Chapter 981
"There are many differences between this world and your world. You have to adapt to this world, make more friends, and develop your own hobbies. Also, you can also find your true love."

Xiang Dapeng felt a burst of heat on his face, and said: "Master, don't make fun of me, I already have a daughter. I..."

"Although you are hundreds of years old, your body is still very young. You are only in your 20s, and your 20s are when you are full of energy. Therefore, you can find yourself a girlfriend, as long as you treat her Well, of course she will treat you well."

"If the lord has no objection, I want to chase Zhang Jingjing."

Guo Qishuai felt a little surprised and said, "Why do you want to chase Zhang Jingjing? She was..."

"I know, I think such a girl is different from other girls. She dares to risk her own life to ask the other party to give her justice. This is something other women cannot do. Besides, Lord, I am People who have been there don’t care about such things. I only care about the girl’s heart. As long as her heart is beautiful, no matter what happened to her before, I can forgive her.”

"Since you have decided so, I support you. When you get married, I will give you a villa and a King Long car. If you don't have money to spend, just ask me for it. There is 100 million in this card. You Take the flowers first, and you have to give up money to chase girls.”

"Thank you, my lord, I am very grateful."

"You're welcome. You don't need to call me Lord when there are others."

With a "boom", a towering tree in the courtyard of Qingfeng Bieyuan was knocked down by a flash of sword light, and then a phantom tiger crashed into a rockery, blowing up the rockery.

Guo Qishuai and Xiang Dapeng walked out of the hall to see that a lightning toad blasted a water column several hundred meters high in the swimming pool.

When the water column fell from the sky, the whole Qingfeng Bieyuan seemed to be pouring down rain.

Xiang Dapeng said worriedly: "Your Majesty, the strength of the people coming here is not weak. I am afraid that everyone is above the sea level."

"The three great masters are not weak. The one who blew up my swimming pool with the lightning toad was Ouyang Xi'e. The other two people, one used the true energy to transform the tiger, and the other used the true energy to transform the sword, the sword The aura is so strong that it has the power of dozens of explosives, and the power of the tiger has reached more than a dozen explosives. It seems that someone came to give away the head again tonight."

"My lord, I will meet them."

"Wait!" Seeing that Xiang Dapeng was about to go out, Guo Qishuai stopped Xiang Dapeng and said, "I will create a barrier in the main residential area of ​​Qingfeng Bieyuan, and you and Chen Biao will protect Qiaoling and Zhang Jingjing inside, remember , don’t let them come out.”

"My lord, you..."

"I'm fine. If these three losers want to kill me, they are not worthy."

"My lord, you must be careful."

Guo Qishuai returned to Xiang Dapeng's room, picked up the piano on the table, and said, "Tonight, I will greet those three people well."

Guo Qishuai walked into the yard, waved his arm above his head, and a huge barrier covered him and the three great masters inside.

Chen Biao wanted to fight with Guo Qishui, but as a result, his body hit the barrier, which bounced him dozens of meters away.

Xiang Dapeng pushed Chen Biao on the back with his hands, and it took [-]% of his spiritual power to support Chen Biao.

Chen Biao was in shock and said, "What's going on? What is that thing? How did it blow me so far?"

Xiang Dapeng said: "That is the barrier set by the Lord. You and I can't break it, so we can't enter that barrier."

"The lord has covered himself and those three powerful enemies inside. If the lord is in any danger, we can't save him."

"Don't worry, those three people are just three dogs in the eyes of the lord, and it should be the three of them who are afraid now."

After Zhao Qiaoling and Zhang Jingjing heard the explosion outside the door, they hurriedly put on their clothes and ran out of the room.

Zhao Qiaoling just walked over and asked, "What happened? Where did the explosion just come from?"

Zhang Jingjing stretched her neck and looked out the door, asking, "What happened?"

Xiang Dapeng said: "Master's wife, classmate Jingjing, you don't have to be afraid. Someone has broken into our villa, and the Lord has already gone to deal with them."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "Who wants to kill us? Do we have to call the police first?"

Zhang Jingjing followed suit and said, "Yes, yes, I think we need to call the police now."

Xiang Dapeng said: "There is no need to call the police, those three trashes are not the Lord's opponents at all."

Zhao Qiaoling said: "What three trash? Can three trash knock down the big tree outside the villa?"

Xiang Dapeng said: "Although those people are all at the master level, they are trash in the eyes of the Lord."

Zhang Jingjing's eyes widened, and she said in shock, "What? The three great masters fought against Guo Qishuai, can Guo Qishuai deal with three of them by himself?"

Zhao Qiaoling held her hand tightly and said, "Guo Qishui, please don't let anything happen to you."

Xiang Dapeng said: "Master's wife, you don't have to worry. The Lord has set up a barrier. We are safe outside the barrier. Fighting inside the barrier will not harm Master's wife."

Chen Biao said: "Master, please rest assured that the Lord's strength can definitely deal with the three great masters. Now, the three of them are like three dogs, and it is impossible for them to come out alive."

"Three dogs, even if they are dogs, you have to be careful when beating them!"

Zhang Jingjing looked horrified and said, "Who are you guys? Are you gods?"

Xiang Dapeng said with concern: "Student Jingjing, please don't worry, we are all good people."

After Guo Qishuai arranged the barrier, he looked at the three great masters on the opposite side and said, "Three, since you are here, don't leave. If I let you go tonight, it will appear that I am not hospitable enough."

Ouyang Xi'e, who was standing on a branch ten meters high, sneered and said, "Guo Qishuai, don't worry, since the three of us are here tonight, we won't leave. Unless we chop off your head."

"Ouyang Xi'e, I didn't expect you to come here. I should have left your dog's life that day."

"Hahaha, Guo Qishuai, don't excuse yourself for your incompetence. If I hadn't spared your life that day, you would have been staying in the Palace of Hades by now."

"It's okay, I can't kill you that day, and it's the same if I kill you today."

"Arrogance, today is your day of death."

Guo Qishuai glanced at the branch next to him again. He saw the old man wearing black clothes, with a protruding forehead, a hooked nose, and sword eyebrows. He said, "Is your Excellency Dongshan or Nanjue?"

"Old man Zhen Nanjue, tonight, I came here for no other reason than to kill you. Before I kill you, I want to ask you one thing. Do you know my nephew Tang Lang?"

(End of this chapter)

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