossip!"

Qiu Changfeng patted the table, reprimanded everyone, and then said to Lin Tian:

"Since you have already handed it in, I don't have much to say. After a while, everyone's test papers will be handed in together, and I will review them together."

Lin Tian's play had no effect on others, but it changed Qin Xiu's mentality.

His heart became restless, and no matter how concentrated he was, he couldn't answer the questions seriously.

He has always been the proud son of the association, and the stars are holding the moon, but Lin Tian walked in front of him, which he did not allow.

So after a hasty answer, Qin Xiu also handed in the test paper.

When the exam time came, several old professors began to review everyone's exam papers.

As the person collecting the test papers, Qin Xiu deliberately put his own test paper and Lin Tian's test paper on top.

Qiu Changfeng held Qin Xiu's test paper and smiled appreciatively while marking it.

"Not bad, Qin Xiu, you answered all these questions very well! Here is one question that was written by me, but it is very difficult."

"Professor Qiu has won the award. In fact, I am not satisfied with my study status recently, and I will continue to work hard in the future."

Qin Xiu looked modest on the outside, but in fact he was happy in his heart.

Hehe, if Lin Tian wants to compare himself with himself, he must have a capital comparison.

"Only one question was wrong."

Qiu Changfeng picked up Qin Xiu's test paper, and said to the crowd, "That's really good, Qin Xiu, you must know that we have held so many exchange meetings, and no one has only answered one question wrong!"

"Our association has always set up various traps in the questions, and you are one of the few who can bypass most of the traps!"

"All of you should learn from Qin Xiu, and ask him if you don't understand."

Everyone agreed, "Senior Brother Qin, what else can you say? This is a genius!"

"Qin Xiu, we will rely on you to carry forward the China Overseas Chinese Medicine Association in the future!"

"Needless to say, it must be Qin Xiu who will participate in the competition for our Zhonghai this time."

Qin Xiu smiled complacently, glanced at the next test paper, and pretended to be modest and said:

"Professor Qiu has won the award, and everyone has also won the award. Everyone here is actually a top player in the association. Maybe there are people who answered better than me."

Qiu Changfeng stroked his beard, "This is Lin Tian's test paper, let me take a look..."

(End of this chapter)

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