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Chapter 972 What a Powerful True Qi Knife

Chapter 972 What a Powerful True Qi Knife
Ouyang Xi said viciously: "It's too much to deceive people, do you think I'm really afraid of you? If he insists on fighting to the death, I can die with you!"

"I want to see what else you can do."

"You forced me."

Ouyang Xi'e took out a green bottle from his arms, and drank the green liquid in the bottle.

"Hahaha... Guo Qishuai, do you know what this is? This is green energy, which is refined from tens of thousands of precious poisonous plants and flowers. As long as I drink it, my strength will increase tenfold. This kind of thing is also very harmful to me, and I will not use it unless it is a matter of life and death, but since you forced me, then I have no choice but to die with you."

"A dog also wants to die with me? You are dreaming! A dog is a dog, even if the dog's strength is a hundred times stronger, he is still a dog."

In his opinion, Ouyang Xi'e's most proud martial art is better than a dog's. This man is no ordinary madman.

Ouyang Xixi used ten times more force to hit a lightning toad ten meters high.

When Lightning Toad attacked Guo Qishuai, many people stopped breathing.

At that moment they seemed to freeze.

With a loud bang, the lightning toad was broken again.

Standing in front of Ouyang Xi'e, Guo Qishuai held a spiritual power knife and said, "Now do you know if you are a dog?"

Ouyang Xi'e's most proud martial arts in his life was completely vulnerable in front of Guo Qishuai.

"What a powerful true energy knife! You can gather energy to form a knife, and I will die without regret!"

Ouyang Xi said evilly: "It's still the same sentence, I lost, I am willing to do anything for you, just beg you..."

"Why bother? Back then I just asked you to kowtow to me to admit your mistake, but not only did you not do it, but you even wanted to kill me. The wolfish ambition is obvious. How can I let you go?"

"Don't force people too much!"

"Do your best to use whatever martial arts you have, don't regret it until you go to the underworld."

"I have another trick!"

Ouyang Xi'e threw a red ball at Guo Qishuai.

After the ball exploded in front of Guo Qishuai, it emitted strong red smoke.

The red smoke blocked Guo Qishuai's sight, but fortunately his consciousness was strong.

Use your spiritual sense to check it, no matter how thick the smoke is, it can't stop it.

But this Ouyang Xi'e had escaped.

In the blink of an eye, he escaped more than 100 feet.

Guo Qishuai wanted to chase after him, but he was afraid that Ouyang Xi'e would be unfavorable to Zhao Qiaoling, so he let Ouyang Xi'e off for the time being.

A generation of grandmasters was beaten and escaped, this is really a miracle in the world!
Tang Sancai rubbed his eyes, gave the binoculars to Ma Feng, and said, "Ouyang Xixi, a generation of great masters, actually knelt down in front of Guo Qishuai, as if talking about something. In the end, he even used a red ball to attack Guo Qishuai, really despicable." Shameless!"

"Ouyang Xi'e has escaped, what a shame!"

When Zhao Qiaoling saw Guo Qishuai flying down from the mountain, she was relieved.

Zhao Qiaoling ran two quick steps, went up to meet her, and hugged Guo Qishuai, as if reunited after a long absence.

"Are you hurt?"

Guo Qishuai shook his head and said, "No. To fight with him is to fight with a stronger dog. How could something happen to me?"

"As long as you're fine, I'm scared to death. This Ouyang Xi ran away, what do you say?"

"Let him go for now, I hope he won't do stupid things again, otherwise he won't be so lucky next time."

After Zhao Qiaoling told Chen Biao about saving her, Guo Qishui was very happy and said that he would cultivate Chen Biao well.

The news that Guo Qishuai beat Ouyang Xi'e away quickly spread on the Internet. However, many people only knew that Guo Beisheng defeated Ouyang Xi'e. As for who Guo Beisheng was, many people could not get in touch with Guo Qishuai.

After getting into the car, Chen Biao asked, "My lord, where are we going now?"

"Go to Zhao Xiangyun's house."

"What are you doing at his house?"

"Debt collection!"

"Oh, I know, the lord placed [-] million on him. Now that Zhao Xiangyun loses, Zhao Xiangyun has to pay the lord [-] million. I don't think it's enough to give all the money of Zhao Xiangyun's family to the lord. .”

In a luxurious villa in Tianxi City, Zhao Xiangyun knelt in front of his father, Zhao Linjiang, and said, "Father, what should we do? What should we do? Daddy, more than 100 billion yuan, how can we afford it?"

Zhao Linjiang smashed a glass in front of him angrily, and said: "The Zhao family must not lose. The family business we have worked so hard to build, the movable and real estate combined are not worth 300 billion yuan, and it is impossible to pay for it. In this life It is impossible to pay. You send a reward notice to the underground assassins, so that they will kill Chen Biao no matter what, the cost is one billion, and we will pay the rest according to the order."

Zhao Xiangyun said: "Father, I know, but this Chen Biao is very close to Guo Beisheng, I'm afraid Guo Beisheng will help him."

"Guo Beisheng is powerful, but Guo Beisheng's friend is hard to say. Could he be guarding Chen Biao 24 hours a day? As long as Chen Biao dies, the [-] billion compensation will not be counted."

"Mr. Zhao, it's a bit early to say this, isn't it? I'm afraid your Zhao family's reward announcement will not be released."

Guo Qishui led Zhao Qiaoling and Chen Biao to break in. The security guards who resisted were knocked to the ground by Guo Qishui's spiritual power.

Zhao Linjiang turned pale with fright, and said, "You...you came too early."

"Really? I think it's just right. If it's a little later, I might be in a little trouble. Mr. Lin, I'm willing to admit defeat and fulfill your promise."

"This... this doesn't count. My son has no right to make a decision to pay a hundred times the compensation. If you feel that you have lost, you can get ten times the compensation. I will give you one billion."

"One billion and ten billion, the difference is so far, do you say that if you don't pay compensation, you won't pay compensation?"

Zhao Linjiang clapped his hands, and a burly man came out from behind a corner door.

The big man exuded a murderous look all over his body, stared at Guo Qishuai and said, "I advise you to get out immediately before I get angry."

Guo Qishuai said: "I also advise you to disappear immediately before I do anything."

Zhao Linjiang said: "He is the Great Master of the Booming Mountain Period, and his Iron Head Kungfu is invulnerable to swords and guns. If you want to kill him, it's a dream! You just have to wait for death."

"Then I want to see how powerful his iron head is."

Tietou punched out, and a powerful infuriating energy hit Guo Qishuai in front of him.

Guo Qishuai reached out and grabbed his hand, and sucked all his true energy with the Rainbow Suction Mysterious Art.

Although this big man in the Mountain Booming Stage had strong true qi, his internal energy was finally sucked up by Guo Qishuai, and he turned into a pile of meat and collapsed on the ground.

"Is this the Great Master of the Booming Mountain Stage you mentioned? The Great Emperor's Master of the Booming Mountain Stage is not as good as a chicken in front of me."

Zhao Lin and Zhao Xiangyun said: "Guo Qishui, please spare me because we are classmates."

"Jiang's face was livid with fright, and said: "Bei Sheng, I beg you to let us father and son go. "

(End of this chapter)

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