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Chapter 957 Two things

Chapter 957 Two things

"The food tastes good, you have a heart."

"Hey, Brother Guo, can I ask you something?"

"You don't have to be so polite, what's the matter?"

"Brother Guo, I want to ask you, what is your impression of Zhen Xuelian?"

"Zhen Xuelian looks okay, but she's a bit domineering."

"Brother Guo, even a fool can see that he is interested in you. This woman really doesn't hide her feelings for her."

"Too strong, I don't like girls like this."

"Brother Guo, in fact, I think Zhen Xuelian is okay. Her father is Nanjue, and she is the only daughter in the family. If anyone marries her, she will definitely inherit Nanjue's family property in the future. Although Brother Guo is known as the same name as Beisheng and Nanjue, However, if you can get the support of Nanjue, then Guo Ge's future future will be limitless."

"Zhen Xuelian is so charming, why don't you go after her?"

"Brother Guo, this... I have more than enough energy."

"Are you afraid of her?"

"I'm afraid of her father."

"As long as you say a word, I will help you chase Zhen Xuelian. When the time comes, you will become Zhen Nanjue's son-in-law, and you can also help me achieve great success."

Chen Biao had never dared to think about something before, but now he suddenly gained confidence and said, "Brother Guo, if I go after Zhen Xuelian, her father will definitely tear me apart."

"With me here, what are you afraid of?"

Chen Biao gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll chase you!"

As if going to die, Chen Biao poured himself a glass of wine and drank it down!

Guo Qishuai also finished his glass of wine. He pressed the glass hard on the table and said, "Zhao Qiaoling is my girlfriend. You must respect her when you meet her. If she is in any danger, you must fight to the death to save her."

"Ah? Brother Guo, I... I really didn't know she was your girlfriend."

"It's not too late to know now."

"She and Zhen Xuelian are in the same dormitory, I'm afraid Zhen Xuelian will bully her."

"However Zhen Xuelian wants to bully my girlfriend, I will deal with him. You don't have to worry."

"Yes Yes Yes."

"Also, I don't like to hear the name Brother Guo. In the future, when no one is around, you will call me Lord!"

Chen Biao reacted quickly, knelt down to Guo Qishuai immediately, and said, "My subordinates pay homage to the lord."

"Get up! I have a set of Eagle Claw Kungfu here, which is cultivated in conjunction with spiritual power. After you practice it, no great master of the Booming Mountain Stage will be your opponent."

When Chen Biao heard this, his eyes shone brightly, and he said, "My lord, are you really willing to pass on the Eagle Claw Kung Fu to me?"

When Guo Qishuai pressed on Chen Biao's head, Chen Biao felt his head was about to split, and then he felt a strong airflow slowly flowing from the top of his head to his dantian.

When the Qi in his dantian was sufficient, Guo Qishuai withdrew his spiritual energy.

"Now you can mention the spiritual power in the dantian to see if it can circulate throughout the body?"

Chen Biao raised his spiritual power, but he didn't stop it, and directly blew up a sofa next to him to pieces.

"Oh, my lord, this is too powerful! I only used less than [-]% of my skill, and this chair exploded."

"It's not true energy, it's spiritual power. Your current spiritual power is almost at the fifth level of Qi Condensation. It's no problem to deal with the great martial artists of the gold swallowing period. If you practice the eagle claw skills I taught you, even if you You can also fight a few tricks with the Great Master of the Booming Mountain Stage, although you can't win, but there is no problem in self-protection."

Chen Biao was very excited and said: "My lord, you are so kind to me, I will swear to follow my lord in the future."

Guo Qishuai said: "I can teach you skills or I can destroy your skills. A person in the booming stage is not as good as an ant in front of me. Therefore, you must consider the consequences when you do things in the future."

"I know the Lord, no matter what I do in the future, I will report to the Lord as soon as possible."

"I want to buy a villa near Qingyun University. Go and inquire about it. Money is not a problem."

"My lord, the cheapest villa in the vicinity costs [-] million yuan. This is not a small amount of money. Even my uncle does not have such a large amount of liquidity."

"I won't ask you for money, you just need to ask for me, I have the money."

"Understood, Lord. Lord, I have to remind you of something."

"You said."

"Master is still next to Zhen Xuelian. This woman is not a cheap lamp. If she knows that you are with Zhao Qiaoling, then she will definitely not let it go."

"Thank you for your reminder, everything is under my control."

After eating, Chen Biao took two taxis to take Guo Qishuai back to Qingyun University. When Guo Qishuai walked to the school gate, a security guard blocked Guo Qishuai's way to check his student ID.

Chen Biao went up and scolded, saying: "What are you doing, what are you doing, my friends, you dare to check, why don't you let me go?"

The two security guards saw that it was Chen Biao, the son of the head of the department, and they were very respectful.

Chen Biao also said that if Guo Qishuai passed through the door in the future, they would let him go unconditionally and not stop him.

The two security guards couldn't afford to offend Chen Biao, so they readily agreed.

After Guo Qishuai walked into the campus, he said, "Those security guards seem to be very afraid of you?"

"Of course they are afraid of me, because my dad asked them to come in, and my dad can tell them to leave with a word."

"No wonder."

"My lord, I may not be able to help you with this big matter, but you can leave this small matter to me, and I will definitely help you settle it."

"Well, I will trouble you later."

"Your Majesty, that's very polite of you."

"Okay, you'd better call me Brother Guo when there are people around, and call me Venerable Lord when there's no one around. I don't want to be too high-profile."

After Guo Qishuai broke up with Chen Biao, he went back to his dormitory. Chen Biao said that what happened tonight was too big, and he wanted to ask his father and uncle for their opinions.

Guo Qishuai didn't say anything, he just said that it's good to let them know about it, after all, life and death are unpredictable in a decisive battle with Ouyang Xi'e, let them make a decision as soon as possible.

Chen Biao came to his father's office, sat down on the sofa, and said, "Dad, there hasn't been much activity in the department recently, right?"

Chen Biying put the phone on the table and said, "School has just started, and there are many things to deal with. What's the matter? Didn't you bother me recently?"

"Dad, what can I do to your son?"

"You still say? I want to beat you to death. Last night, you put one of your own bodyguards in, and you disabled your uncle's bodyguard from the Hushan period. You still said that you didn't cause trouble?"

"Dad, this is all in the past. Your son and I are promising now, and I won't cause trouble for you in the future."

"Tell me, what do you need from me tonight?"

"There are two things."

"Talk about your business, how much do you want?"

"I don't want money this time."

"Hey, by the way, how much did you spend to invite Guo Beisheng to dinner tonight?"

"It didn't cost much. Dad, actually, Guo Beisheng is reasonable. He doesn't waste his meals at all. I feel that we are sorry for him by ordering 6 yuan for him."

(End of this chapter)

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