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Chapter 944 Was it a surprise

Chapter 944 Was it a surprise
Guo Qishui held Li Ming up and said calmly: "You are surprised, aren't you?"

"Yes, I heard from Gong Yue that you...you have..."

"I've already been buried in the belly of a whale, haven't I?"

"How are you all right?"

"Do you think Chen Miehai will die if he is swallowed by a whale?"

Li Ming shook his head and said, "I think it's impossible for Chen Miehai to be swallowed by a whale."

"He won't be swallowed by a whale, how can I be swallowed by a whale?"

"But why did you enter the mouth of the whale?"

"All your questions are there."

After Guo Qishuai asked the whale to open its mouth, a speedboat flew out of the whale's mouth.

The sea is now as calm as a mirror.

Of course, all of this was done by Guo Qishuai.

His current cultivation is getting higher and higher.

Although the speedboat is not big, it can accommodate many people.

Zhao Qiaoling, Gong Xiaocui, Gong Yue, Speedboat Master Yi and Sun Zhen Sun Chaoyang, these people smiled brighter than anyone else in the speedboat.

Li Ming was dumbfounded and said: "They... no, no, why are they still alive?"

"Are you surprised? This whale was called by me. It listened to me, and I was swallowed by it, that is, to play in its mouth. As for Gong Yue and Gong Xiaocui, it was because they didn't trust me, so they Fleeing, the result of fleeing is to be swallowed by the sea.”

"Later they were rescued by you, but you forced Gong Yue and Gong Xiaocui to jump into the sea again. I am a very kind person, so I rescued them all later."

"You saved them all. It seems that only Beisheng can do it. But Beisheng, I have no enmity with you, so you shouldn't embarrass me."

"Originally, I don't want to take care of your affairs, but I can't do it if you want to kill people. Although Sun Chaoyang and his son deserve to die, they shouldn't die in your hands."

Li Ming said: "Sun Chaoyang ruined my girlfriend, I killed him to avenge my girlfriend."

Sun Chaoyang coughed and said, "Do you think your girlfriend really likes you? She can't stand you long ago. You are too strict with her. You don't allow her to say a word to men other than you." In other words, you also installed surveillance software on her mobile phone, and you once threatened her that if she didn't listen to you, you would kill her whole family. These words were said to me by your girlfriend personally. I I am also on guard against you in every possible way, I never thought I would be plotted against you today."

"You nonsense, my girlfriend is not that kind of person."

"She's pregnant with my child, that's the best proof."

Li Ming laughed loudly and said, "Hahaha, don't you know that you are infertile?"

"You... how did you know?"

"Don't forget I'm your bodyguard."

Sun Chaoyang said: "Then whose child is in her belly?"

"You should ask your son, hahaha, Sun Chaoyang, Sun Zhen, I have something more interesting to tell you."

"What's the matter? You said."

"My girlfriend has blood cancer, which is contagious. You and your son have already been infected. In a few years, you will die from the poison, hahaha."

"Li Ming, you bastard."

"You don't have to scold me, I'm dead, and you won't feel better."

After Li Ming said those words, he turned around and jumped into the sea.

Guo Qishui flew to his speedboat, and then threw Sun Chaoyang and Sun Zhen into the speedboat driven by Li Ming.

Guo Qishuai said to their father and son: "Your father and son are cowardly and selfish. They threw Gong Yue and Gong Xiaocui into the sea just to save their own lives. They are really wolf-hearted. But I don't want to kill you today. Whether you survive depends on your own destiny."

Sun Chaoyang begged: "Beisheng, please save me, save me. After I go ashore, I am willing to hand over Tianbei's express network to you."

Sun Zhen also said: "Bei Sheng, please save us, as long as my father and I can live, we are willing to give you everything we have."

Guo Qishuai ignored them, flew on his speedboat, and let the speedboat swim into the mouth of the whale.

The whale closed its mouth slowly, swung its huge tail, and swam towards the shore.

The speed of the whale was extremely fast, and soon Guo Qishuai arrived at the shore. The huge whale was like a docile little fish, not fierce at all. Finally, when Guo Qishuai wanted it to leave, it was still reluctant to part.

After Guo Qishuai got into the Golden Dragon car and went away, the whale plopped into the sea.

The sound was so loud that it could be heard resounding through the sky.

Gong Yue and Gong Xiaocui had already broken up with Guo Qishuai when they were on the shore, and now besides Zheng Zhenshuang, the driver of the Golden Dragon car is Zhao Qiaoling.

Zhao Qiaoling threw herself into Guo Qishuai's arms, regardless of what Zheng Zhenshuang thought, her reserve was almost gone, replaced by Zhao Qiaoling's sweet smile.

"Guo Qishuai, tell me quickly, how did you get that huge whale to listen to you?"

Guo Qishuai said: "It is indeed not an easy task to ask it to listen to me, but I have a way to control the whale."

"What method? Tell me quickly, I want to learn it too."

"You can't learn this method."

"I don't care, I want to learn anyway, this kind of whale control is really amazing."

"You may not be able to learn this kind of whale control technique, but I can teach you some simple techniques, and then you can control animals such as cats and dogs."

"That's fine, I'll start with the simple ones."

Zheng Zhenshuang said while driving the car: "Mr. Guo, I heard today that when you fought against Chen Miehai, it was very exciting. The people on Seizing Soul Island were shocked by Mr. Guo. Beisheng, my heart beats when I hear it."

Guo Qishuai said: "Actually, it's nothing, it's all their exaggeration."

Guo Qishuai hugged Zhao Qiaoling and fell asleep with his eyes closed. When Guo Qishuai was woken up by Zhao Qiaoling, they had already arrived home.

It was already dark, Guo Qishui opened the car door and took Zhao Qiaoling out of the car.

Guo Pingping still said on the sidelines: "Brother, take my sister-in-law home quickly, the food is ready."

Both Guo Chengwang and Dong Xiuyun cried with excitement.

Guo Chengwang said: "Qi Shuai, you are fine, just come back, your mother and I have been worrying about you."

Dong Xiuyun wiped away her tears, made herself smile, and said, "Why do you think I'm crying, and the child is fine."

Guo Qishuai said: "Mom and Dad, didn't I tell you? Prepare the food and eat it when I come back."

The meals were sumptuous, and Guo Qishuai, Guo Chengwang and his son toasted each other a lot of wine.

Guo Chengwang took a bite of spinach and said, "Qi Shuai, tell me how you defeated Chen Miehai?"

"Dad, why do you care so much about this?"

(End of this chapter)

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